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New Aut Caesar aut nihil (18+)

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@HolyMaccarone Мод в разработке. В стиме и дискорде активный тест и обсуждения, поэтому и правки идут часто. Я стараюсь выложить последнюю версию оттуда.

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В шапку добавил Частичный русификатор для Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.434 (от 10.12.2020, Автор : frankenheim) :

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Очередное обновление русификатора для Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.434 (от 11.12.2020, Автор : frankenheim) :

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Обновился Частичный русификатор для Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.434 (от 31.01.2021, Автор : frankenheim) :

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После трех месяцев затишья вышла обещанная версия Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.440 (от 28.02.2021) :

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Изменений очень много:


A general note:
It is no longer necessary to disable HDR, instancing, auto-exposure. Those settings won't cause glitching anymore. But I still recommend to disable them especially for performance (though its now more a matter of taste than glitching). Also check the steam work shop description, the paragraph about errors and crashes has been updated.

- fixed issue in ambush mission
- fixed a dialogue with quaestor displaying wrong numbers
- fixed Iberian rebels not spawning
- fixed/improved bandit go to lair code
- fixed a bug with honorary titles: player can now lose title properly
- fixed glitching beards
- fixed glitching dresses
- fixed custom officers weren't providing leadership bonus
- fixed issue with the siege water mission, there is now a companion limit of 15
- fixed a division by zero error during freelancing in moral code
- fixed an issue with random events
- fixed (random) issue where soldiers were marching into the fields during freelancer march event
- fixed some dialogue related issues
- fixed hordes wont settle
- improved look of vexilia for custom legion and added one new (legio xv apollinaris)
- added four Roman shields
- added two Roman swords
- adjusted most roman armors
- changed cataphract armors
- added wooden Roman training gladius and training pila
- added tunic
- added Roman officer helms
- added two legate armors
- added two toga variants (red and pruple)
- adjusted cloak of Eques Orientis armor
- removed unnecessary caligea variants
- fixed glitchy linotharx
- added recolored dress variants
- added jewelry to noble dresses
- increased accuracy of slings, increased shoot speed and damage
- added Germanic noble chain mails
- improved skills and attributes of the sorcerer
- gave Centurio and Primus Pilus large shields
- assigned correct symbols and vexilia to some legions (some had wrong)
- improved Germanic troop tree:
* more experienced warriors now also have better armor
* noble troops now have only mail shirts
* also non-noble troops now have medium armor
* removed seax from noble swordsmen, they now all have swords
* replaced clubs with axes for higher experienced troops
- most Dacian troops now have helm guaranteed
- gave new items to Roman lords
- conservative and conventional ladies can now receive head clothes
- changed faces of 'nomadic' troops and lords to better represent Scythians
- added slingers of Rhodos as mercenaries
- renamed generic aux. slingers of Rome to Balearic slingers


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Залил к себе сегодняшнюю Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.441b (от 02.03.2021) :

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Изменения :


- fixed a freelancer issue with tournaments: player spawning as opponent
- fixed important issue in start civil war code
- fixed an issue when visiting castle halls
- a small change to (low renown) recruitement in villages, now its not confusing anymore
- start up quest text changed
- changed equipment of normal bandit troop (needs new game)
- increased level of vigilia (needs new game)
- changed a glitched tree
- changed Nero banishment event text
- Tigellinus is no longer praefectus urbani after execution
- camp smith has armor again (needs new game)
- changed player on water without ship logic to avoid exploitation by player
- adjusted lods of faces a bit, hopefully less ugly now
- optimised textures using tool Ordenador
- renamed Greek fire to Vulcani ignis
- when starting freelancing, unrest penality is set to 0
- change to aux slinger armor
- change to Jerusalem town and siege scene

- fixed two quests related problems


Изменено пользователем Alisacat007

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Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.442 (от 05.03.2021) :

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    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

Изменения :


- in an event, trade skill is now considered for whole party as it is party skill
- some text changes
- adjusted rebellion templates: they are now standardized, size should be between 1000-1300 depending on player level
- added back archers to Germans
- lack of rest message will no longer display while freelancing
- you no longer lose progress points when failing freelancer task
- fixed a native bug
- fixed bandits getting stuck in lairs
- fixed a lair related issue
- fixed bandit parties doing nothing after lair is destroyed
- fixed freelancer issue with companions if freelancer party is defeated
- fixed another issue related with freelancer events
- judean rebel spawn point was on a mountain, this is fixed (new game only)
- changed bandit spawn limits a bit, some are now more depending on stability of Empire, in general they are lower
- bandit lairs can now also spawn at game start
- Auxilia Equites Sagittarius has now lower melee stats than Auxilia Eques
- increased prices of cohors/legion etc which are recruitable in barracks to better match prices of single soldiers, though they should still be cheaper if you recruit them as whole than if you recruit each soldier individual
- lair respawn timer now depends more on unrest
- conspiracy against player now properly imprisons traitors: you can put them now also in prison properly
- change to freelancer defeat logic: now companions wont leave player party after defeat
- improved "money doesnt stink" quest describtion
- standardized divorce with spouse: now always possible, but a divorce without reason will result in penalities
- divorce of spouse now considers all cases:
* if spouse is player minister, she retires as minister
* if spouse is in player party, she leaves player party
* if spouse has no social determinant (e.g. guardian or father), faction leader will adopt her
* if spouse is pregnant, child will always die (for simplicity)


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@HolyMaccarone Я пока жду, когда автор поставит хотя бы временную точку и перестанет часто обновлять свой мод. Но зато потом оторвусь по-полной😀

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Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.443c (от 11.03.2021) :

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Изменения :


- fixed an issue with kingdom ladies
- fixed an issue in civil war ending code
- removed mentionings of emperor in event texts
- increased troop limits for companion parties (camps and raiders): base is 200, for each leadership point additional +20 and for each charisma point additonal +5. Example: 10 leadership and 20 charisma gives you 200+10*20+20*5=500.
- level of custom archer and custom auxilia cornicern are now lower
- skills of custom archers (judean guard, aux cav archer and aux inf archer) now all have the right skill
- all customizable units have now (custom) in their names to better recognize them. example: Centurio (custom)


Изменено пользователем Alisacat007

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Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.444 (от 18.03.2021) :

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general changes:


- changed Celtic druid talk (thanks Tribune!)
- battle will no longer automatically end if all enemies are routing, but if you press tab while all enemies are routing you will end the battle and win (though you wont recieve a notification)
- no moral penality now when failing a battle speech
- as Emperor you can now always trade books with library in Alexandria
- spying on another kingdom via companion mission now gives more detailed information
- in hanging gardens no special characters will appear anymore
- minor fix
- fixed some text related things
- fixed native error in prison break mission
- fixed an issue with donating money to minor faction parties
- adjusted map to avoid parties getting stuck in Makedon
- fixed messed vertices near Massalia
- fixed an issue which caused AI to raid villages not properly
- fixed an native issue which caused AI to raid villages not properly and getting stuck in a loop
- changed sound format from ogg to wav
- changed existing and added new lods
quality of life changes:
- granting fief dialogue for walled centers (towns,castles): while pressing shift while clicking on a lord you can assign now all unassigned bounded villages to him too
- when removing a governor from a walled center, there is now also an option to remove him from all bounded villages
- granting fief dialogue for villages: the first lord displayed in the list is the lord of bounded center (if it has one)
- you can now show hide villages in granting and removing fiefs dialogue
- change to commander report: added number of owned villages, and made sure there are no glitches with long names
- food in follower party will now be consumed too: first your party consumes the food stored on the mules of the follower party, then the food in the player inventory will be consumed


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Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.444b (от 21.03.2021) :

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- fixed reinforcement wave threshold
other changes:
- new face for some heroes (thanks to Tribunus Mancinellus):
Sporus, Ariobarzanes, Kyros, Vashti Arkhid, Chosroidya, Coponia, Vitella Tertia, Flavia Vespasia, Cornelia Quinta, Fabia Pia,
Domina Albia Terentia, Salvia Pisa, Abronia Tullia, Suridisa, Salvia Minor, Fabia Aura, Orontidisa Atropatid, Aridisa, Savacidisa,
Zandina Suren, Sisygambis Smerdid, Rhoxane Cambysid, Dula Bagbignid, Menida, Sisygambis
- spy report (mission available from minister) now also includes information about the food stores of the towns/castles
- maximal possible reinforcement wave number is now 100, default value on game start is now 30



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Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.444b (от 26.04.2021) :

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    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

Автор обновил свой мод, не меняя номера версии.

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27 июня ожидается новое глобальное обновление мода. Автор предупредил, что старые сохранения работать не будут.

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Точно в срок вышло обещанное обновление Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.500 (от 27.06.2021) :

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Огромный  changelog (см. в шапке темы). Автор мода достоин восхищения.

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Автор пофиксил ошибки в свежей Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.501 (от 27.06.2021) :

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Изменения :


- fixed minor issues in dialogues
- fixed issue at game start
- fixed start up quest
- made sure player cant reach an area he shouldnt reach on the new scene for rome
- special arms merchant will now sell pila and hasta again
- changed hit points of shields to be stronger to better fit for longer battles (keep in mind the importance of shield skill though)
- some adjustment to throwing weapons
- Sporus will only spawn after the quest has been done


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Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.502 (от 28.06.2021) :

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    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

Изменения :


- changed stats of 2-handed hammers
- price for polearms is less sensible to the length now (in general, they are now cheaper, since I think a spear should be less expensive than a sword anyways)
- shields are again a little bit more expensive
- fixed more problems in dialogues
- in final battle of training peasant quests normal villagers will spawn
- bacchus quest will end now at the end
- special Roman arms/armor merchant sells now his stuff correctly again


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Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.503 (от 30.06.2021) :

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Изменения :


- added names (Amogus...) (obviously needs new game to see this change)
- flirting successfully will give you now some xp
- improved standard equipment selection for Roman custom troops (requires new game)
- also in Judean towns one can now visit the baths
- fixed crocea mors sword
- certain rich items no longer have modifiers
- lowered price of shoes
- golden caliga are cheaper now, but still expensive, as they are made of gold
- fixed a string in an dialogue during freelancer event
- sporus dialogue should now work properly
- feasts at player villa will end after you attended to them
- looted towns will no longer creat a patrol
- player culture will now change properly if player decides to lead the jewish revolt as king
- spatha's have now better position
- changed effect of item modifiers (price and probability)


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Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.504 (от 01.07.2021) :

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Изменения :


- new faces for Celtic lords (require new game)
- a minor change in menu
- while hunting during freelancing a flag was overwriten, this is now fixed
- AI behavior in sieges: at start, archers spawning at infantry spawn will be assigned to infantry division
- fixed native bug which pretended archers to go to their positions
- nerfed sarissas as they were op
- changed some ages/family relations of celtic lords (requires new game)
- increased greek fire damage as it was way too low
- changed some celtic lord ages because of '?' well, why not
- added a totally neutral option to a Nero event
- fixed finally the default custom legion selection not showing everything (needs a new game, sry)
- removed debug code
- added missing spawn points to lugdunum scenes
- leader gloves show now correct skin color
- king of dumoni and his wife are now older than their son
- fixed special issues for freelaning: player is now at war also with defeated factions to avoid problems with revolts (need to leave and then rejoin service for change to apply)
- while freelaning companions wont spawn in lord hall


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Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.505a (от 03.07.2021) :

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Изменения :


- you can no longer get ambushed by bandits if you are sneaking into the town
- local auxiliaries can now also be recruited in villages if the village is Romanized
- you can get prisoners again
- changed more Celtic noble faces
- changed some Germanic noble faces
- fixed a string bug in reports menu
- fixed a messed up vertex on worldmap
- changed germanic spear prices
- changed some sword and weapon prices
- low armor shoes are now much cheaper
- shields are a little bit more expansive now
- fixed a dialogue
- patrols will disband if their town change faction
- fixed minor issue on Alexandria scene
- changed difficulty of some weapons which where quite high compared to others


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Aut Caesar aut nihil v1.511 (от 11.07.2021) :

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    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

Изменения :


- when sneaking into castles, siege equipment will be removed properly
- fixed a glitch with manica
- fixed a glitch with masks
- fixed a glitch with slinger tunics
- added missing triggers for some missions
- fixed a glitch with bronze sandals
- added back pelt for hamata of legio macedonica which has been accidentially removed
- renamed item: bearskin to wolfskin
- made Bosporan queen older (so that she really can be mother of her childs)
- added primary flag to all secondary flag items which was missing and caused some issues
- fixed an issue if player switches to inventory with winter clothing
- changed some strength requirements for hasta which where a little bit too high
- added a fall back to code that changes shoes in winter
- fixed a glitch with cataphract boots
- changed damage of long hasta from 31 to 30
- minor faction raider parties will now also drop off prisoners
- fixed a problem with parties travelling to Cyrene or parties near Cyrene
- added missing merchandise flag for: roman poor tunics and togas, dresses, some helms and a weapon
- added merchandise flag to greek fire
- added heavy armor to pavels shop
- fixed glitch with linothorax
- fixed some typos and grammar
- fixed a diplomacy issue in dialogues
- added a dialogue to the special merchants in rome to ask them where the goods merchant is if the quest is active
- you can now also buy some slaves from ramun and galeas
- casualities from siege events are now smaller
- casualities due to autocalculation when storming walls are now slightly higher
- when buying slaves from slave traders, dialogue will now inform you if you have not enough capacity
- made the spy party slower to make the 'follow spy' quest easier
- added rumor strings to tavern keepers for certain special quests
to make playing as villain a bit easier and to encourage roleplaying:
- low honor will now increase prisoner limit
- if you have low honor depending on looting skill you can now steal money from defeated lords after a battle, money gain depends on how dishonorable you are
- being more dishonorable will give you more prisoners while chasing after villagers
- being dishonorable will give you more prisoners if you sack a town/castle
- being dishonorable will give you more money if you sack/loot a town/castle
(the main idea of this changes is that if your character is really dishonorable he takes more care while doing such actions, while a honorable character would be too hesitant)
- added information message once slaves are purchased by slavetrader
- manhunters have now a secondary weapon
- there is no longer snow during nile freelancer mission
- fixed a freelancer bug
- improved skinning of dancers outfit
- fixed glitch with gladius scab
- added a desert version for marching camp scene
- added dialogue to help slave in rome if emperor
- fixed an issue with patrols
- fixed more typos
- fixed a diplomacy bug
- fixed an issue with dialogues
- fixed conflicts in code between sea travel and patrols
- changed judean lair scene to be more fitting
- bandit lairs will no longer join battles
- added missing horse archer skills for horse archers (would require a new save to see this change)
- buying the two villas in rome will now give renown
- your staff (quaestor etc) will now also spawn on villa scenes


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Новая версия мода ожидается в период между 20 и 24 декабря.

Сегодняшний Dev Blog XX :


Camp fortifications
Player can fortify his camp. It requires a set of tools inside the inventory and an engineer skill larger or equal to 5. You can’t move while fortified, it works like a camp. Being attacked while fortified will lead to a battle where the enemies are assaulting your camp. The camp has four archer positions and two infantry positions at the two gates of the camp. The infantry is divided into two divisions that will hold position at the two gates. The enemy is divided into two forces that will attack the two gates.
As the camp battles worked quiet well I decided to try something similar to sieges, which lead to a change to all siege maps, which took quiet a while.

Attackers and defenders have now four different spawn points. The melee fighters spawning there will be divided into four division. There are four ladders placed on the map. The four defender divisions will hold defend the four ladders respectively. Also the four attacker division will each use one of the ladders.
Additionally, attackers archers are divided into four divisions. Each of this divisions has its own archer-position. That means attacker archers will cover advancing infantry with additional fire. The attacker and defender archers will receive ammunition supply over time. Though the attacker supplies will run out at some point, then the attacker archers will charge.
Once the battle is coming to an end (i.e. if the last defender reinforcements arrive) all division will charge.
Those changes mean that a larger part of the siege scenes will be used! Thus I also decided to give the attacking player access to his horse, it will spawn right next to the player.
The number of reinforcement waves for sieges in now fixed, though I also added an option to double reinforcement waves for people who want longer battles. As usual, if not all defenders have been defeated the battle will continue in the streets.
I am still thinking of a similar feature for field battles, but dunno yet. (maybe in the future)

Olympic games
Finally added Olympic games have arrived in the mod! They will take place at some random date after the game start. You will be informed via a menu and a quest will start. The quest will expire after 75 days, during this time you can join the Olympics whenever you want. Once the quest expires the games will conclude without the player.
The games will take seven days to finish. On each day a competition is held, after the competition is over the player is forced to rest at Olympia. The participant who wines most of the competitions is declared victor of the games. The competitions are:

  • Pygmachia: a fist fighting competition
  • Dialous: a running race
  • Hoplitodromos: a running race in full hoplite armor
  • horse race
  • mule race
  • spear throw
  • discus throw

To participate you need at least strength 12, power throw 3, riding 3, and athletic skill of 3, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to use the required items for the competitions.
Companions and Roman lords with high enough skill can also participate.

An Argentarius has been added to scriptorium. Its not longer possible to deposit money when talking to the when talking to the praefectus, instead you can deposit it when talking to the Argentarius. Additionally you have an option to lend out money. You can lend out a loans between 5,000 and 500,000 denars. The loan will expire after a week. Once it expires the money will be added to the following budget report. Depending on when you issued the loan and depending on when your next budget report will show it can take between one or two weeks until your receive the interests.
For your loan you have two options: Either you order the Argentarius to reinvest the money again, or you order him to send you back all the money. In the first case, you will only receive the interests of your loan and the rest of the money will be used to lend out a new loan right away after receiving the interests. In the later case you will receive all the money back. Sometimes the interests can be negative. That shall simulate the case when the debtor is not able to repay the loan you offered him. Though its not much, in the long term you will make a profit.

Other changes

  • Ironman is now disabled and you can’t enable it. Its better to have multiple saves and save often.
  • New buildings have been added and the town center menu has been changed. It is much more structured now and gives a better overview. The buildings have different benefits and some will give profit, but its all a long time investment.
  • Doing the “conquer quests” once being emperor will grant a cognomen that is shown in the character notes and the character report. Your name won’t change as long names will cause glitches and there is also a character limit. You can rename yourself however you want.
  • tones of new items for various cultures and rework of existing ones and changes to troop trees.
  • more special quests and artefacts
  • some modification to faction AI diplomacy, in particular, player will now recieve more peace messages from enemy factions.
  • budget report is now enabled while freelancing and used to pay your wages.
  • et cetera


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Пара цитат из перевода


|Кто ты, черт возьми, такой?

|Хочешь лизнуть мои яйца?

|Я хотел спросить тебя о том же!

|Я могучий Бигль по кличке Билли.

|Но ты верблюд

|Что ж, я Бигль в теле верблюда! Эта ведьма и сука по имени Недержание Ягодиц прокляла меня! Когда-то я был могучим Биглем, а теперь я в теле верблюда, уфф, я ненавижу верблюдов.

|Кажется, я рехнулся.

|Нет, это я рехнулся, потому что я больше не могу лизать свои яйца.

|Мне пора.

|Подожди, подожди, подожди. Ты должен кое-что для меня сделать. Иначе ты не сможешь покинуть это место.

|Хм, что например?

|Угадай! Лижи мои яйца!

|Если так надо

|Давай начнем. ^^ -- Я не хочу это описывать. --^^Ах, это было мило.

|Могу я теперь уйти?


|Но ты сказал ...

|Я сказал неа!

|Черт возьми! Убирайся прочь, мерзкий попрошайка.


И еще


|Привет, милая, я {s1}, жена Биггуса Дикуса. А кто ты, милая, и как у тебя дела?^Ах, ты так хорошо выглядишь. ^^ - Она облизывает губы и кусает тебя в руку. --

|Ах {playername}, ты хочешь поиграть со своим старым добрым {s1}?

|Я скорее умру!

|Я {playername}, а вы кто?

|Я {playername} и мне кажется, что вы просто спятили.

|{playername}? Что за дурацкое имя! Но ты выглядишь так восхитительно, что я хочу... "поиграть" с тобой, понимаешь?

|Слава богам, у меня есть... другие дела

|Что? Мы на вечеринке! Давай, я хочу тебя в своей постели. ^^ - Она снова кусает тебя. Затем она берет тебя за руку. --

|Срань господня!! Спасите меня!

|О Боже! Избавь меня!

|Боги, пожалуйста! Мне нужна ваша помощь!

|Теперь ты мой {playername}, и выхода нет.^^ - Ты пытаешься защититься, но тщетно. После худших двух часов твоей жизни тебе удается сбежать от нее с несколькими ранами на теле. --

|Меня изнасиловали?

|Ты совершенно сумасшедший {playername}

|Я должен выбраться отсюда.

|Ave мой друг. Выпейте чашечку этого хорошего вина. Как вас зовут, друг? Вы не кажетесь мне знакомым.

|Ты!! Только не ты снова! Отвали, отстань от меня, мерзкая попрошайка.


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После очень долгого перерыва следующее обновление мода ожидается 22.12.2021
Most important changes to expect:
*) changed all sieges to have 4 ladders (and adjusted battlemaps)
*) changed all large custom battle scenes and fixed the border bug
*) many, many new items and changes to existing items, in particular for Germans, Sarmatians, Armenians, Parthians and the African/Arab minor factions.
*) some new special quests
*) you can now fortify your camp, which will lead to a camp battle if it is attacked.
*) new buildings
*) olympic games

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    • От Alisacat007
      Guerre en Amerique
      Автор : Mac N.O. & Co.
      Сайты разработки :

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      Версия мода : v0.01 (от 26.01.2025)
      Игра : M&B: Warband v1.174  
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      Guerre en Amerique v0.11 (от 20.02.2025) : 

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                                                                                             ПРЕДЫДУЩИЕ ВЕРСИИ :

                                                                                                             Описание :
      Новый исторический мод, действие которого происходит на североамериканском театре Семилетней войны (1756-1763 гг), также известной как Война с французами и индейцами или Война завоевания. В этом четвертом и последнем вооруженным колониальном конфликте Северной Америке между Великобританией и Францией в модификации принимают участие еще Испания и местные индейские племена. В качестве союзников Франции мы увидим отдельными государственными образованиями Вабанакскую конфедерацию пяти алгонкиноязычных индейских племён, также племена Оджибве, Шони, Делаваров (ленапе), Ирокезов, Чероки, Катоба, Маскоги-Крики и Чокто. Всего 12 фракций на специально созданной для этого мода карте Северной Америки.
      Бандиты тоже представлены реально существующими индейскими народностями. Заявлены морские путешествия, строительство фортов и артиллерия в бою. А все компаньоны реальные исторические личности того времени.


    • От Alisacat007
      Dramalord (18+)

      Автор : stevenblaster
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      Версия мода : v1.0.1 (от 06.04.2024)
      Игра : Mount & Blade II Bannerlord  
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      (для Bannerlord 1.2.8 - 1.2.12)
      Перевод на русский язык уже встроен в мод. Последняя стабильная версия.  
      Dramalord v4.0.1-beta (от 21.02.2025) :
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      (для Bannerlord 1.2.8 - 1.2.12)
      Перевод на русский язык уже встроен в мод. Экспериментальная, совершенно новая версия мода.  
                                                                                             ПРЕДЫДУЩИЕ ВЕРСИИ :


                                                                                                            Описание :

      Чтобы сделать социальный геймплей игры не таким скучным этот мод меняет общее поведение персонажей, добавляя флирт, романы и брак по любви, включая реакции сторонних NPC на это.
      Модификацию легко настроить с помощью Mod Configuration Menu, поэтому вы можете либо наслаждаться слегка расширенным игровым процессом, либо сеять эмоциональный хаос по всему миру.
      В моде применена альтернативная система привлекательности. То, что NPC считают привлекательным, генерируется случайным образом при запуске новой кампании или при первой загрузке мода. Факторами являются их пол, телосложение, возраст и культура. В меню MCM вы можете выставить их общую склонность к гомосексуализму. По умолчанию это происходит совершенно случайно, но может случиться так, что NPC не проявят интереса ни к одному из полов или будут неравнодушны к обоим.
      Система взаимоотношений мода основана на совместимости черт характеров. NPC оглядываются по сторонам и, если находят кого-то привлекательным в поселениях или в отряде, начинают флиртовать. Результатом этих флиртов является количество признаков, характеризующих совместимость между ними. Если результат положительный, персонах, с которым флиртуют, получает очки эмоций и влечений. Набрав определенное количество очков, пара начинает серьезные отношения или же легкую интрижку. Когда у NPC случается роман, отношения накаляются и возникает ревность. Они встречаются тайно, и если уровень возбуждения достаточно высок, может случиться так, что они становятся слишком близки и зачинают ребенка. Также, если рядом с одним из этих NPC находится другой партнер по роману, он может стать свидетелем того, как их возлюбленный флиртуют с другими или даже происходит нечто посерьезней. Персонажи на это реагируют в соответствии со своими особенностями. Женятся, расходятся, покидают свой клан, могут убить друг друга в ссоре и т.д. Чтобы отвлечь своего любимого от взаимодействия с другими ему можно подарить какую-нибудь игрушку, купленную в магазине. А нежеланных детей стало возможным отдавать  в детские дома, где пожилые или бесплодные пары смогут усыновить их.
      Вся эта система работает только с лордами/леди и со странниками, с которыми можно общаться всего один раз в день.
      Так как эта модификация вносит очень большие изменения во взаимоотношения персонажей, то такие моды как Bastard Children, Family Control, Marry Anyone совместно с ним работать не будут. Также автор дает разрешение любому желающему внести свой вклад в изменение мода.


                                                                                                           Установка :
      Распаковать содержимое архива в папку Modules, находящуюся в главной директории игры, активировать мод в загрузчике.
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      Mod Configuration Menu
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      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте. Hot Butter
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