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Мини-мод Cheyron's Campaign Helper Mod

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Cheyron's Campaign Helper v2.2.3 (от 27.07.2023) :

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(для Bannerlord 1.2.2)


    Fixed crash when starting a siege but you hadn't selected any siege gear. smh
    Fixed siege gear not loading for player when you you joined an NPC led siege.
    Fixed cultures not loading into the menus for selecting troops or spawning clan members.
    Starting with mod version 2.2.0 this mod uses ButterLib instead of BannerLib.
    Once two of the three empire factions get eliminated, the surviving empire faction will rename themselves to the Calradian Empire and the new kingdom scene will play. Ruler gets "the Great" nickname. Ruling clan gets renown and influence.
    Fixed lift siege fix triggering when joining field battles between NPCs which led to a crash.
    Fix siege ambush missions equipping your siege gear. Your siege gear should only get assigned when attackers are climbing the walls, using battering rams etc.
    Now you can view saved default equipment for cultures that are used by the Spawn Clan Member function in the F10 menu. This equipment is used when spawning a hero for a clan and clicking 'No' when asked to copy equipment from a similar clan member. Hold Ctrl+Shift when selecting 'Spawn Clan Member' in the F10 menu to view saved equipment. Hold Shift when selecting 'Select Gear' in the F10 menu to setup and save the default equipment for a culture.
    Updated some strings. Check previous changelogs if you missed them.
    Fixed custom cultures not loading when spawning clan members.
    You can select item modifiers when selecting items (cheat) in the F10 menu.
    Fixed strings, stuff like spelling and other string errors. If you make translations you should review all changes with something like notepad++ and the compare plugin.


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Мод сменил название на Bannerlord Trainer Plus (Formerly Campaign Helper)


Bannerlord Trainer Plus v2.3 (от 02.11.2024) :

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(для Bannerlord 1.2.11)
Исправлен сбой при создании героя.

Изменено пользователем Alisacat007

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Bannerlord Trainer Plus v2.3.8 (от 25.12.2024) :

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(для Bannerlord 1.2.12)

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Bannerlord Trainer Plus v2.3.22 (от 02.02.2025) :

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(для Bannerlord 1.2.12)


    Tons of changes, see previous changelog.
    Fixed strings file error causing dialogue to not show up. English users can edit the strings.xml in ModuleData to change any string "text" in the mod.
    Can toggle drunk man on or off.
    When drunk man is enabled, you can set the probability he spawns. Default 50%
    Fixed settings texts.
    Can now raise companions to nobility as lord of a kingdom (when player is ruling a kingdom, toggle comapnion dialogue in MCM)
    Can form cavalry detachments with Shift+Insert key when targeting an enemy party. Requires food and cavalry to form detachment.
    Fixed crash when no matches found, using menu to enable party AI and other menu fixes
    Empire Rename Fix: Ruler of last empire will become "the Great" only if they hold at least one town from each empire. Recommended a new game. Will work on an existing save but will register which settlements are empire upon first load.
    Trainer Menu: Meet all heroes, Start Rebellions, Start Tournaments Added. Superman for entire world (Ctrl+Shift)
    Tournament winners can access keep
    Start rebellions through powerful gang leaders
    Added gallop away to encounter menu when everyone in your party is mounted and everyone in the enemy is on foot.
    Can now set the max party size for every party on the map. Hold the shift key when clicking ok in the trainer menu for the set party size limit option.
    Fix drunkman spawning on top of chairs in the tavern. (he sill does but way less often... mod looks for entities with certain tags to spawn at)
    Added more drunkman dialogue and gave him an idle and new behavior in dialogue.
    Added looter army ambushes. Only occurs when player party has at least 51 troops and player is not wounded. Set probability in MCM. (had to reupload to fix something). CREDIT TO SERVE AS SOLDIER
    Fixed a bug in superman function.
    Carry weight tweak settings are now separated for player and NPC. Player is on by default while NPC tweaks is off by default. NPC defaults are at 0.85. This should help with odd behavior by parties. Thanks to Tadas The King of Lithuania.
    Updated and fixed localization errors and updated the strings file (allows you to edit the english strings) and module strings xml (localization template)


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Bannerlord Trainer Plus v2.3.26 (от 16.03.2025) :

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(для Bannerlord 1.2.12)


    Fixed crash when starting custom battle.
    Added new feature to force agents to use their polearm or drop it. If the mod sees the agent has a polearm, it will make them equip it. If they unequip it, it will instead be dropped. Historically, you would start with a spear, then once things get close you drop your spear and draw a mace/axe/sword etc. Toggle in MCM. Enabled by default.
    Fixed menu bug when no results were found when using the Change Clan Leader function in the F10 menu. Made the text more informative for this function.
    Fixed menu bug when no results were found when using the Change Hero Clan function in the F10 menu.
    Added MCM setting to toggle sneaking in settlements under siege fix. Now the Lifting Sieges setting only controls if garrisons sally out when you attack the besieger camp.
    Setting added to MCM to toggle children dialogue so other mods can use their own children dialogue.
    Dialogue to raise companions to nobility with your ruler will now refresh on the hourly tick. Before you had to save and load your game for this dialogue to be loaded for each companion. Dialogue lines are normally only added when the game session is launched.
    Bandit ambushes will now skip deployment when the battle starts.
    Fixed alternate story mode dialogue that allows you to trigger the hideout mission to find the final banner piece with your preferred ally. Vanilla story mode assumes your character would trick people into helping you. Who do you think I am TaleWorlds??


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Частичный перевод мода Bannerlord Trainer Plus v2.3.26


Bannerlord Trainer Plus v2.3.26 (RU by blackmanos) (от 16.03.2025) :

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    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

Автор : blackmanos
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    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

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Bannerlord Trainer Plus v2.3.32 (от 21.03.2025) :

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(для Bannerlord 1.2.12)


    Real Polearm Usage: Battanian Rhomphalia will be excluded from being dropped. It is pretty much a two-handed sword. It has a hilt and could feasibly be holstered.
    Real Polearm Usage: Fixing backup weapon logic and message being used in prison, lordshall, tavern, town centers and arena. Checking location ID now.
    Fixed drunkman spawning on entities with names that contain "chair" or have a parent entity with a name that contains "sleep" in it. This should now finally prevent him from spawning on top of chairs or beds. (I hope)
    Removed the name marker widget patch because it started causing freezes in the game once the drunk man fight completed. It was intended to fix a crash associated with the drunkman fight, but I never confirmed if it actually did anything. It did more harm than good. This crash only happened once in a while and that's just Bannerlord for ya. What is Bannerlord without crashes... am I right guys? Right? Fellas? *crickets*
    Fixed drunkman dialogue triggering while in a conversation with another agent. This could happen when using the menu overlay to "Visit" a hero and by chance the drunkman spawned near the location of this conversation.
    Fixed dialogue showing a coin only.
    Minor fixes for Real Polearm Usage text and behavior in the arena.
    Fix a crash with name marker screen widget rectangle during the drunkman fight.
    When paying a lord to attack a kingdom, kingdom choices will now cycle with the "Hmmm..." dialogue so they don't run off the screen when playing games with tons of kingdoms. (These dialogues are loaded when the game first loads so if you don't see a kingdom option because it was created after your game loaded. Save your game and load again to update the dialogues.)
    Real Polearm Usage Fix
    Real Polearm Usage/Raise Your Banner Fix
    Real Polearm Usage fix for holstered polearms not dropping in certain situations.


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    • От Alisacat007
      Phantasy Calradia
                                                                                                    (Phantasy 2018)

      Автор : Guspav and GSanders
      Сайты разработки :

      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
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      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
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      Версия мода : v160_c17iv_c (от 13.02.2025)
      Игра : Mount & Blade: Warband 1.174  

      Phantasy_v160_C15_V_FULL (от 07.12.2024) :
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      Полная версия мода.  
      Patch_v160_c17iv_c (от 13.02.2025) :
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      Патч ставить поверх полной версии с заменой файлов.  
      Перевод мода Phantasy Calradia v160_c17iv_cv (от 21.03.2025) :
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      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      Автор : lostav
      Сайт разработки : https://gamesource.org/forum/328-warband-эпоха-турниров-моды  

                                                                                                             Описание :
      ''Phantasy 2018'' это продолжение мода ''Phantasy Calradia'' 2014 года, с огромным количеством изменений и дополнений. Знакомая нам Кальрадия получила интересный фэнтезийный лор с новыми расами, оружием и магией, монстрами и нежитью. 13 фракций соперничают в фантастическом мире, расширенном до 29 городов. Добавлены Дипломатия и PBOD. Мод поддерживает работу на wse2, что позволяет использовать новые возможности для Warband.
      Обновлена функция использования жены в качестве компаньона. Усовершенствованы торговля, экономика и создание предприятий. В таверне ''Четыре пути'' предоставляются банковские услуги.
      Администрация городов теперь может закрыть ворота перед вашим отрядом, если в нем присутствуют бойцы враждебных рас. 75 новых рецептов для самостоятельного изготовления оружия. Возможность изучения заклинаний жрецов и магов. Патрули, некромантия, охота и рыбалка.
      Полный changelog для версий мода series C можно взять на 

      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.  

    • От Alisacat007
      Saxon'ish Armoury

      Автор : W1nston1
      Сайт разработки :
      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      Версия мода : v1
      Игра : Mount & Blade II Bannerlord  
                                                                                                   НОВАЯ ВЕРСИЯ :

      Saxon'ish Armoury v1.1 (от 21.03.2025) :
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      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      (для Bannerlord 1.2.10+) Броня.
      Saxon'ish Armoury (rbm) v1 (от 11.12.2024) :
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      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      (для Bannerlord 1.2.10+) Патч совместимости с RBM для брони.
      Saxon'ish Armoury (weapons) v1.1 (от 17.02.2025) :
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      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      (для Bannerlord 1.2.10+)
      Saxon'ish Armoury (rbm weapons) v1.1 (от 17.02.2025) :
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      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      (для Bannerlord 1.2.10+)
      Патч совместимости с RBM для оружия.  
                                                                                             ПРЕДЫДУЩИЕ ВЕРСИИ :
                                                                                                            Описание :
      Новые доспехи и одежда, выполненные автором в стиле викингов и саксонцев. Модели нательной брони и шлемов проработаны до мелочей. В планах создание моделей оружия.
      Все это можно приобрести с помощью чит-меню.

                                                                                                            Установка :
      Распаковать содержимое архива в папку Modules, находящуюся в главной директории игры, активировать мод в загрузчике.
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