>>Warning: Generator not run from a legal (Steam) Skyrim installation directory. If you use SKSE, this can be fixed by starting Skyrim once through Steam.<<
FNIS Behavior V7.5 XXL 09.12.2019 18:33:02
Generator: D:\Games\TES V - Skyrim\ModOrganizer\mods\FNIS-XXL\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\GenerateFNISforUsers.exe
Skyrim 32bit: ??.??.?? - D:\Games\TES V - Skyrim\
Skeleton(hkx) female: Default (99 bones) male: Default (99 bones)
Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations"
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"
Patch: * xp32's "New Animation for Running with Bow"
Patch: * xp32's "New Animation for 1H Weapon"
Patch: * xp32's "Momo Acrobatic Jump"
Patch: * rongphale's "Horsemen Mounted Combat Enh."
Patch: * Moljka's "Blocking Combat Behavior Improv. for Skyrim"
Patch: * DServant's "Archery Gameplay Overhaul" (CTD:0,1%)
Reading FNISBase V7.5 ... ChAnims:1 CTD:0,0% pOpt:0,0%
Reading FNISCreatureVersion V6.1 ... ChAnims:0 CTD:0,0% pOpt:0,0%
Reading MomoAJ V?.? ... ChAnims:2 CTD:0,0% pOpt:0,0%
NOTE: MomoAJ uses outdated behavior file (may invalidate CTD Load calculation)
All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files....
17 GENDER modifications for Animations\male
45 GENDER modifications for Animations\female
Create Creature Behaviors ...
3 animations for 3 mods successfully included (character).
ChAnims: 3 CTD:0,0% pOpt:0,0% max: 6037 LC: 13 (max. 26162)
1 Warning(s).