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New Aut Caesar aut nihil (18+)

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                                                                          Aut Caesar aut nihil
                                                                            Или Цезарь, или ничто      (18+)





Автор : [BG]Maxi (testviechgames)
Сайт разработки :

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    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

Версия мода : v. 1.04  (от 05.11.2019)

Под  M&B: Warband v1.158 и выше. (Рекомендуется v1.174)



                                                                                                НОВАЯ ВЕРСИЯ :


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.603 (от 19.03.2022) :

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    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.


Частичный русификатор для Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.434 (от 31.01.2021, Автор : frankenheim) :

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    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.


Частичный русификатор для Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.434 (от 11.12.2020, Автор : frankenheim) :

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    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.


Музыкальный патч  Music and Sounds in .ogg format   для мода версии v. 1.04 (от 22.11.2019) :

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    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

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                                                                                        ПРЕДЫДУЩИЕ ВЕРСИИ :



Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.603 (от 17.01.2022) :

Изменения :


-) added some additional conditions to prevent dead lord from coming back
-) Olympic games timer is set properly
-) fixed Bosporan culture towns/villages/castles cause crash in the following situations:
village raids, looting/sacking the town/castle after capture, killing town/castle population, fighting bandits in villages. (done, but not updated)
-) make sure Ra Karak can't disappear (works only if you haven't hired him yet)
-) fixed Nikomedia siege scene
-) fixed conflict with armour randomization code that causes leg to disappear under certain situations, mainly noticeable for auxilia.
-) fixed Germanic shortsword and axe have missing modifiers
-) fixed hunt quest: should only be possible in settlement where quest is issued
-) fixed recruitment of volunteers in town/castles
-) player horse wont spawn as defender, only as attacker
-) restored old sounds as the sound bug I wanted to fix was not fixed at all
-) fixed some centurio helm missing skinning
-) fixed name of temples player can build
-) fixed an exploit with mercenaries

new features:
-) player can now order any weapon or armour piece from latifundia smiths or weapon/armour merchants him with selectable modifier
-) player can now ask a horse merchant or latifundia breeder to import a horse for him with selectable modifier
-) lords can comment on player's cloth he wears during conversation.

-) only Roman, Bosporan, Armenian and Parthian player-spouses will trigger the spouse event for spending too much money on various stuff
-) while freelancing the duty menu will pop-up weekly
-) made Thusnelda (the lady version, not the quest one) adventerous for Arnulf


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.602 (от 01.01.2022) :

Изменения :


- fixed texture of legio hispania vexilium
- added a threshold for looter spawns
- made a trigger less heavy
- fixed some typos and minor things
- fixed night bandits and improved its calculation
- removed the 'covers beards' flag from some helmets which shouldnt have it
- fixed some minor issues
- fixed troops spawning behind some buildings during the Fake-Nero fight
- optimised sound files
- after overthrowing Nero player claims no longer to be son of Nero but son of Claudius to justify rule, which makes player brother of Nero
- fixed an issue with soldiers not having legs


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.602 (от 24.12.2021) :

Изменения :


v. 1.600 beta changes:
- fixed issue with wlod adventures quest: disguess will now be removed once player joins caravan to
sagala, this will avoid an issue where player spawns without armor in sagala
- fixed an issue while freelancing where it could happen that player participates in a battle between two
Roman lords
- fixed an issue with sea raiders not patrolling sea properly
- fixed some issues with minor faction parties AI
- fixed an issue in dialogue with daughter
- fixed issue with armored horses not appearing in shops
- you can now only travel to Sagala from Ctesiphon
- fixed an issue in raiding code
- fixed typos
- fixed an issue with dead lords reappearing if civil war ends
- fixed some glitches
- a germanic sword and axe which had blunt damage now have cut damage
- you can no longer change commander of enemy civil war faction
- joining Rome via invitation quest will end now the entlist army quest
- fixed a crash related to an collision mesh of a prop
- fixed an issue with fur coat
- you can no longer enlist a lord who is imprisoned
- roman gladius upper thrust will now inflict same damage as lower thrust (swing and thrust damage are
now equal for the normal weapon mode, as the upper thrust animation uses swing damage)
- fixed same issue with spears
- fixed extra penetration flag
- fixed an issue with companion parties
- the wife of shah of Armenia is no longer mother to anyone, as she is too young
- added some clothing for garamantes and gaetuli
- added some other roman shields which where hidden on the textures but not used
- replaced germanic ridged helms with zomby roman helms (thx @oliver)
- replaced some germanic shirts with better tunics (thx @oliver)
- added judean tunics, mail shirts and scale armors and 4 new Germanic mails and tunics (thx @oliver)
- added a couple of auxiliar helms and some old Roman helms (thx @oliver)
- added 4 judean scutums (thx @Mamo for shield patterns)
- added old and rusty gladii and hasta
- added one new Roman style throwing spear
- changed Aegis and Ancient Shield hitpoints
- changed some roman shield textures (thx @Mamo)
- added new short bow and new long bow
- added three small round shields for Rome (thx @Mamo)
- added germanic noble tunics (thx @oliver)
- added rings
- added four Germanic caps
- added Eastern Germanic shields (thx @Fabio of Great Lombardy)
- added new roman armors and some helms (thx @oliver)
- added new vexilia for custom legion (thx @lib)
- added Alexanders armor and changed Alexanders helm
- stone has now different texture then silver
- added Arminius helm and spatha
- added crown of egypt (thx @migdeu19 from ToNC Ancestors mod)
- added toga picta for Emperor
- added augustus breastplate (thx @lib for the decoration)
- added 3 clubs (thx @oliver)
- added two poor tunics, two hoods and a cloak from brytenwalda
- added a couple of simple roundshields

- added two dacian spears, two eastern spears, one sarmatian spear, celtic throwing spear, dacian
throwing spear, eastern throwing spear, parthian axe for cataphracts, Armenian sword and Armenian axe
- replaced parthian armors and tunics
- added armenian armors and tunics
- replaced sarmatian armors and tunics
- added bosphoran scale armors
- added a Germanic spear
- added Germanic shields (thx mamo)
- added palmyrian lamellar and swords
- removed two native sarranid armors and replaced them by arabian lamellar armors
- added arabian colored turbans and simple tunics
- replaced Friedbert with Assi, legendary ruler
- replaced Actogais with Ambri, Assi and Amrbi are brothers
- gaetuli troops are now light infantry
- changed parthian troop tree, added new elite infantry unit
- changed judean troop tree
- added armenian troops tree
- slightly changed Germanic troop tree
- changed cretan archers: they no longer have a linothorax and Greek equipment
- removed manhunter troop tree
- added palmyrian mercenaries
- vestal priest is now outside the temple along side with the people, its no longer possible to enter the
temple, though player can look into it from outside, and the holy fire has been added
- added a bedroom to domus augusti
- added hieroglyphs to pyramid scene (which you can read)
- added village scene for African villages
- added castle scene for the two Roman castles in Africa
- added scene for Ephesus, with Artemis temple
build fortifications:
- you can now fortify your camp (will lead to a camp battle if you are attacked)
- you can also fortify your siege camp
- added small quest involving Pavel
- added special quest about Thusnelda, Arminius' wife
- added Nero reborn quest
- added elysium quest
- added legendary lombard quest
- peace declarations can now happen more frequent and player will recieve more peace offers from AI
with option to negotiate
- AI will now also try to make peace even if it distrusts its enemy a lot
- if AI suffered a lot during a war without gain it is more willing to make peace now
- during peace negotations player can demand now more money
- normal truce lasts now for 25 days instead of 20 to give factions more time to recover
- if player joines an assult the attackers will now also retreat if they lose the battle with high casualities
(just like if the player defeats an assult if he is defending)
- each siege now has 4 spawns for defenders and 4 for attackers, attackers have now also 4 archer
position to which the attacker archers will go
also attacker archers will recieve ammunition supplies now, once they run out of ammo they will also
if player builds mantels the archers will have additional palisades which protect them (ai will always
build mantels by default)
- sally out mission uses now a field battle scene rather than the siege scene
other changes:

- changed titles of Sarmatians: Sayal (King), Katiari (Queen), Batesa (Sworn Bondsman)
- modified HDR effects so it looks less silly
- added a cutscene to the wlod I quest
- sand storms can occur in deserts
- added generic freelancer task to collect tribute from subjugated (non-Roman) villages
- added a freelancer event
- remvoed manhunter parties
- Roman factions will now only give castles/towns + surrounding villages to lords
- added olympic games: they have 7 competitons (spear throw, discus throw, horse racing, mule racing,
and two running races (one with hoplite armor one without),
all competitions can be played in Olympia at any time
- freelancer wages will now show in the bugdet report, the budget report is now enabled while
- Eastern Germanic mercenaries have a change to be recruitable in Eastern Germanic villages
- foraging for food has now much smaller probability to cause small casualities
- ala praetoriana can now only be recruited in barrracks of centers owned by praetorian prefect or if you
are Emperor in your own barracks
- barracks building build by non-Romans will provide player a new presentation to recruit troops instead
of volunteers
- no longer possible to arrest your wife while she is in your party
- modified horse archer ai to avoid horse archers getting stuck at scene borders
- you can now also order your companions to stage a border incident with you own faction (i.e. fabricate
claim, is necessary if you want to declare war without relation lose)
- major faction tributaries of player faction will now pay a tribute (just like minor factions)
- added a new game to the greek philosopher (thx @BanDHMO)
- you can recruit balistarii from barracks too
- disabled ironman option at gamestart, i.e. you are now forced to make your own save files!
- added new center buildings: sewers, provincial farming, provincial peasture land, provincial trader,
guard posts, Great port, fishing port, paved roads, quarry, hospital, industrial mills, indutrial looms,
industrial smithies
- changed center managment menu to a presentation
- added Q and A event with Petrus
- changed menu art
- player can no longer deposit money when talking with a praefect in scriptorium, instead inside the
scriptorium an agentarii will spawn
player can talk with him and deposit money, he can also lend his money out and recieve interests (more
detailed explaination can be found under game concepts)
- you no longer need to pay for accommodation if you rest in Rome if you own a villa there
- added three special artefacts the player can obtain from doing the 'Conquer Britannia', 'Conquer
Germania' etc quests
- added menorah with (moral bonus only if you are worshipping yhwhe)
- mithras statue will only give you a moral bonus if you are not worshiping christ or yhwhe
- slave markets should now be build more often
- converting culture is now a little bit faster
- doing the quests to conquer land for Rome will give you a cognomen
- added more dialogue options to a freelancer event
- looters will no longer spawn near high prosperity villages (<66)
- added sprinting to horse races: by pressing J you can speed up your horse, though if it gets too
exhausted it will die and you will lose
- changed cursor
- you can now buy new furniture for domus mare
xp gain (idea is to have a level 40 character after ~500 days of campagning without having to kill 5k
- xp gain from killing/wounding enemies is now also higher
- finishing buildings (of latifundia and town) will give now xp
- killing animals during hunt will now give extra xp
- winning horse race gives now more xp

- freelancer daily training gives now more xp
- flirting gives now more xp
- added xp gain to most events
- successfully embzelling funds will give now xp
- extra xp gain from progress points gained during battles
optimisation and textures:
- reduced size of specular maps
- reduced size of save files
- minor optimisation of some models and collisions
- added several bump and specular maps
- removed unnecessary alpha channels from some textures
- optimised map icons
debug changes:
- disabled debug cheats, to enable set the slot g_is_dev of trp_global_variables to 1 in game_start script
and compile
- game will detect how often player uses the cheatmenu
version 1.601 beta changes:
- Greek (shit) items will no longer appear in shops, pavel has the monopol on it now
- added scabbard for sarmatian swords, alan swords, parthian daggers (but not for greek shit)
- removed native sabres
- removed native boots: hide boots, hunter boots, ankle boots, removed native nomad armor
- added new model for Sarmatian boots and leather boots
- added Fabio kaftans
- no longer possible to marry Testia Domitia if player is betrothed
- fixed Alexanders Armor appearing shop
- removed debug message appearing on world map about faction diplomacy
- fixed typo of old mercenary
- fixed last dialogue in wlod 2
- fixed elysium quest doesnt end
- fixed infest by bandit bug
- fixed rioters killing praetorians
- fixed second outfit doubles items
- fixed Arminius tomb relation loose
- fixed missing change to world map in Lucia event
- fixed lombards not recruitable
- fixed collision of pyramid
- fixed Syrian helm glitch
- fixed legendary Pilos helm glitch
- renamed Bulgur to Utidava and Kedelk to Setuacotum
- added dialogue option to father of bride to marry her without a feast if 1 week has passed without
anything happening and if player and his bride are at the same center during conversation
- fixed other typos
- fixed some dacian castle scene
- replaced Sarmatian helms
- changed Native behavior: for player weddings AI lords can now host feasts EVEN if player is marshal,
this will have unforeseen consequences
- changed Armenian tunics to a different pattern
- Anicetus has now an Armenian short ringsword instead of a shit Greek sword
- removed boetian helm from scythian mercs
- non-time conform items should only be buyable from special merchants know (i.e. Pavels hellenistic
- removed native khergit dresses and replaced them with something else
- removed diplomacy dialogue option from player wife to buy bread and also removed the ridiculous
trigger to make the spouse party moving
- travellers and slave traders will now also generate small tariffs modified by buildings
- new dancer outfits and special outfit for player spouse in bedroom scene

version 1.602 changes:
- fixed an issue with gwenhyfar, she cant join now if party is full
- hiring bandits from lair now only possible if you are at peace with the bandit faction
- fixed issues with bandit hideouts loot calculation and added more loot
- new scenes for some bandit hideouts
- added a Libyan village scene
- added Germanic village scene based on a scene from @wlod
- made Alans deadlier
- tweaked parameters for horse archers
- fixed even more spelling mistakes
- you will now lose progress points for team killing while freelancing
- added more banners
- roman legates carry now a banner fitting to their legion
- fixed wolf hunting bug
- fixed cattle not appearing
- Greek mercs will no longer appear in Roman taverns, only way to get them now is via the emperor
event about alexander
- added recruitement limit to barracks, volunteers wont update if town/castle is under siege
- reduced recruitement cost
- while freelancing it is now possible to talk with the immune for treating wounds during sieges, as long
as player is not wounded
- if player party exceeds prisoner limit additional prisoners will now escape!
- added own rebelious slave troop tree
- there was an issue on the boundaries of the large hand made battle scenes from the osp (this issue was
there for quite a while), thus I changed all large battle scenes
- added coastal roman village scene based on a scene from @wlod
- added Alpine roman village scene based on a scene from @wlod
- added secret chest to Carthage town center (hint: look around the habour)
- added small events for companions: low level companions will slowly gain xp, strength and agility
while player is travelling around the world
- added quest: investment opportunity
- changed some Dacian scenes
- roman officers will now stand in last row of a wedge or ranks formation (as they are easily get killed in
first row), for shield wall: centurios still can stand in first row, but aquilifer and signifers wont.
- after an agent starts or stops running away at least 15 seconds need to pass before he re-decides his
- added more nubian euqipment (axes, heater shields and kilts)
- added a Germanic coastal village scene (by Rafa)

1.602 hotfix:
- disabled dev cheats
- changed riding skill requirements
- locked lending out money behind a renown threshold
- other minor things
- disabled some event which shouldnt happen while freelancing
- improved a siege scene


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.511 (от 11.07.2021) :

Изменения :


- when sneaking into castles, siege equipment will be removed properly
- fixed a glitch with manica
- fixed a glitch with masks
- fixed a glitch with slinger tunics
- added missing triggers for some missions
- fixed a glitch with bronze sandals
- added back pelt for hamata of legio macedonica which has been accidentially removed
- renamed item: bearskin to wolfskin
- made Bosporan queen older (so that she really can be mother of her childs)
- added primary flag to all secondary flag items which was missing and caused some issues
- fixed an issue if player switches to inventory with winter clothing
- changed some strength requirements for hasta which where a little bit too high
- added a fall back to code that changes shoes in winter
- fixed a glitch with cataphract boots
- changed damage of long hasta from 31 to 30
- minor faction raider parties will now also drop off prisoners
- fixed a problem with parties travelling to Cyrene or parties near Cyrene
- added missing merchandise flag for: roman poor tunics and togas, dresses, some helms and a weapon
- added merchandise flag to greek fire
- added heavy armor to pavels shop
- fixed glitch with linothorax
- fixed some typos and grammar
- fixed a diplomacy issue in dialogues
- added a dialogue to the special merchants in rome to ask them where the goods merchant is if the quest is active
- you can now also buy some slaves from ramun and galeas
- casualities from siege events are now smaller
- casualities due to autocalculation when storming walls are now slightly higher
- when buying slaves from slave traders, dialogue will now inform you if you have not enough capacity
- made the spy party slower to make the 'follow spy' quest easier
- added rumor strings to tavern keepers for certain special quests
to make playing as villain a bit easier and to encourage roleplaying:
- low honor will now increase prisoner limit
- if you have low honor depending on looting skill you can now steal money from defeated lords after a battle, money gain depends on how dishonorable you are
- being more dishonorable will give you more prisoners while chasing after villagers
- being dishonorable will give you more prisoners if you sack a town/castle
- being dishonorable will give you more money if you sack/loot a town/castle
(the main idea of this changes is that if your character is really dishonorable he takes more care while doing such actions, while a honorable character would be too hesitant)
- added information message once slaves are purchased by slavetrader
- manhunters have now a secondary weapon
- there is no longer snow during nile freelancer mission
- fixed a freelancer bug
- improved skinning of dancers outfit
- fixed glitch with gladius scab
- added a desert version for marching camp scene
- added dialogue to help slave in rome if emperor
- fixed an issue with patrols
- fixed more typos
- fixed a diplomacy bug
- fixed an issue with dialogues
- fixed conflicts in code between sea travel and patrols
- changed judean lair scene to be more fitting
- bandit lairs will no longer join battles
- added missing horse archer skills for horse archers (would require a new save to see this change)
- buying the two villas in rome will now give renown
- your staff (quaestor etc) will now also spawn on villa scenes


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.505a (от 03.07.2021) :

Изменения :


- you can no longer get ambushed by bandits if you are sneaking into the town
- local auxiliaries can now also be recruited in villages if the village is Romanized
- you can get prisoners again
- changed more Celtic noble faces
- changed some Germanic noble faces
- fixed a string bug in reports menu
- fixed a messed up vertex on worldmap
- changed germanic spear prices
- changed some sword and weapon prices
- low armor shoes are now much cheaper
- shields are a little bit more expansive now
- fixed a dialogue
- patrols will disband if their town change faction
- fixed minor issue on Alexandria scene
- changed difficulty of some weapons which where quite high compared to others


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.504 (от 01.07.2021) :

Изменения :


- new faces for Celtic lords (require new game)
- a minor change in menu
- while hunting during freelancing a flag was overwriten, this is now fixed
- AI behavior in sieges: at start, archers spawning at infantry spawn will be assigned to infantry division
- fixed native bug which pretended archers to go to their positions
- nerfed sarissas as they were op
- changed some ages/family relations of celtic lords (requires new game)
- increased greek fire damage as it was way too low
- changed some celtic lord ages because of '?' well, why not
- added a totally neutral option to a Nero event
- fixed finally the default custom legion selection not showing everything (needs a new game, sry)
- removed debug code
- added missing spawn points to lugdunum scenes
- leader gloves show now correct skin color
- king of dumoni and his wife are now older than their son
- fixed special issues for freelaning: player is now at war also with defeated factions to avoid problems with revolts (need to leave and then rejoin service for change to apply)
- while freelaning companions wont spawn in lord hall


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.503 (от 30.06.2021) :

Изменения :


- added names (Amogus...) (obviously needs new game to see this change)
- flirting successfully will give you now some xp
- improved standard equipment selection for Roman custom troops (requires new game)
- also in Judean towns one can now visit the baths
- fixed crocea mors sword
- certain rich items no longer have modifiers
- lowered price of shoes
- golden caliga are cheaper now, but still expensive, as they are made of gold
- fixed a string in an dialogue during freelancer event
- sporus dialogue should now work properly
- feasts at player villa will end after you attended to them
- looted towns will no longer creat a patrol
- player culture will now change properly if player decides to lead the jewish revolt as king
- spatha's have now better position
- changed effect of item modifiers (price and probability)


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.502 (от 28.06.2021) :

Изменения :


- changed stats of 2-handed hammers
- price for polearms is less sensible to the length now (in general, they are now cheaper, since I think a spear should be less expensive than a sword anyways)
- shields are again a little bit more expensive
- fixed more problems in dialogues
- in final battle of training peasant quests normal villagers will spawn
- bacchus quest will end now at the end
- special Roman arms/armor merchant sells now his stuff correctly again


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.501 (от 27.06.2021) :

Изменения :


- fixed minor issues in dialogues
- fixed issue at game start
- fixed start up quest
- made sure player cant reach an area he shouldnt reach on the new scene for rome
- special arms merchant will now sell pila and hasta again
- changed hit points of shields to be stronger to better fit for longer battles (keep in mind the importance of shield skill though)
- some adjustment to throwing weapons
- Sporus will only spawn after the quest has been done


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.500 (от 27.06.2021) :

Full changelog of the update:



    its now possible to revoke the lex militaris correctly
    fixed a small issue in character notes code
    fixed a minor dialogue
    fixed items not being displayed correctly in inventory
    corrected many typos
    fixed issue that agents weren’t considered as routed properly if they tactical retreat
    fixed wrong desert forest maps being used for large battles
    deceased lords/ladies can no longer attend to player domus mare feasts
    wind will no longer cause glitches on some trees, bushes and grass meshes


    removed lords: Cothelas, Reichsin, Mardonios (as they had no family and nobody likes them)
    changed several unit names to be latin/greek/germanic/celtic
    added new Scythian mercenary units
    improved equipment of most non Roman low level faction troops
    Celtic kings now have helms, Germanic lords have civilian clothing and new armour
    changed equipment of bandit troops
    changed steppe bandit troop to Alan raider and added two more Alan troops
    added Bosporan troops
    changed Scythian troops are now Sarmatian troops and they are all mounted now, have no longer shields and fight mostly with ringswords, kontos and bows
    mastercraftsmen now have equipment according to culture
    new handcrafted faces for:
    all arena masters, all armor merchants, all weapon merchants
    all tavern keepers, all horse merchants, all good merchants
    all magister civium, all village elders, all master craftsmen
    all slave traders, all wandering musicians, all the latifundia personal
    Artashidala, Surena, Phaedymia, Atossa, Artanis, Parysatis, Artystone, Artakama, Parmys,
    Artazostre, Rhoxane, Vashti, Damaspia, Artakamasa, Lulya Karinid, Ifar Mihranid,
    Asinia Stulta, Verginia Aurora, Coccia Prima,
    Pulchra Invidia, Darta, Valeria Victrix, Hunna
    companions now have proper age and renown set at game start
    companions stats are changed. Roman veterans now have higher stats and are a bit more expensive to higher. Some special companions also have now higher stats.


    added Sarmatian and/or Bosporan equipment
    added Alan equipment
    added some Indian equipment
    changed some Roman helmets which looked too similar
    civilian caligea no longer have nails, military have
    changed certain armors for a more consistent look
    removed most native items which where still in the mod
    adjusted values of armors, boots and helms
    weight, price, speed rating are now calculated via formulas taking into account quality, weight and size of the item
    corrected lengths of certain weapons and shield sizes
    changed some damage values of certain weapons
    shields are now weaker making it possible to break during battle
    Introduced a system for changing equipment of Roman troops during winter months, i.e. they will wear pants and longer tunics under their armor
    introduced a system to change body parts of armors to match the skin colour of the troop wearing it


    added quest: 'Dionysus rege!':
    quest is available in caves of Dionysus, you need to do the quest if you want the Aegis shield
    added secret quest (starring many famous people, including Emperor Kujula Kadphises)
    added special quest Tu amo, me non amare:
    For quest to trigger you need to talk with Biggus Dickus on victory party, then quest will trigger once you have more then 50 senate support while entering the senate (there is no longer any real penality don’t worry, so you wont lose any renown/influence or whatever, thought there is still a very small honor lose later on (which scales with your honor if respective diplomacy setting is actiavated, and some ethical concerns). The quest has choices allowing you to be 'nice' or not. Though you can only get two special items from the quest if you are not 'nice'
    kill local merchant quest:
    * quest will now appear more frequent
    * merchant has equipment depending on town culture
    * town center scene is used instead of buggy back alley scene
    tax collecting quest:
    * rebellious peasants now have clothing depending culture of current center


    added a missing entry point for a village scene
    adjusted some siege scenes
    village of Patrae (Greece) has unique scene
    new scene for Cyrene ( thanks oliver from 457AD mod)
    new set of scenes for Lugdunum (thanks oliver from 457AD mod)
    new scenes for Bosporan centers (thanks oliver from 457AD mod)
    new generic scenes for Sarmatian settlements: town, village, castle
    renamed/relocated some centers in Crimea
    added a castle and a village in the Ukrainian region

other changes:

    change to Lord party AI thinking:
    * the lord where player is enlisted should now follow marshal orders more often (of course, if there is no campaign in progress he wont)
    * courting a lady is now lower priority than patrolling an alarmed center (it was already very low priority, but now its really the lowest)
    * information radius now depends on culture of kingdom: Romans have highest, while Germans/Brits have the default, which is lowest now. (i.e. range at which a marshal is considered to be too far away, one could think of it like range of messengers)
    changes to faction diplomacy AI:
    * actor and target factions consider now possible alliances of their enemies when doing strength calculation
    * if a faction is allied with tow other kingdoms which declare war on each other it will now stay neutral
    * strength calculation now considers size of parties to determine its value
    * allies will now only join wars if they border to the faction, otherwise they cant wage war effectively:
    It is still possible that, for instance, the Dumoni ally with Armenia if both are at war with Rome,
    though Domuni wont join wars of Armenia against Parthia for instance, it will only join wars against Rome (as they both border to Rome)
    In particular, with the "curb power war goal" enabled, large alliances against Rome can be more effective now
    the relationship penality with the town lord for enterprises is now -40, idea: governors really need to hate you before they violate the law to harm you
    added some Sporus interaction
    improved performance of horse archer AI trigger a bit
    default female body shows no longer nude boobs, though dancer still (I failed to make it an option)
    new maps for steppe terrain
    improved patrol spawn code: each town can now have 1 patrol, castles wont have a patrol, this improves performance as I could remove a daily loop over all parties (f*** diplomacy) and AI will now decide size of patrol depending on town wealth, with wealthier towns having larger patrols and the town has to pay for patrol at spawn.
    changed saga of Beowulf to poem 'shield of Heracles'
    AI patrols should now retreat to their home town if they wandered to far away or are very small and will also drop of prisoners
    bandits drop of prisoners whenever they reach their lair, i.e. sold to slave traders
    bandits with too many prisoners will return to lair to drop of their prisoners
    bandit parties too small will be removed whenever they reach lair
    changed steppe bandits to Alani and added them as bandit faction
    changed Roxoloani to Sarmatae
    added Bosporan kingdom which replaces Scythia, also renamed some lords
    added cult of Mithras in Rome (only available after secret quest is completed)
    added Hellenic arms merchant in Rome (only available after secret quest)
    added special Indian merchant in Ctesiphon’s town center
    added Indian mercenaries available in some Parthian towns
    new random events (thanks @BanDHMO)
    in Cnossus (walking around the castle) you can now find the entrance to the labyrinth. There is some treasure and surprise awaiting you
    added a cutscene at beginning of 'rags' start
    added a new track
    changed tariffs calculation a bit: having entry controls issued will now provide more tariffs from caravans entering town
    added wolf, lion and leopard hunts for minor factions
    added new minor faction in Ireland with two new troops which can also be hired as mercenaries
    added new minor faction in Denmark with two new troops which can also be hired as mercenaries
    added new minor faction in Eastern Poland with two new troops which can also be hired as mercenaries
    added event about Claudia Augusta's dead
    a new freelancer event for nonPraetorian line
    the march with the soldiers freelancer event is now skippable (just press tab), but you wont get any progress points if you skip
    during 'tournaments' in Roman towns, player can now watch beasts fights
    removed option to let AI always attack: if freelancing, AI will always attack to avoid both armies watching each other,
    otherwise AI can decide whether it wants to attack or not. Reason is because having AI always attack make it use their range troops worse
    lords can now also be goodnatured, goodnatured and quarrelsome is less likely (Kaeso is no longer the only goodnatured lord)
    farmers when fighting bandits are now based on culture rather then being generic farmers
    in tournaments in nonRoman towns the participants will spawn using their own weapons: the idea is to have those 'nonRoman tournaments' be like competition between the best warriors of the region
    gladiator equipment is now for sale in Roman shops
    weapons and armour merchants inventories are now based on culture of town rather than original faction
    Armenian kings wife is no longer mother to older kids
    merchants in Jerusalem temple will no longer sell pork
    changed a quest description
    some changes to lord ages and family relation for British and Germanic lords
    dismounted cavalry will now be assigned to infantry division
    archers can now also form ranks
    overhead thrust with spear is now faster
    gladii now have overhead thrust and a new unique thrust animation, left and right slash is now disabled by default, you need to press X to enable and switch to different weapon mode
    new stand idle animation
    in field battle, ammunition will be refilled each 7 minutes (during sieges its 4 minutes)
    during large field battles: reinforcements will now spawn more frequent but with less troops
    Thestia Domitia is now also marriable if player choses to keep her as companion
    bandits chosen for freelancer patrol mission will now depend more on current location
    Custom banners are now working like the normal once
    Special items are no longer accessible from find item cheat. HAHAHA
    Changed chest location on Pyramid scene

Again a special thanks to Oliver and Wlodowic from 457AD mod team for models and research.


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.444b (от 26.04.2021) :

Скрытое содержимое

    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

Автор обновил свой мод, не меняя номера версии.


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.444b (от 21.03.2021) :



- fixed reinforcement wave threshold
other changes:
- new face for some heroes (thanks to Tribunus Mancinellus):
Sporus, Ariobarzanes, Kyros, Vashti Arkhid, Chosroidya, Coponia, Vitella Tertia, Flavia Vespasia, Cornelia Quinta, Fabia Pia,
Domina Albia Terentia, Salvia Pisa, Abronia Tullia, Suridisa, Salvia Minor, Fabia Aura, Orontidisa Atropatid, Aridisa, Savacidisa,
Zandina Suren, Sisygambis Smerdid, Rhoxane Cambysid, Dula Bagbignid, Menida, Sisygambis
- spy report (mission available from minister) now also includes information about the food stores of the towns/castles
- maximal possible reinforcement wave number is now 100, default value on game start is now 30


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.444 (от 18.03.2021) :

general changes:


- changed Celtic druid talk (thanks Tribune!)
- battle will no longer automatically end if all enemies are routing, but if you press tab while all enemies are routing you will end the battle and win (though you wont recieve a notification)
- no moral penality now when failing a battle speech
- as Emperor you can now always trade books with library in Alexandria
- spying on another kingdom via companion mission now gives more detailed information
- in hanging gardens no special characters will appear anymore
- minor fix
- fixed some text related things
- fixed native error in prison break mission
- fixed an issue with donating money to minor faction parties
- adjusted map to avoid parties getting stuck in Makedon
- fixed messed vertices near Massalia
- fixed an issue which caused AI to raid villages not properly
- fixed an native issue which caused AI to raid villages not properly and getting stuck in a loop
- changed sound format from ogg to wav
- changed existing and added new lods
quality of life changes:
- granting fief dialogue for walled centers (towns,castles): while pressing shift while clicking on a lord you can assign now all unassigned bounded villages to him too
- when removing a governor from a walled center, there is now also an option to remove him from all bounded villages
- granting fief dialogue for villages: the first lord displayed in the list is the lord of bounded center (if it has one)
- you can now show hide villages in granting and removing fiefs dialogue
- change to commander report: added number of owned villages, and made sure there are no glitches with long names
- food in follower party will now be consumed too: first your party consumes the food stored on the mules of the follower party, then the food in the player inventory will be consumed


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.443c (от 11.03.2021) :
Изменения :


- fixed an issue with kingdom ladies
- fixed an issue in civil war ending code
- removed mentionings of emperor in event texts
- increased troop limits for companion parties (camps and raiders): base is 200, for each leadership point additional +20 and for each charisma point additonal +5. Example: 10 leadership and 20 charisma gives you 200+10*20+20*5=500.
- level of custom archer and custom auxilia cornicern are now lower
- skills of custom archers (judean guard, aux cav archer and aux inf archer) now all have the right skill
- all customizable units have now (custom) in their names to better recognize them. example: Centurio (custom)


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.443 (от 08.03.2021) :
Изменения :


- minor faction parties cant spawn now if their town is sacked (in privious version only their limit was decreased)
- renamed Adiuterix to Adiutrix
- fixed a quick battle glitch
- fixed some other typos
- fixed a quest discribtion
- fixed issue in building code
- disabled a debug options from take-an-action menu
- buildings in looted towns/castles can no longer be finished as long as the town is looted
- changed AI meshes of Palmyra siege scene to avoid troops getting stuck
- changed thunder god quest describtion
- looting minor faction towns now also give you gold, silver, ivory and jewellry as loot
- you will now lose relation with deserters if you attack them
- no longer possible to suggest Nero a course of action (as it is unnecessary anyway)
- player is now also considered as possible social determinante for ladies (mainly for a small string issue in wedding)
- you can now also ask Nero for a promotion (event still exisit)
- updated game concepts
- added explainations to the senate lose support message
- removed human_female skeleton and replaced it with human skeleton


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.442 (от 05.03.2021) :
Изменения :


- in an event, trade skill is now considered for whole party as it is party skill
- some text changes
- adjusted rebellion templates: they are now standardized, size should be between 1000-1300 depending on player level
- added back archers to Germans
- lack of rest message will no longer display while freelancing
- you no longer lose progress points when failing freelancer task
- fixed a native bug
- fixed bandits getting stuck in lairs
- fixed a lair related issue
- fixed bandit parties doing nothing after lair is destroyed
- fixed freelancer issue with companions if freelancer party is defeated
- fixed another issue related with freelancer events
- judean rebel spawn point was on a mountain, this is fixed (new game only)
- changed bandit spawn limits a bit, some are now more depending on stability of Empire, in general they are lower
- bandit lairs can now also spawn at game start
- Auxilia Equites Sagittarius has now lower melee stats than Auxilia Eques
- increased prices of cohors/legion etc which are recruitable in barracks to better match prices of single soldiers, though they should still be cheaper if you recruit them as whole than if you recruit each soldier individual
- lair respawn timer now depends more on unrest
- conspiracy against player now properly imprisons traitors: you can put them now also in prison properly
- change to freelancer defeat logic: now companions wont leave player party after defeat
- improved "money doesnt stink" quest describtion
- standardized divorce with spouse: now always possible, but a divorce without reason will result in penalities
- divorce of spouse now considers all cases:
* if spouse is player minister, she retires as minister
* if spouse is in player party, she leaves player party
* if spouse has no social determinant (e.g. guardian or father), faction leader will adopt her
* if spouse is pregnant, child will always die (for simplicity)


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.441b (от 02.03.2021) :

Изменения :


- fixed a freelancer issue with tournaments: player spawning as opponent
- fixed important issue in start civil war code
- fixed an issue when visiting castle halls
- a small change to (low renown) recruitement in villages, now its not confusing anymore
- start up quest text changed
- changed equipment of normal bandit troop (needs new game)
- increased level of vigilia (needs new game)
- changed a glitched tree
- changed Nero banishment event text
- Tigellinus is no longer praefectus urbani after execution
- camp smith has armor again (needs new game)
- changed player on water without ship logic to avoid exploitation by player
- adjusted lods of faces a bit, hopefully less ugly now
- optimised textures using tool Ordenador
- renamed Greek fire to Vulcani ignis
- when starting freelancing, unrest penality is set to 0
- change to aux slinger armor
- change to Jerusalem town and siege scene

- fixed two quests related problems


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.440 (от 28.02.2021) :

Изменения :


A general note:
It is no longer necessary to disable HDR, instancing, auto-exposure. Those settings won't cause glitching anymore. But I still recommend to disable them especially for performance (though its now more a matter of taste than glitching). Also check the steam work shop description, the paragraph about errors and crashes has been updated.

- fixed issue in ambush mission
- fixed a dialogue with quaestor displaying wrong numbers
- fixed Iberian rebels not spawning
- fixed/improved bandit go to lair code
- fixed a bug with honorary titles: player can now lose title properly
- fixed glitching beards
- fixed glitching dresses
- fixed custom officers weren't providing leadership bonus
- fixed issue with the siege water mission, there is now a companion limit of 15
- fixed a division by zero error during freelancing in moral code
- fixed an issue with random events
- fixed (random) issue where soldiers were marching into the fields during freelancer march event
- fixed some dialogue related issues
- fixed hordes wont settle
- improved look of vexilia for custom legion and added one new (legio xv apollinaris)
- added four Roman shields
- added two Roman swords
- adjusted most roman armors
- changed cataphract armors
- added wooden Roman training gladius and training pila
- added tunic
- added Roman officer helms
- added two legate armors
- added two toga variants (red and pruple)
- adjusted cloak of Eques Orientis armor
- removed unnecessary caligea variants
- fixed glitchy linotharx
- added recolored dress variants
- added jewelry to noble dresses
- increased accuracy of slings, increased shoot speed and damage
- added Germanic noble chain mails
- improved skills and attributes of the sorcerer
- gave Centurio and Primus Pilus large shields
- assigned correct symbols and vexilia to some legions (some had wrong)
- improved Germanic troop tree:
* more experienced warriors now also have better armor
* noble troops now have only mail shirts
* also non-noble troops now have medium armor
* removed seax from noble swordsmen, they now all have swords
* replaced clubs with axes for higher experienced troops
- most Dacian troops now have helm guaranteed
- gave new items to Roman lords
- conservative and conventional ladies can now receive head clothes
- changed faces of 'nomadic' troops and lords to better represent Scythians
- added slingers of Rhodos as mercenaries
- renamed generic aux. slingers of Rome to Balearic slingers


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.434 (от 05.12.2020) :
Изменения :


- Исправление организации заговора.


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.433b (от 25.11.2020) :
Изменения :


- исправление для доходов от предприятий.


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.433 (от 14.11.2020) :
Изменения :


- fixed Nero zombie crash
- work around for latifundia not switching to village factions properly
- a change to how lords decide to seize income of player enterprices
- 'dry wells' quests target center is now the market town of the village not the bound center (which could be a castle)


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.432 (от 12.11.2020) :
Исправление ошибок предыдущей версии.


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.431 (от 08.11.2020) :

Из главного :


- Все купцы теперь будут иметь одну и ту же формулу для расчета своего богатства.
- После того, как Рим сгорит\разграблен, AI теперь правильно завершит в нем пиршество.
- Нерон теперь будет собирать свою ренту со своих деревень.
- Профиксен ксест ''Деньги не пахнут''.
- У Мамертинуса (Mamertinus) теперь новое уникальное лицо (при начале новой игры).
- Улучшения некоторых доспехов и оружия.


Полный список изменений :

- fixed a small issues with 'faction was provoked by' string
- some improvements to some Roman legate armors
- adjusted Roman funditor armor
- Aegis shield will not be shown on the back of characters when not in use, as it glitches
other changes/additions:
- additions to game concepts
- all merchants will now have the same formula to calculate their wealth, goods merchant is no longer the richest merchant in town
- recently added legate armors are now available for Roman special arms merchant
- after a place is sacked (or Rome burns down), AI should recalculate now correctly, i.e. a feast in Rome will now conclude if the town got sacked or Rome burned down
- AI now more inclined to follow AI marshal orders
- Nero will now collect his rents from his villages (he has a right for his rents)
- added estate report
- money doesn't stink quest can now expire
- Mamertinus has a new unique face now (new game only)


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.430 (от 01.11.2020) :

Изменений как всегда очень много. Из главного :


- Профиксены и добавлены новые сцены (Вавилон, Пальмира,Сузы,Лондиниум, пещеры Диониса, Александрийская библиотека и др.).
- Новые квесты (''Деньги не пахнут'', ''Быстрый корабль'', ''Философ'').
- Добавлена возможность прогуляться по вершине Александрийского маяка.
- Сами сцены теперь загружаются быстрее.
- Новые легендарные предметы.
- Друид из Стоунхенджа не будет говорить о чтении того, что еще не записывалось.
- Изменился характер римских компаньонов: теперь они в основном воинственные и добродушные, что делает их идеальными для замены губернаторов / легатов после чистки.
- Теперь можно брать пленных после морского боя.
- Исправлена ошибка фрилансера с созданием копии игрока при попадании в плен.
- НПС, такие как торговцы, трактирщики и т. д., теперь имеют одежду, основанную на культуре их поселения.


Полный список изменений :


- fixed a problem with fireballs
- gave Lucullus Caepio a weapon
- fixed some dialogues and texts
- fixed some dialogues in latifundium
- its now possible to take prisoners after sea battle
- no longer possible to ask for reward while being mercenary
- fixed a possible reason why certain events wont trigger
- set construction time for silk worm breeder correctly
- fixed script error: AI will no longer besiege port parties
- fixed a possible issue in 'game_event_simulate_battle' script
- fixed a script error in "process_hero_ai" code
- fixed issues in center_plunder mission which caused lag or crashes when plundering certain settlements
- fixed a freelancer bug where player is taken prisoner which creates a copy of the player
- fixed a bug which caused centers randomly switching factions and save game corruption
- you can now fight sea battle while freelancing
- special scene for the hanging gardens
- new special village scene for Babylon
- added three new generic Parthian village scenes
- added new scene for Palmyra
- added new scene for Ctesiphon
- added new scene for Dura Europos
- added new scene for Samosata
- added new scene for Arbela
- added new scene for Susa
- added new scene for Phasis
- added new scene for Masada
- added new scene for Ceasarea
- added new prison for Londinium
- Artaxata: improved siege scene (additional ladder)
- Arsamosata: improved siege scene (additional ladder), new interior and prison scene
- Apsaros: improved siege scene (additional ladders and other changes), new interior and prison scene
- Sleza: has now a river and a small sacrifice place
- Generic Germanic town siege scene: additional ladder, moved spawn point for attackers
- Sirmium: changed exterior scene, its no longer a motte-and-bailey like castle
- Tulisurquium: added additional ladders
- added a scene for the library of Alexandria (and renamed it to Mouseion)
- new scene: caves of Dionysus
- new scene: old grave
- adjusted some village locations in Mesopotamia
- renamed Nisbis to Dura Europos
- renamed Phasis to Apsaros
- renamed Kolchis to Phasis
- added hanging gardens, its next to village of Babylon, on the other bank of the Euphrat
- changed Susa to castle and moved it
- added new village for Susa
- added new special location: caves of Dionysus
- added new special location: old grave
- added 'money doesnt stink' quest
- added 'fast ships' quest
- added 'The philosopher' quest
- the nomadic archer unit now has a ranged weapon guaranteed
- guaranteed polearms for all troops which should have one
- gave certain non-Roman troops helms and secondary weapons
- npcs like merchants, tavernkeepers, etc. have now clothes based on the culture of their settlement
- added new troop: sailors, they can be found in taverns of port towns-
- each sailor increases party speed on sea by 1% up to a maximum of 40%, sea raiders also give speed bonus on sea
- miles and evocatus version of Praetorian guards now have armored caligea
- Legates and Tribunes now have armored caligea variants
- changed levels, attributes and skills of nearly all troops
- renamed Gothi to Gudjaen
- renamed Druid to Draid
other changes:
- started to give important cities unique background pictures: currently Alexandria only
- added an option to walk on the top of the lighthouse of Alexandria
- a change to the Pythia dialogue to make it more clear
- made the bandit faction 'picts' hostile to player
- new legendary items
- Avaritia quest line: player gets now 50,000 denars for seized properties and all previously spend money back (as the text says)
- more information in location notes: information about buildings built, decrees issued and others
- added missing ui string for crouch key assignment
- added explanations under game concepts for gods and religions
- added merchants to Germanic holy sides
- added the option to skip battles while freelancing
- added cutscene for battle speeches
- added death cam and auxiliary player feature to sacking of pagan holy side mission
- Alcis can now be worshipped at Sleza
- increased spoils from looting Germanic holy sides, on the other hand, increased penalties (relationship drop)
- quest to talk with Paulus will now cancel once the fire of Rome triggers if it is still active
- assimilating culture is now faster
- changes to party sizes of lords: default party size for non-Romans is now higher, the party size bonus for castles and towns is lower, the bonus for villages higher
- changes to upgrade experience calculation, upgrade costs and troop wages
- increased default moral during battle
- renamed Vension to Game Meat
- druid at Stonehenge won't talk about reading something, which was never written down
- disabled 'scene unloading', scenes are loading now faster
- restructured caligea variants for Romans: now much less variants as I removed similar ones
- changed weapon hit sounds to be more meatier/chunkier (from Brytenwalda)
- Since all one-ladder sieges should now be gone I finally increased battle size for sieges drastically (be carefully now when setting battle size slider to maximum)
- increased reinforcements for sieges, they were very low
- more prisoners from 'Chase after the remaining villagers and enslave them.' option
- resting at latifundium now also improves moral
- 'I want to build something.' is now first dialogue option of Administrator of latifundium
- changed personalities of Roman companions: they are now mostly martial and good-natured, making them ideal for replacing governors/legates after a purge


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.422 (от 12.09.2020) :

Изменения :


- fixed some issues in senate code
- fixed a possible problem with 'Deal with night bandits' quest
- the quests: 'conquer Dacia', 'conquer Britannia', 'conquer Germania' will no longer produce provocations
- lowered damage of boar


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.421 (от 11.09.2020) :

Изменения :


- fixed a rare freelancer dialogue issue
- fixed another freelancer issue with joining battles
- fixed a bug where lords tried to raid landings
- fixed village recruits recruitment prices
- fixed a Dacian town siege scene
- corrected an explanation text
- improvements to freelancer patrol task
* more progress points from patrol task, debending on player kills
* different possible outcomes of patrol task: peaceful and non peaceful, sometimes depending on player choice
- now you gain progress from training too
- progress points from battle are now multiplicated by a factor of 1.5
- now you get 6 progress points for each hunted animal
- portmenu no longer accessable while freelancing
- made peace between Garamantians, Gaetulians and manhunters (new game only)
- companion with horses are now set as cavalry class at game start (new game only)
- Roxolani and Scythia are no longer allies at start of game (new game only)
- no longer possible to ask for honorary title if you are already at highest title
- when blocking a place, attached parties size now also counts
- made certain deserts in Arabia and Africa impassable to avoid bandits running around there


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.420 (от 06.09.2020) :

Изменения :


- fixed some freelancer bugs
- fixed a minor bug in arena code
- fixed some tree glitches
- fixed a minor issue in economic initialization code
- fixed parthian royal family ages
- fixed path finding issues for sea travelling: travelling from port to port via magister civium now works properly (you will not get stuck), the english canal is now passable!
- fixed a minor issue with auto-sell code
- fixed small issue in barrack menu
- fixed a bug with Paulus quest
- fixed minor dialogue issues
- fixed a minor issue in start up quest
- you can now recruit hornmen from (non-Roman) castles and towns
- player can now change equipment of Lords of his faction
- change to flipping a coin: AI will now stop playing if it loses too much
- troops will no longer spawn mounted in camp scene
- if a lord switches faction he will have a starting relation of at least 5 with his new liege.
- disabled spawn points of bandits
- changes to map:
* removed reverse foam
* changed ocean texture
* Germania: changed Cheruski to Lugi, added a new town, castle and some villages to the East, changed borders
* added Tingis, Cnossus, Salamis, Caralis, Aleria, Rhodos, Rusaddir + two new provinces: Cyprus and Corsica et Sardinia
* added new ferry from Hispania to Mauertania
- special merchant inventories and latifundium inventories are now updated on a weekly basis
- restructure of the town menu
- death camera is now usable in quick battles
- tributary mechanic:
* removed option to enable disable, now always enabled
* now fully available for player
- changed two special lord dialogues
- made all factions hostile towards Roman rebels
- changes to the three minor factions:
* if they are hostile to factions holding nearby villages, they will raid them regularly
* events for player to interact with them
- events:
* added silk worm event and option to produce silk in latifundium (only possible if player has more than 11 expeditions to the East done)
* added new event chain involving Avaritia and Superbus
* added Pharaoh event
* added new corruption event + possible quest
* added event about beetle plague
* added events for the three minor factions
- additions to latifundium:
* added a new latifundium scene (for plain, steppe, steppe forest and plain forest)
* added a guy responsible for grain
* added new building of silk worm breeder, only available once you stole the silk worm (event related)
* mercenaries can now spawn in taverns of latifundium
* number of prisoners/guards is now visible on campaign map for latifundium
* building of guard houses now allows to station 10 troops in the latifundium, for the guards house to work 10 guards are needed, stationed guards will spawn on scene
* new building of living quaters: it allows you to rest at the latifundium
* can hire doctor in latifundium now, who can treat you wounds
* no longer possible to buy latifundium in deserts
* added fire events for latifundium: If player is not governor of neighboring village fire can etiher be avoided, which gives you opportunity to send gifts and improve relation with governor or your estate is damaged. In the later case you need to pay for repair works. If player is governor, estate will always be damaged.
- added repetitive missions for freelancer:
* patrol area
* forage for food (hunt)
* training session
- added new scenes:
* added new scene for Sarmizegetuza
* added new scene for Calisia
* added new dacian castle scene
* added a scene from brytenwlada for calidonian castle
* added two new unique east germanic castle scenes
* added new coastal castle scene for Mediterranean islands
* added new village scene for calidonian villages
* added new village scene for villages in Egypt
* added new village scene for villages in Dacia
* added new village scene for certain east germanic villages
* added new coastal village scenes for Mediterranean islands
- added three new companions: two normal ones and a special one (based on Quo Vadis book)
- added chests for villa scenes
- added new presentation for camp menu
- added follower party
- added option to hunt (in camp menu)
- added leadship skill bonus from high rank officers (Vexilarius, Aquilifer, Primus Pilius, Tribunus): maximum of 3
- added malus for lack of officers (all other officers): each 100 men need 2 officers to be efficiently commanded, a lack of officers will reduce tactis skill by either -1 or -2
- added back change weather cheat under debug cheat menu


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.410 (от 17.07.2020) :

Изменения :


- added two new events
- bribe Praetorians quest will now succeed instead of fail
- cost to conculde peave will no longer scale with players money (which had resulted in incredible high demands, the demands are still high but more reasonable now hopefully)
- minor fix of an event


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.409 (от 09.07.2020) + Hotfix (от 10.07.2020) :

Изменения :


small additions:
- added option to disable gift message in options menu
- added option to select gender for slaves bought at latifunida
- added events which can only trigger while player is on water, other travelling events won't trigger if player is on water
- added option to hire bandits in their hideouts
- added some explaination to freelancer to game concepts (under section 'Roman Empire' and section 'Some Hints')
- player can now stage border conflicts also with his own faction
- when marrying a lady lover slot will be cleared if lover is player
- invitation to join faction will not trigger if player is freelancing
- the calculation for value of fiefs used in peace negotiations is now adjusted correctly
- second outfit now used for: senate, palace, villa
- option 'talk about military affairs' is now only available if the lord has a vaild party
- new game only: gave Lords trade skill (normal distributed around 5)
- a change to freelancer camera following enlisted party, it works now like when player is captive: player party is relocated to enlisted party in every frame, if party is active
this will also fix some issues with wrong battle maps, and other small problems
- if player spawns on water without ship he will be relocated to nearest town with port or ferry station, that will finally prevent any issue with freelancer, when player leaves service while party is on water
- controversy changes through special events will now be displayed (should avoid confusion), they are also tweaked
- further rebalanced Nero events, making them less extrem in certain consequences
- certain town decrees will now also effect the spawn of night bandits
- slave treatment reputation change will now apply less often
- if player is legate he will now have the legion icon, if party size is higher than 300
- if lord switches to another faction together with his holdings, the banner of the holding will now be changed accordingly
- indictment for treason and defection should happen now less frequent as kings are more tolerant towards their disloyal vassals now,
- bad personality lords are now less bitchy, i.e. relation loose with liege (if lord is fiefless) is lower and lord wont loose relation at all if he has more than 60,000 wealth
- small speed bonus for routed enemies
- when lords recieve a honrary title they will gain relation with Nero
- removed 'borrow gold' notification
- added random political event: two lords of the same faction can now try to ease their relations with gifts if they have low relation, gift will also benefit poor lords
(there is no personality restriction to this, it seems to be quiet unlikely to trigger and I think also bad personality lords should try to improve their standing in the realm, they may be bad personalities but not stupid at all)
economic changes/lord income changes (still very wonky):
- Lords recieve now loot when they win a battle
- poor lords will now use money from the town wealth too
- poor lords will now recieve money from their liege if needed, additional with a relationship boost
- Nero gives now much more to his Legates
- Lord wealth threshold for building stuff is increased
- Lord wealth threshold for improving equipment is increased
- Lord will not hire mercs if they are very poor
- Lord will increase taxes more if he is poor
- very poor Lords recieve now additonal founds
- Lord pay now their wages properly
- Lord recieves additional money depending on trade skill (in some senses this simulates Lord building enterprices)
- changes to AI building logic
- villages infested by bandits will now generate rents, (but for the player they are still not available, the reason I changed this is the following: AI lords are not able to defeat the bandits, while the player is, so it is unfair for the AI)
- fixed sneaking into town during sieges: equipment of the player will no longer be copied
- fixed jewish revolt not triggering: it will trigger now either during civil war or on an random date after the year 69
- fixed some dialogues: people in monotheistic temples will no longer praise the gods, but praise god, no longer possible to become a vassale as Emperor via emissaries, dialogue with Christians after quest is finished, conquest quests dialogue loop, a censor law change dialogue
- fixed price for buying latifunidum
- fixed arena master spawn
- fixed option to declare your eldest son as higher, it will now only be dislayed if player is Emperor
- removed an unnecessary store troop name command which may caused weird message (thats a left over from native, in VC it is out commented)
- optimisation of a trigger and other adjustments of stochastic triggers due to addition of castles and villages

- fixed options menu
- fixed recruitment of bandits in lairs
- fixed troop_does_business_in_center script


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.408 (от 02.07.2020) :

Изменения :


- option to entlist army is now no longer available if player is at war or emperor
- changes to village riot (diplomacy feature): after riot is crushed you no longer raid it, relation with village increases too now, as troublemakers are killed
- converting to Christianity is no longer possible if you are already a Christ
- fixed 'toga' bug (hopefully)
- updated explanation text for realistic wound feature
- removed formation triggers from sieges as they cause crashes
- adjustment to thundergod quest: parthians that spawn will now depend on player party sizes


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.407 (от 01.07.2020) :

Изменения :


- fixed a minor issue where you couldn't enter stationed town while freelancing
- avoided a case were player spawns on islands, if ships are destroyed, player spawns now in nearest town port
- tributaries declaring peace should now work properly
- fixed siege bug (and also village raid bug) (now really!)
- fixed a troop tree bug
- fixed a bug in village raids
- fixed a bug in sieges


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.405 (от 30.06.2020) :

Изменения :


- jupiter blessing at game start now gives 3 oratory, 3 persuasion instead of 4 persuasion, also 2 looting instead of 4 looting
- corrected skill description
- in offensive sieges, you will now command troops according to rank
- tab press no longer possible in marching event
- nerfed bonus for ambushers
- no senate notifications while freelancing
- double payment for Praetorians
- tributaries should now declare peace after they revolt against their masters
- increased battle size in sieges (but still lower than size on field battles)
- no longer able to negotiate peace with imprisoned kings if player is not leader of his faction
- fixed bug where freelancer equipment wasn't removed after end of service
- fixed a bug with serving Praetorians and then joining other legion
- fixed bugs related to thundergod quest
- fixed a text mistake in Albus quest
- fixed a weird dialogue being displayed from Nero after you joined Rome
- fixed event where it said: you have fallen, although you haven't fallen
- fixed wrong condition for joining Rome as officer
- fixed a bug during looting villages
- fixed some small issues
- fixed a (possible) wrong variable declaration


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.4 (от 28.06.2020) :

Полный changelog :


This version is NOT savegame compatible

Features in progress but not included yet:
Event to steal silk worm which then allows you to build silk in your latifundium
Flax fields and weaver for Latifunidum
Interactions with minor factions (Gaetuli etc.)

Information for Mac/Linnux:
Tried to make the mod compatible by adding .glsl shaders, they are the native variants of the ones used in the mod. (I have no idea if this works and since I dont have a Mac/Linnux I can't test it.)

A technical remark:
'De-WRECKed' the modul system since the WRECK features where not used at all and there is a compatibility issue with the formation code (in particular, the creation of no-swing weapons list for shield wall formation)


    dancers in the imperial palace can now be dismissed properly
    fixed dialogue 'join Roman army' if player has not enough renown
    fixed a case where rebellions slot is not cleared properly if the player defeates a rebellion in a field battle (not during siege assault)
    fixed collision mesh of several trees
    fixed a possible issue with slave trains traveling from one town to the other instead of dropping of prisoners correctly by resetting their flags and AI slots at creation
    patrols will no longer be disbanded if you cant pay their wages, that may sounds weird, but sooner or later they will get destroyed anyway. (I will maybe move a code into the budget_report, which will disband patrols if you start making debts) The reason I removed it is that I wanted to get ride of some unnecessary triggers which loop over all parties
    fixed a bug where castles could have very high taxes (over several million) due to an unassigned local variable
    added a missing ui string for female accessories: ui_change_accessories (females have earings instead of beards, the earing string was missing)
    fixed gold item exploit
    minor text changes/fixes
    if winning horse race player can now enter feasts
    removed a trigger from diplomacy (related to dplmc_slot_faction_attitude_begin) which caused unexpected bugs for towns between p_town_1 to p_town_13


    totally killed (native) pretender
    changed states (and names) of horses
    spears deal now extra damage against horses
    lady quests where you should bring x pieces of y will now spawn the item in the goods merchant shop if the lady was in a town when quest was given
    Introduced Vespasians family into the game: renamed Numerius Flavius to T. Flavius Vespasianus and Mamercus Flavius to T. Flavius Sabinus (the father of Vespasian) and renamed Petronia to Vespasia Polla (mother of Vespasian) renamed Flavia Metella to Flavia Vespasia, renamed Marcus minor Flavius to Flavius Sabinus minor
    some adjustments to names of certain Romans, mainly ladies
    changed some companion dialogues and backstories
    looters now have always an armor
    converting to Christianity via camp menu is now always possible after the fire of Rome happened
    Ceres as starting god or worshiping Aphrodite will now increase romantic chemistry variable by 10 (makes flirting etc a bit easier)
    changed some weapon stats, e.g. armored caligea have now better armor than their non armored counterpart
    a minor adjustment to the default moral settings: when an enemy soldier dies, allies nearby will gain a small moral boost
    when the player has more than 20 troops and is roman, camp scenes will look like proper Roman marching camps
    caravans and traders will now drop of prisoners in towns
    heroes can no longer get decapitated
    Alexandrian scene finally has a coastline
    optimized a moral trigger by excluding horses from calculation
    aquilifer and vexilarius now give moral bonus whenever a troop dies, only available if 'Moral effect of leaders and Aquila' is enabled
    no 'clone' Romans any more. All the Roman armors now are divided into helmet and armor items (how it should be). Roman troops now have new beardless faces, Roman Auxiliary troops may have beards


    added freelancer: you can now enlist military service in one of the several legions of Rome
    added a new lord quest 'gifts for friends'
    added new town-major quest: 'elusive bandits', requires, apart from randomness, player at least level 15, and a minimum of 30 men in party to be given
    added new village elder quest: 'water dispute', requires player to be part of a Roman faction
    added new village elder quest: 'dry wells', no special requirements
    added option to activate shield bash in single player
    added new scene for Londinum: interior and exterior
    added new town center, town walls and castles scene for generic eastern towns replacing the native scenes
    added new town center, town walls, castle, tavern and arena for Antiochia
    added new town center, town walls, castle and tavern scene for Dacidava
    added 4 new unique village scenes for: Ancona, Pisae, Arretium, Frosino
    added 2 new Roman village scenes in Gaul
    added Indian caravan feature: As Emperor: player can now send caravans to India (talk with Kanishka in Domus Augstus)
    added 2 new companions and replaced an existing one, a lot of other changes to companion backstories
    added unique location based events, telling tales of great Roman victories or defeats
    added new traveling events, new governor events, new Emperor events


Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.311 (от 04.04.2020) :

- Исправлена ошибка, когда игрок уничтожал население.
- Исправлена ошибка с восстановлением города / замка после рейдов, если в них не было лорда.


Aut Caesar aut nihil v. 1.11 (от 23.12.2019) :

Исправления :


Исправлено исчезновение предметов, когда просматриваем экипировку своих войск.
Исправлен диалог с легионом игрока при захвате города / замка.
Исправлена странная сцена лагеря иллирийских бандитов.
Исправлена сцена осады Неаполя.
Обратно возвращены сундуки у Пирамид (Pyramids) и в Долине Царей (Valley of King).
Опция размещения войск перенесена из городского меню в меню городского центра, чтобы не исчезла возможность выхода.
Плащи и лорика хамата (lorica hamata) больше не должны быть такими "глючными".
Исправлена ошибка провинциального квеста.
Исправлены книги: все, что должно быть читаемо, теперь читаемо, и прогресс чтения 150% исправлен на 100%.
Гильдмастер города Cetesiphon теперь находится рядом с замком.
Исправлена небольшая проблема с "молитвой богам" в меню лагеря.

Новое :


Добавлена возможность поклоняться Яхве (поговорите со священником перед Большим храмом в Иерусалиме).
Немного повысились навыки преторианцев.
Добавлена проверка идеального размера партии в код найма добровольцев и наемников для лордов, чтобы предотвратить увеличение их отрядов до 1000 человек.
Незначительные изменения на карте мира.
Добавлено 2 очка интеллекта в качестве награды за философскую мини-игру.
Улучшены статы гладиуса и понижены у спаты.
Добавлена возможность нанимать голых танцовщиц для Императорского дворца (Domus Augustus), поговорив с управляющим, и для оргий в Гостевом доме (domus mare).
Изменена экономическая система игры.
Изменен бонус лидерства на размер отряда на 10 за очко лидерства, если игрок не имеет римского звания и до 20 за очко если игрок имеет звание или является императором.
Также добавлен бонус Маршала если игрок имеет римское звание или является императором.


Aut Caesar aut nihil v. 1.10.1 (от 15.12.2019) :

Известные ошибки в версии 1.10.1 (словами автора) :


- Я играл в 20 турнирах и в 1 я размножался без какого-либо оружия. Я до сих пор не понимаю, почему так, но, кажется, это происходит очень редко.
- Не используйте опцию диалога "Дайте мне посмотреть ваше снарежение" для юнитов, не являющихся героями, некоторые из ваших предметов могут исчезнуть.
- Если вы захватите поселение во время осады, если у вас есть собственный легионеры в вашем отряде, то при диалоге о выборе свой экипировке лучше  ничего не говорить. Это закончится бесконечным циклом диалога.


Aut Caesar aut nihil v. 1.05 (от 10.11.2019) :


Изменения поддерживающие старые сохранения :
- Добавлены вспомогательные функции для игрока из мода 1256AD
- Добавлена новая настройка сложности игры из VC.
- Изменен цвет шрифта на экране отряда.

Изменения требующие начала новой игры :
- Уменьшено количество кавалерии у Рима.
- Kladiwoi (обнаженные мечники) и германские берсерки (Tiwaz Drutiz) больше не убегают с поля боя, теперь они будут сражаться до последнего человека.
- Теперь если вы завершите один из квестов завоевания, народные волнения будут уменьшаться Кроме того, если еврейский бунт будет подавлен, то все волнения будут тоже подавлены.
- Исправлены некоторые диалоги и сцены.


Aut Caesar aut nihil v. 1.04 :



                                                                                                      Описание :

Мод о Римской Империи во времена правления Нерона Клавдия Цезаря Августа Германика. Мод не претендует на историческую точность.
2 июля 63 года - начало путешествия.
19 фракций на карте мира.








Великое еврейское восстание.
Великий пожар Рима.
Случайные события.                          
11 легионов и преторианская гвардия.  
Новые квесты от лордов и леди, деревенские и городские квесты (в основе квесты из VC  с некоторыми изменениями).
Уникальная система рекрутинга для римских подразделений.
Служба в римской армии в трех воинских званиях.
Возможность незаконно захватить город у коррумпированного губернатора.
Много специальных мест (Дельфы, Олимпия, пирамиды и т. д.).







Новые способы управления  Вашими предприятиями в городах.
Возможность стать императором Рима !
Будьте либо императором-тираном, либо защитником слабых и угнетенных.
Много новых возможностей в общении с супругом \ супругой и дамами.
Переделаны модели военного обмундирования.
Если Вы достаточно известны и богаты, Вы можете купить себе виллу в Неаполе.
Как император Рима, можно провести триумфальный марш по городу.






ВАЖНО : Прохождение мода заточено под прохождение за Рим, а не за другие фракции.


Есть два стартовых варианта ГГ : один позволяет Вам начать непосредственно как император, а другой - как нищий.

При старте за императора Вы будете иметь сильный отряд и семь спутников.





Если Вы решили начать как нищий, автором мода рекомендовано :

- Прежде всего, исследуйте мир. Есть много интересных мест на карте мира, которые могут помочь Вам получить деньги на ранней стадии игры.
Обязательно посетите Рим. Там есть человек, который может дать Вам квест, и несколько специальных купцов.
Настоятельно рекомендуется выполнить этот квест, так как он будет полезен, когда Вы захотите стать императором.

- В какой-то момент Вы должны будете присоединиться к римской армии.
Вы можете сделать это, поговорив с любым римским генералом или с самим императором. Как было сказано ранее, рекомендуется играть римлянином !

- Можно получить контроль над римскими городами, не завоевывая их.
Чтобы это произошло, необходимо выполнение нескольких условий: Владетель города должен иметь "плохую" личностную репутацию (сварлив, эгоистичен, хитер или развратен).
Вы должны иметь высокую известность (300>) и высокие отношения с городом (25>)

- Конечная цель - стать императором. Лучший способ достичь этого - иметь сильных друзей.
Вы должны будете иметь хорошие отношения с командиром преторианской гвардии Кезоном Флавием (Kaeso Flavius), и обязательно должно произойти событие "Великий  пожар Рима ".
Командир преторианской гвардии является обычным лордом Римской фракции.

- Если Вы стали императором, не забудьте посетить Императорский дворец в Риме. Там у Вас есть будет возможность выбрать вариант  управления империей.

- Рекомендуется иметь налоговую ставку 20% или 25%,. Слишком высокие налоги могут привести к плохим последствиям.

- Совершение жертвоприношений богам (либо через убийство скота или через разговор со священником) может дать Вам различные бонусы (например, больше очков атрибутов) с различной степенью вероятности.





При возникновении ошибок при работе мода автор советует включить загрузку текстур по требованию и отключить режим редактирования.
А в файле  rgl_config.txt   выставить значение   render_buffer_size = 100

Изменено пользователем Alisacat007

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Тем, у кого мод не запускается, требуя серийный номер, надо открыть файл module.ini  и удалить третью строку :  operation_set_version = 1170

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Немного прошел мод за нищенку. Дали задание - идти в какую то локацию на Сицилии(Hades) , в которой оказался дым и какие то нпс 

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    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

Челебосы которые там сидели либо несли околесицу либо говорил мне про некоего Teiresiasa с которым я видимо должен поболтать

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Скрытое содержимое

    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

Скрытое содержимое

    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

И мне в итоге удалось найти этого старика

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    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

Он начал что то говорить про неких "христиан" и все такое но так как мне лень было переводить то я просто пошел к выходу, заодно увидев что часть квеста выполнена и мне теперь надо поговорить с каким то римским патрицием.

Вообще я тут загуглил и выяснилось что это мифологический персонаж - слепой пророк. Неплохая такая отсылочка к истории. Интересно посмотреть как реализован римский пожар.

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Насчет службы в римской армии так и не понял как туда пойти, пошел обычным наемником (не фрилансером) в итоге после достижения известности более 100 смог нанять неожиданно не крестьян а вигилов что же какой то плюс. Основная масса бандитов на карте - рейдеры (обитают в Малой азии), бесполезные лутеры, еврейские повстанцы (присутствуют на границе Египта и собственно иудеи) и германцы (обитают редко на очень больших территориях встречал их в северной италии, в галлии, германии и испании) а так же местные челики как иллирийцы.

В моде еще вшита какая то хрень как и в SOTT как я не ставил изменение уровня сложность он так и оставался нормальным (среднее поведение ии и нормальный урон себе/союзнику)

Был в локе пирамид и в "долине цорей"
Этот чел оказался там за главного

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еще был вот этот римлянин но так как все на англицком то мая его не понимайт.

есть подозрение что у него можно брать квесты, не знаю

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а это вид с одной из пирамид (в нее кстати тоже можно попасть но там пусто)

Долина царей

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все что в ней есть - это коридор долинной в ущелье, и кругом закрытые ворота, плюс можно пройти в одно из помещений то там пусто (зато есть яма с костяшками напомнило моды на иг типа хроников талеры только там хотя бы сундук был с мечом а тут вообще ничего нет) 

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Вон там тот вход
Кстати в моде есть александрийская библиотека в которой можно эммм, покупать книги. Порядка 20 свитков есть еще какая то карта дающая +1 к какому-то атрибуту. 

По ходу прохождения были события про евреев, про вторую свадьбу Нерона и про переименовывание Рима в город Нерона. 
Без перевода будет тяжко понять что тут происходит, слишком много оригинального контента.

P.S. в локе пирамид среди развалин недалеко от римским раскопок найдет сундук в нем лук и золото

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Изменено пользователем parovoz

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@parovoz Спасибо за скриншоты. Судя по всему мод перспективный. Хотел подписать одного человека на перевод, но он пока вредничает.

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Доброго времени суток. Автор выпустил обновление для мода "Музыка и звуки в .ogg формате". Как пишет автор, это обновление должно решить проблему связанную со звуками и музыкой. Способ установки: заменить файлы .wav на .ogg


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Изменено пользователем Gatomon

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@Gatomon Спасибо. Дополнение залил на ЯД и добавил в шапку темы. Но я бы для уменьшения нагрузки на железо конвертировал бы в mp3.

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4 часа назад, Airwave сказал:

В моде за 3 лв  1 атрибут, где исправить, что бы 1 к 1 было?

кстати да, при чем за левел дают 2 навыка, странное какое то распределение.

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Может автор это потом и изменит по результатам отзывов игроков. Вот только плохо, что на Нексусе автор заблокировал возможность писать ему посты.

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Похоже я нашёл где автор сделал изменения на атрибуты и навыки- в module.ini

Навыки не стал трогать, а в строке attribute поставил 1.0# 1.000

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Изменено пользователем Airwave

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@Airwave Вчера быстренько глянул module.ini у нескольких модов. Там этой строки нет . Попробуй её просто удалить, может  тогда этот параметр будет браться по умолчанию как в Нативе.

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В нескольких Римских городах можно нанять именные легионы, но или ошибка автора или глюк-  в некоторых городах вместо легионов нанимаются какие то восточные всадники в доспехах. 31 компаньон в моде. Набрал квестов, и ничего не понятно что делать. Эх, русификатор бы

Изменено пользователем Airwave

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@Airwave С русиком пока беда. Всех отпугивает большой объем отличного от Натива текста. Но некоторые переводчики готовы начать работать в условиях кооперации. Если кто готов взять на себя часть перевода, я помогу состыковаться с другими.

А получилось у тебя с удалением строки в module.ini  ?

Изменено пользователем Alisacat007

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2 часа назад, Alisacat007 сказал:


А получилось у тебя с удалением строки в module.ini  ?

Нет, оставил как есть. Всё равно без русификатора игра будет заброшена, так немного играю в ознакомительных целях. Компаньонов всех переделал в женщин. И запарили компаньоны- телохранители, как отключить  без перевода не знаю 



@stomoped  они похожи на катафрактов, но бараках  написаны названия именных легионов. Два только нанял, и то по частям- размер отряда наверное не позволяет а они по карте по 400 рыл бегают

Изменено пользователем Airwave

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В 01.12.2019 в 10:41, Airwave сказал:

И запарили компаньоны- телохранители

А мне наоборот понравилось, они еще ка то по рандому определяются то один состав с тобой в локу идет то другой. 

Еще есть какая то фишка связанная с Baduhennoi можно задонатить деньги в локе, и потом отправлятся  через меню лагеря-предпринять действие в лес биться с одиссеем, агамемноном, гераклом, и еще кем -то. 

Начал говорить с попепей (женой нерона) она несет какую то белеберду и просит постоянно то финики притащить то слоновую кость.

Я попробовал посмотреть через одну програмку в файлах диалогов и походу в моде можно принять христианство.  

Еще есть какие то взаимодействия с гарамантами через задания но так как я пользовался только гугл переводчиком и своими не очень обширными знаниями о гарамантах, то ничерта не понял.

Можно еще попробовать попасть в внутреннюю часть иудейского храма (пишет что для этого нужно 50 чел, на самом деле 60 или 70) но у меня не вышло, у иудейских ребелов почти 200 человек там в локе плюс крестьяне.

Я медленно продвигаясь по табели рангах стал "легатом легиона" только вот легион нанять не могу. С другой стороны у меня лимит 260. Буду пробовать нанять легионеров и прорыватся к Храму.

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Легионеров можно нанимать по одному, а также лучников, преторианскую конницу и прочих. В Генуе можно нанять преторианскую гвардию

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Мне кажется или нет, что половина брони, оружия, карта, текстуры некоторых юнитов взяты из мода Опциона?

Изменено пользователем Airwave

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@Airwave Ну не половина, но очень многое. В стиме он и его мод в кредитах у автора на втором месте. Опцион на Всадниках высказался уже по этому поводу, но, похоже мер принимать не будет. На благо игроков.


Не знаешь, осталась возможность из стима скачивать файлы ? А то там лежит версия 1.05 , но с автором на Нексусе не пообщаться.

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Вы можете написать сейчас и зарегистрироваться позже. Если у вас есть аккаунт, авторизуйтесь, чтобы опубликовать от имени своего аккаунта.
Примечание: Ваш пост требует одобрения модератора, прежде чем станет видимым.

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    • От Alisacat007
      Anno Domini 1259 continued

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      Версия мода : v1.2.9.4 (от 19.04.2024)
      Игра : Mount & Blade II Bannerlord  
                                                                                                     НОВАЯ ВЕРСИЯ :

      Anno Domini 1259 continued v1.2.10.1 (от 02.08.2024) :
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      Anno Domini 1259 continued - Settlement Icons v1.2.10.1 (от 16.10.2024) :

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      Необязательное дополнение меняющее иконки на карте. Требуется предустановка мода Settlement Icons - Redesign.
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      Разархивировать в папку Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\SettlementIconRedesign  
      Anno Domini 1259 continued - POC color randomizer config v1.2.10.1 (от 02.08.2024) :

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      (для Bannerlord 1.2.10)
      Необязательное дополнение изменяющее уникальный цвет для каждой фракции. Требуется предустановка мода POC color randomizer mod.
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      Разархивировать в папку Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\PocColor  
      Anno Domini 1259 continued - RBM patch v1.2.10.1 (от 02.08.2024) :
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      (для Bannerlord 1.2.10)
      Необязательное дополнение, патч совместимости с Realistic Battle Mod.
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      Разархивировать в папку Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\AD1259\ModuleData\annoItems  
                                                                                            ПРЕДЫДУЩИЕ ВЕРСИИ :

                                                                                                            Описание :
      Это новый вариант исторического мода Anno Domini 1259
      создаваемый обновленной командой разработчиков.

      На данный момент имеем:
      31 культуру
      32 королевства
      185 кланов
      1057 юнитов
      Новые загрузочные экраны
      Новая музыка
      Деревья войск из дополнения ANNO DOMINI 1259 - Armies of Europe (Troop Tree Overhaul) от Arcaen

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      Порядок загрузки модов в лаунчере :

                                                                                                            Установка :
      Распаковать содержимое архива в папку Modules, находящуюся в главной директории игры, активировать мод в загрузчике.
      Требуется предустановка модов :

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      Calradia at War (Custom Spawns) - только API версия CustomSpawns
      Calradic Armoury UNDER REWORK WIP

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      Open Source Armory - только модули Saddlery и Weaponry
      Swadian armoury
    • От Alisacat007
      Eastern Europe 1259

      Автор : Litauen
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      Версия мода : v1.0.0 (от 19.04.2024)
      Игра : Mount & Blade II Bannerlord  
                                                                                                   НОВАЯ ВЕРСИЯ :
      Eastern Europe 1259 v3.1.0 (от 17.10.2024) :
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      (для Bannerlord 1.2.10 - 1.2.11)
      Сохранения с v1.x.x /v2.x.x не совместимы.  Но совместимы для v3.0.x  
      Eastern Europe 1259 Patch v3.1.0 (от 17.10.2024) :
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      (для Bannerlord 1.2.9)
      Патч адаптации последней версии мода под игру 1.2.9 . Ставить поверх полной версии мода, перезаписав папку EE1259_Core.
      Сохранения с v1.x.x /v2.x.x не совместимы.  Но совместимы для v3.0.x  
                                                                                            ПРЕДЫДУЩИЕ ВЕРСИИ :

                                                                                                            Описание :
      Новый исторический мод, действие которого происходит в небольшой части Восточной Европы середины 13 века на специально созданной карте Прибалтики и смежных областей. Разработчики стремились к исторической точности, но что в итоге получилось судить игрокам.
      Культуры :
      • Северные крестоносцы (немцы)
      • Прибалтика
      • Русь
      Фракции :
      • Тевтонский орден
      • Королевство Литва
      • Балтийские племена
      • Пруссы
      Особенности мода :
      • Географически и исторически (насколько это возможно) точные поселения, реки, леса, болота.
      • Исторические личности с лицами, созданными вручную по их портретам.
      • Оригинальные деревья войск со своим вооружением.
      • Пока два замка с новыми сценами: Ворута и Грод Яздов.
      • Новые загрузочные экраны созданные искусственным интеллектом.
      • Индивидуальная система набора добровольцев (например, тевтонские рыцари нанимаются только в городах, управляемых Тевтонским орденом).
      • Система борьбы со ''снежным комом'' (Anti-snowballing system), позволяющая проводить кампании в течение длительного времени.
      • Фильтр по возрасту персонажей в энциклопедии.


      Встроенные моды :
      • Swadian Armory (некоторые ресурсы)
      • True Noble Opinion
      • NoBigSmiles
      • KillFeed Location change
      Настоятельно рекомендуемые моды :
      • Realistic Battle Mod
      • AutoResolveRebalanced
      • Highlight Better Items Fix
      • MBSuperSpeed
      • Server As Soldie
      Проверенные на совместимость моды :
      • BetterTime
      • Character Reload
      • Hot Butter
      • LT_TradeAgent
      • Rename Companions
      • RTS Camera
      • Useful Skips
      Несовместимые моды :
      • AdonnaysTroopChanger
      • Любой другой мод для полной конверсии игры.
      Порядок загрузки модов :

                                                                                                           Установка :
      Распаковать содержимое архива в папку Modules, находящуюся в главной директории игры, активировать мод в загрузчике.
      Требуется предустановка модов:

      Скрытое содержимое
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    • От Alisacat007
      Mordhau Armor Pack

      Автор : JacobWhite928
      Сайт разработки :
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      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      Версия мода : v1.2.10 (от 22.07.2024)
      Игра : Mount & Blade II Bannerlord  
                                                                                                    НОВАЯ ВЕРСИЯ :

      Mordhau Armor Pack v1.2.10 (от 07.08.2024) :
      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      (для Bannerlord 1.2.10)  
      Mordhau Armour texture fix (v1.3) (от 12.10.2024) :
      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.  
                                                                                              ПРЕДЫДУЩИЕ ВЕРСИИ :

                                                                                                             Описание :
      Небольшой предметный мод, добавляющий в игру несколько комплектов тяжелой рыцарской брони из сетевого слэшера Mordhau.

      Обзорное видео :
                                                                                                              Установка :
      Распаковать содержимое архива в папку Modules, находящуюся в главной директории игры, активировать мод в загрузчике.
    • От Alisacat007


      Автор : TeenBrunette
      Сайты разработки :

      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      Версия мода : v1.0 (от 18.09.2024)
      Игра : Mount & Blade II Bannerlord  
                                                                                                      НОВАЯ ВЕРСИЯ :
      Condottieri v1.0 (от 08.10.2024) :
      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      (для Bannerlord 1.2.10+)  
                                                                                               ПРЕДЫДУЩИЕ ВЕРСИИ :

                                                                                                            Описание :
      Этот мод добавляет в игру новых наемников в тавернах, большие отряды европейских наемников различных фракций на карте, а также лордов-наемников, которые имеют реальные исторические прототипы. Большой вес мода объясняется наличием в нем новых моделей доспехов и оружия XIII - XVI веков, включая огнестрельное.
      Автор гарантирует возможность работы своего мода в базовой игре и с другими модами, где в качестве карты кампании используется Europe Campaign Map или самостоятельная оригинальная карта. Europe 1100,  Anno Domini, Realm of Throne, The Old Realm, вот неполный перечень этих модификаций. В случае использования этого мода с вашими старыми сохранениями будет доступен набор только в тавернах.

                                                                                                            Установка :
      Распаковать содержимое архива в папку Modules, находящуюся в главной директории игры, активировать мод в загрузчике. Модуль Condottieri всегда должен находится ниже других глобальных модификаций.
      Требуется предустановка модов:
      ATC - Adonnay's Troop Changer

      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      Banner Color Persistence (now with BannerPaste)
      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      Swadian armoury
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