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The American Civil War Mod : Revived!

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                                                  The American Civil War Mod : Revived!
                                                                  Гражданская война в США : Возрождение






Автор :  King85    
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Версия мода : от 20.12.2019

Игра :  M&B: Warband v1.158 и выше.

                                                                                               НОВАЯ ВЕРСИЯ :



The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 3.0.6 (от 21.03.2024) :

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived v3.0.6 (RU by WinWolf) (от 21.05.2024) :
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Перевод мода The American Civil War Mod: Revived! 3.0.6

Автор : WinWolf
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Перевод выполнен с помощью нейросети Cohere Command R+ с открытым исходным кодом и распространяемой по свободной лицензии.



Для частичной русификации мода и nude-текстур сверху ставим

The American Civil War Mod Revived (RUS+NUDE) :

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                                                                                       ПРЕДЫДУЩИЕ ВЕРСИИ :



The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 2.5 (от 25.05.2023) :

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 2.0 (от 24.12.2022) :

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 1.8 (от 02.09.2022) :

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 1.7.5 (от 08.11.2021) :

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 1.7 (от 27.04.2021) :

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Fredericksburg Update (v 1.6.8) (от 01.12.2020) :

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 1.6.5 (от 20.10.2020) :

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 1.6 (от 16.05.2020) :

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived! v1.5 (от 08.03.2020) :

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Version 1.5 Hotfix (от 10.03.2020) :

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Патч The American Civil War Mod: Revived Patch v1.5.1 (от 16.03.2020) :

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived! v1.1 (от 07.01.2020) :

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The American Civil War Mod : Revived!  (от 20.12.2019) :

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                                                                                                       Описание :


The American Civil War Mod : Revived! - это свежий сабмод на старенький "A House Divided"

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, который был сделан еще под Warband 1.143.






Советы автора по игре в мод :


Сохраняйтесь чаще для возможности переигровки, особенно перед боем. Т.к. при смерти ГГ половина Вашего отряда может оказаться убитыми и ранеными даже если кроме ГГ никто реально не пострадал.
Некоторые из случайно сгенерированных карт очень плохи. И если при начале битвы карта Вам не понравилась, лучше дать врагу немного переместится и заново вступить в бой.
Бой смертельно опасен ! Одного выстрела достаточно, чтобы убить Вас или отнять большую часть вашего здоровья. Будьте осторожны.
Иногда Вы можете быть застрелены, казалось бы, из ниоткуда. Это работа снайперов, которые очень точны при выстреле с большой дистанции.
Не бросайтесь вслепую в бой, вас просто расстреляют. Стратегия играет ключевую роль в этом моде. На пролом атаковать вражеские линии теперь не получится.
Фланговый маневр очень выгоден. Если Вы сможете приблизиться к противнику и открыть огонь раньше них, то Вы сильно опустошите их ряды.
Боеприпасы не безграничны, как у Ваших войск, так и у противника. Может показаться, что стрельба будет продолжаться вечно, но в конце концов у юнитов закончатся боеприпасы и они перейдут в режим ближнего боя.
Кавалерийская атака, направленная в лоб, прямо на вражеские позиции, обычно заканчивается катастрофой. Атакуйте с флангов или сзади, и когда внимание противника отвлечено.








Список изменений :


Переделаны диалоги на более соответствующие временному периоду.
Переделаны все линейки войск и их снаряжение.
Переделаны бандитские фракции, чтобы быть более в соответствии с атмосферой гражданской войны.
Переделаны наемники и компаньоны.
Заменена вся музыка и звуковые эффекты стрельбы.
Новые загрузочные экраны.
Удалены средневековые предметы из Натива.
Изменены диалоги компаньонов, лордов, претендентов.
Обязательная война между федеральным правительством и конфедератами.
Переименованы города и форты с устаревшими или неправильными названиями.
и многое другое.









                                                                                     Дополнительные файлы :


The American Civil War Revived Western Music Mod (от 16.02.2021) :

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    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

Автор :  big_mac231    
Музыкальное дополнение для мода с новыми композициями и дополнительным звуком стрельбы из мушкета.



Native American Submod The American Civil War Mod Alpha (от 05.06.2021) :

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 Автор : sularz12310

Новый облик коренных американцев. Файлы из архива кинуть в папку мода с заменой.







Civil War Gun Sounds (от 09.10.2022) :

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Автор : VrosTactics
Сайт разработки :

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Небольшой минимод для The American Civil War Mod : Revived!, который заменяет звуки стрельбы из огнестрельного оружия. В архиве находятся пять папок с различными вариантами звуков в формате wav. Кинуть с заменой на ваш выбор в папку Sounds базового мода.


Изменено пользователем Alisacat007

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ВАЖНО : Для того, чтобы глобальная карта стала отображаться полностью и по ней можно было бы перемещаться нормально делаем следующее :


Блокнотом открываем файл module.ini и в самом начале текста строки :


map_min_x   = -180
map_max_x   =  180
map_min_y   = -145
map_max_y   =  145


заменяем на :

map_min_x   = -220
map_max_x   =  220
map_min_y   = -280
map_max_y   =  280

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Новая версия The American Civil War Mod: Revived! v1.1 (от 07.01.2020) :

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Изменений очень много.


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Автор выпустил в свет новую версию своего мода The American Civil War Mod: Revived! v1.5 (от 08.03.2020) :

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Автор сделал множество изменений. Самое интересное это возможность в игре отдавать приказы своим собственным голосом. Для этого необходимо установить программу "VoiceBot" и, естественно, иметь микрофон.
Данная опция в игре не обязательна.

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@Alvaro Не играл и даже не слышал, но твое замечание побудило поискать инфу :

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Что то в этом даже есть. Жаль не люблю игры от 1-го лица.

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Важный хотфикс на новую версию мода The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Version 1.5 Hotfix (от 10.03.2020) :

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добавлен в шапку темы.

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Патч The American Civil War Mod: Revived Patch v1.5.1 (от 16.03.2020) :

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Выпущена новая версия мода The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 1.6 (от 16.05.2020) :

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Доступна новая версия The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 1.6.5 (от 20.10.2020) :

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Добавлены новые полки, униформа и вооружение к ним, новые сцены, оптимизированы текстуры и исправлены ошибки.

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Новая версия The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Fredericksburg Update (v 1.6.8) (от 01.12.2020) :

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В Дополнительные файлы добавил The American Civil War Revived Western Music Mod (от 16.02.2021) :

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Автор :  big_mac231    
Музыкальное дополнение для мода с новыми композициями и дополнительным звуком стрельбы из мушкета.

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 1.7 (от 27.04.2021) :

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Full Changelog:


   New battlefields at Gettysburg, Shepherdstown, Frankfort (based on the Battle of Perryville), Chattanooga (based on the Battle of Missionary Ridge), and Atlanta (based on the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain).
    Custom made landmarks included at Gettysburg and Shepherdstown.
    New scene for Petersburg (based on the Battle of the Crater), however this scene causes crashes in battles and will be scrapped and remade for the next update.
    New town center scenes for New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Frankfort, Montgomery, New Orleans, Fredericksburg, St. Louis, St. Augustine.
    Custom made landmarks included in New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Frankfort, Montgomery, New Orleans, and Fredericksburg.
    Tampa, Camden, Fayetteville, Kingstown, and Allentown completely overhauled, including new AI mesh.
    Cold Harbor renamed to Dinwiddie Court House and moved to the south west of Petersburg, including a redone scene and it's own landmark (the Dinwiddie Court House).
    New scene for Fort Donelson (WIP).
    New Confederate Infantry Unit, the 1st Tennessee Volunteer Infantry "The Tennessee Riflemen". Can be found in the mod under the Army of the Tennessee, upgraded from the Confederate Volunteer Zouaves.
    Officers added to all Union and Confederate Zouave regiments.
    New weapons: the Maynard Carbine and the Hawken Rifle.
    New variants of the Springfield Model 1861, Springfield Model 1863, and Pattern 1853 Enfield Rifle Muskets with telescopic sights.
    Hardtack added as a consumable food item. Comes in units of 100 and provides +1 morale.
    Corn added as a consumable food item. Comes in units of 30, provides +3 morale.
    New officer horses with several different coat colors.
    All generals have been given new horses. Those generals whose horses I could identify from real life, have been given horses that look the most like their real life counter part.
    New uniforms for Forrest's Cavalry.
    Guidon bearers added to Forrest's Cavalry with their own custom flag.
    New "red legs" uniforms for Union Jayhawker "outlaw" parties.
    New animations for standing idle with muskets/rifles/carbines. The old animation was causing problems with the AI's ability to form straight lines.
    New reloading animation for revolvers.
    New props for cotton and tobacco fields.
    New buildings for weapons and clothing merchants with open interiors.
    New train and railroad props.
    All poetry dialogue and courtship dialogue replaced.
    All pretender dialogues replaced.
    Dialogue options for siege attacks changed. "Prepare ladders to attack the walls" changed to "Order your troops to clear the way for an assault". "Build a siege tower" changed to "Order your troops to build earthworks".
    New dialogue when encountering a battle in progress.
    Dialogue for Sergeant Mulchachy's home description edited to correct minor errors and make it more pleasant to read.
    Companions will now follow you as bodyguards in scenes. They will also assist you when you are ambushed by bandits in the cites.
    Base AI party size increased to 500.
    The amount of money all merchants have by default has been greatly increased.
    Accuracy of all firearms has been increased.
    Updated model and texture for infantry brogans.
    USCT infantry given Enfield and Lorenz rifle muskets in addition to their Springfield rifle muskets.
    National color guard added to the upgrade tree for 1st Minnesota Infantry (standard).
    Loading screen image replaced with higher quality version of the same painting.
    New recruitment poster props.
    New variation for Union infantry uniforms with backpacks that excludes the attached bedroll.
    Blood effects improved. There is more blood and it is more visible.
    New book covers.
    New straw hat added to Confederate Louisiana Zouaves and Wheat's LA Tiger Rifles.
    New "beehive" style hat for the Confederacy. Dark butternut color with a black band.
    New tan and black slouch hats for the Confederacy.
    New officer slouch hat.
    Cap badges added to the hats of the Garibaldi Guards.
    Haversack and canteen added to low ranking officer's uniforms.
    Adjusted Union and Confederate zouave kits so that the bayonet scabbard doesn't clip through the pants, and the percussion cap box is lined up with the belt.
    Split rail fences have been scaled up to be a more realistic height.
    On Fredericksburg siege scene, Mercer Square has been shortened in length to look more like a square instead of a rectangle, and line up with the correct boundaries.
    The snake rail fence around Mercer Square has been replaced by a split rail fence, to be more accurate to descriptions of the actual fence, which was said by Union soldiers who came up Mercer street, that it trapped them between it and the Stratton property.
    A small orchard has been added to the Hall House on the Fredericksburg siege scene.
    The rifle cartridge package that the player receives by default when starting a new game has been fixed. Before, the ammunition would only work with revolvers. Now it will work with rifles, as it is supposed to.
    Plain kite shield given by default sometimes when starting a new game replaced with a cartridge pack.
    Throwing daggers, throwing knives, and throwing axes removed from markets. They were taking up space and are basically never useful. They were originally left for players roleplaying as Native American characters, but those players almost certainly will prefer to use firearms or bow and arrow.
    Cheval de frise removed from markets, they took up way too much space and are completely non-functional.
    Springfield Model 1842 with broken bayonet function removed from markets. Was an old version of the weapon that was mistakenly still marked as merchandise.
    Replaced the boots Cabot Forbes has by default. The old ones clipped through the pants.
    Weapon speed and length for the bowie knife dropped by the belligerent drunk changed to be the same as the original knife.
    Fayetteville Rifle Type III with Sword Bayonet and Springfield Model 1847 Artillery Musketoon inventory screen image fixed.
    Wandering actor clothing fixed. Was equipped with the female nurse dress by accident.
    Fixed Newton Knight not wearing clothes indoors.
    Confederate infantry corporal uniform that said it had a blanket roll when it did not, has been renamed.
    Knoxville scene replaced with a star fort. In reality, the fortifications around Knoxville were abandoned by the Confederates, but in the game, it will play out as an alternative history where the Confederates stay and fight.
    Prairie du Rocher and Lexington, MI switched.
    Shreveport and Fort Henry switched so that Fort Henry is an actual Fort now that can be put under siege.
    Moved Shiloh and Corinth on the world map to be closer to their real life locations.
    Spelling mistake in St. Augustine starting city dialogue choice in character creation. "Mississippi" had a typo.
    Removed windmills from Richmond town center scene.
    Faction title "Sir" replaced with "General".
    Minor spelling mistakes in dialogue fixed.
    A few items with incorrect weights have been fixed.
    USMC kepi color darkened.



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Ой Ой Ой как вот интересно янки выиграли войну у дикси ими небыло выеграно неодного сражения ,Эта война выигранаи у бородатого пидра на диване

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@matreirf Что же им остается делать, если долгой и насыщенной истории у нации пока нет. Вот и раздувают приграничные конфликты до значимости великих войн.

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11 часов назад, matreirf сказал:

Ой Ой Ой как вот интересно янки выиграли войну у дикси ими небыло выеграно неодного сражения ,Эта война выигранаи у бородатого пидра на диване

Воообще то было и не раз 

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И где же ? Дикси - Джексон Каменная Стена был одним из великих генералов непабаюсь сказать - мира . 

И ваще вся история янки это история лицемеров и предателей , читая ее у миня часто возникало ощющение яего то ммерзкого 

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Добавил в Дополнительные файлы Native American Submod The American Civil War Mod Alpha (от 05.06.2021) :

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    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.




Новый облик коренных американцев.

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 1.7.5 (от 08.11.2021) :

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 1.8 (от 02.09.2022) :

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Full Changelog:

    New historical battlefields: Manassas (Bull Run), Shiloh, Franklin, Mechanicsville (Gaines' Mill), and Pea Ridge.
    Rome, Perryville, Newport, Pea Ridge, Harper's Ferry, Hillsborough, and Terre Haute village scenes overhauled.
    Selma, Columbia, Alexandria, Hodgenville, Clarksville, Fayetteville, Williamsport, and Wilmington village scenes improved.
    Harrisburg castle scene replaced with a fort.
    New Weapons: Colt Revolving Rifle, Morse Carbine, M1819 Hall Rifle, Whitney Navy Revolver, Spiller & Burr Revolver, Volcanic Pistol, Moore Patent Revolver.
    World map completely overhauled, with topography more closely matching real world maps of North America and more trees. (Big thanks to Luke_SkyOtter for his excellent work on this!)
    Freelancer added; players can now join AI armies as an enlisted soldier. The player will still retain control of the army though, because the AI is not smart enough to command and just gets everyone killed by making suicidal charges.
    New system of AI combat behavior, which should make the enemy AI more aggressive in battles, help them to stick together as a group, and prefer shooting rather than blindly charging and immediately going into melee. System is not perfect, however; please refer to the list of known issues for more information.
    Added patrons, musicians, and prostitutes to taverns.
    New war cry added to Union faction. Player must be a member of a faction to use the war cry ability.
    Player can now recruit veteran troops from cities if they have high enough renown (500) and enough money to afford them. Must also have at least 10 available slots in the party; no more than 10 veterans can be recruited from a city at one time.
    Villages will now spawn soldiers instead of farmers to help fight off raiding armies. Soldiers will spawn in villages after several days in-game.
    Village garrisons will always fight against the player, no matter what, making it more difficult for the player to simply burn villages across a faction's territory unopposed. Also gives players an opportunity to fight on village scenes and have something to do outside of fighting armies in the field. Likewise when defending your own faction's villages, the extra 50 men garrisoning the village will help you in battle.
    Player can now join into any battle, on any side, regardless of faction relations.
    New landmarks at Gettysburg: Farnsworth House and Jennie Wade House.
    Whiskey, rum, ale, coffee, tobacco, pork, and venison are now consumable items.
    Various new hats.
    New civilian outfits.
    New horses.
    The option to build a watch tower in villages has been replaced with building earthworks and fortifications, along with an appropriate description replacing the old one. This change suits much more to the provided benefit to the village, which is that it can hold out against being looted for 50% longer.
    New after death camera.
    Charlotte and Louisville terrain fixed.
    Missing exit from NYC prison fixed.
    Confederate kepis with yellow trim removed from infantry units, replaced with kepis with blue trim. Historically, Confederate kepis with yellow trim were for cavalry, blue trim was for infantry.
    New uniform for Confederate General A.P. Hill, based on the red shirt he wore historically.
    New song for travelling in eastern Confederate territory.
    Fixed white spots that would show up on Union uniforms when looked at from a distance.
    Tent icon when camping on the world map fixed.
    Wandering poets dialogue on courtship information updated.
    12-Pounder and 24-Pounder howitzers added, with new model.
    Enemy party size reports changed to "company/battalion/regiment/brigade/division sized group of enemies spotted near ..."
    Bandits and AI generals party sizes increased.
    Player party size increased.


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Civil War Gun Sounds (от 09.10.2022) :

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Автор : VrosTactics
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Небольшой минимод для The American Civil War Mod : Revived!, который заменяет звуки стрельбы из огнестрельного оружия.
В архиве находятся пять папок с различными вариантами звуков в формате wav. Кинуть с заменой на ваш выбор в папку Sounds базового мода.


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Изменено пользователем Alisacat007

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Full Release Version 2.0 (от 24.12.2022) :

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Full Changelog:


    Custom battles fixed, with custom preview images, and new maps exclusive to the feature.
    AI use of formations in campaign battles perfected.
    Removed player control of allied troops while enlisted as a regular soldier with an army, since the AI can now use formations on their own and don't need the player to command them. Player will still retain control of allies while fighting as a general.
    AI no longer spams flag bearers.
    Artillery fixed with new impact effects.
    Artillery impacts near the player will create the sound of dirt splashing and raining down, in addition to the normal sound effect of the projectile impact.
    Artillery impacts will knockdown players and troops that are nearby to the blast but not killed.
    Prices for cannons changed to better reflect historical costs. Parrot rifles now the cheapest, Napoleons and howitzers are the most expensive, and 3-inch ordnance rifles are mid tier.
    Cannon foundry moved to be one of the marketplace options in the town menu.
    Tournaments completely overhauled to be bare knuckle prizefighting, with animated NPC's acting as an audience.
    Bandit parties overhauled. Bushwhackers and Confederate Foragers are with the Confederate Partisans. Jayhawkers, Union Foragers and Union Bummers are with the Union Partisans. Looters and Deserters are Outlaws. Native American Raiders are their own faction.
    New historical leaders for the Bushwhackers and Jayhawkers that will spawn on the map as their own parties, fighting opposing factions, and raiding villages. These include James H. Lane, Daniel R. Anthony, and James Montgomery for the Jayhawkers, and William "Bloody Bill" Anderson, William Quantrill, and John S. Mosby for the Bushwhackers.
    Escaped slaves and slave catchers will now spawn on the map.
    Hammers and pickaxes added as weapons, which will be carried by escaped slaves, in addition to other weapons like sledgehammers, knives, and clubs.
    Outlaws given horses and revolvers instead of having muskets and fighting on foot.
    Player can now walk around their camp. New camp scenes included, which will change depending on how large your party is.
    Buck and ball added to the mod.
    The Irish Brigade, Garibaldi Guard, Orr's Rifles and 10th Tennessee have been given buck and ball.
    Player can now reload muskets and rifles while walking.
    Native American war cry ability fixed.
    Petersburg finally overhauled with a new scene that does not crash during siege battles.
    Indianapolis terrain scaled down and many buildings removed for performance reasons. The player should be able to enter the town center now without crashing.
    Production of goods fixed. Food and other items now show up properly, and locations no longer produce exclusively one good. Some goods are more abundant or more rare depending on the faction.
    New generals added to the Union factions to balance the number of armies with the Confederacy.
    Size of armies increased.
    All the passages in cities and forts are fixed.
    Stones River battlefield added to Murfreesboro.
    Albany changed to be a city, and new scene created for the town center.
    Several new villages added to the Union territory.
    Bridges fixed, and new bridges added to the world map.
    Music has been made faction specific, with new songs being added for players who are members of the Native American faction.
    Tavern music disabled because it would interfere with the musicians who appear and play music themselves.
    Fast travel feature fixed.
    Fixed or replaced many castle and headquarters scenes that were messed up or out of place.
    New gun smoke effects.
    New map icons for all parties on the campaign map.
    Fixed the bug where players and troops would sometimes get stuck in the aiming animation after firing rifles and muskets.
    Generals no longer have family relations to each other.
    Some of the generals now have their historical wives, and all general's wives will take on the generals' last names automatically and have the title of Mrs. Ladies not assigned as wives will become randomly assigned as daughters, with the title of Ms.
    Starting equipment changed to be dependent on your final character creation career choice.
    New final character creation career choices for women, with their own starting equipment.
    Burkesville updated. Replaced buildings, small changes to terrain, AI mesh fixed up, entry points moved to help gameplay.
    Parkersburg terrain touched up so fences no longer stick out of the ground, and spawn points for player and enemies moved a little bit.
    Buildings replaced in New Madrid, and terrain slightly improved.
    Union City and Paducah scenes replaced with more appropriate placeholders.
    Harper's Ferry player spawn point in battles moved further back from enemy spawn point. Both sides spawned too close. Moving the player spawn further back allows for a much more fun experience, giving you time and room to maneuver, and it will usually result in street fighting in the town itself.
    Amount of town walkers increased.
    42nd Pennsylvania Bucktails renamed to the Pennsylvania Bucktails Brigade and given Springfield 1861 and Enfield 1853 rifles in addition to their Sharps rifles.
    Player can no longer choose a banner until they join a faction as a general.
    Bandit that attacks you in town when starting a new game has been replaced with a generic outlaw.
    Menu pictures updated so they no longer overlap with text.
    Added the option to talk to the mayor from the town menu, if you've already met him.
    Added option to visit the shop from the town market menu.
    Added the ability to cancel assessing prices.
    Players can report back to any general that is a member of their faction after their general is defeated and captured, so that the player is not labeled as a deserter and you are not obliged to personally rescue your general.
    Prisoners rescued by the AI will return to a friendly location so that generals will not recruit outlaws and farmers that they rescued from defeated enemies.
    Tavern patrons changed to be all males since it didn't make sense before that women, especially women in fine dresses, would be hanging out in dingy taverns where mercenaries and prostitutes could be found.
    Pack mules available from horse merchants. Can't be ridden, but can be kept in your inventory to carry weight, which will increase your party's speed on the campaign map.
    Native American horses given new painted symbols, and one of the broken horses they used has been replaced.
    New lances for the 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry "Rush's Lancers".
    Several swords realigned so that their hilt faces upwards when sheathed, and straps attached to the sheath to make it look like it is hooked onto the belt rather than floating in the air.
    Various new hats.
    Stovepipe hat mesh improved.
    New green woman's dress.
    New textures for things like grass, dirt, tree bark, etc.
    Hundreds of textures that had flickering issues fixed.
    Bump map for the Van Pelt house and barn at Manassas fixed, so strange lighting and texture bugs that showed up before are now gone.
    Lalaurie Mansion added to New Orleans, and the smoke coming out of the steam boat in the harbor replaced with a better smoke prop.
    Added some street lanterns with night lights around the town hall of some of the cities like Washington, Cairo, New Orleans, and St. Louis. More to be added to other cities later.
    Two of the bandit lairs replaced (Jayhawkers and Bushwhackers).
    Numerous fixes to dialogue, menus, etc.
    Fixed hunting dialogue that said, "You lead your deers/boars/buffalos to battle". Now it says, "You begin the hunt."
    References to the player being a foreigner or coming to America from outside the country fixed.
    Wedding vows dialogue updated.
    Many lingering references to denars, king, lord, liege, etc., replaced.
    Small spelling fix in siege menu; "assault" was spelled incorrectly in a couple of places.
    Model 1840 Cavalry Saber cutting stats lowered to be on par with other swords in the game.
    Smoothbore muskets and the musketoons have had their accuracy increased. They are still less accurate than rifles, but now they are more realistic and less hit or miss.
    Straw hats removed from female merchants.
    Battle flags removed from markets. They were taking up too much room that could be better used by the weapons merchants for selling weapons and ammunition.
    Night lights added to all the campfires that I could find that were missing it.
    Boots given to merchants that were missing them. They were using shoes before, which showed invisible legs.
    Terrain slightly elevated in certain spots in Sharpsburg corn field, because the corn was too tall.
    Louisville renamed to Camp Nelson.
    Talladega renamed to Munford.
    Perryville renamed to Monocacy.


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    • От Alisacat007
      Anno Domini 1259 continued

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      Версия мода : v1.2.9.4 (от 19.04.2024)
      Игра : Mount & Blade II Bannerlord  
                                                                                                     НОВАЯ ВЕРСИЯ :

      Anno Domini 1259 continued v1.2.10.1 (от 02.08.2024) :
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      (для Bannerlord 1.2.10)  
      Anno Domini 1259 continued - Settlement Icons v1.2.10.1 (от 16.10.2024) :

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      (для Bannerlord 1.2.10)
      Необязательное дополнение меняющее иконки на карте. Требуется предустановка мода Settlement Icons - Redesign.
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      Разархивировать в папку Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\SettlementIconRedesign  
      Anno Domini 1259 continued - POC color randomizer config v1.2.10.1 (от 02.08.2024) :

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      (для Bannerlord 1.2.10)
      Необязательное дополнение изменяющее уникальный цвет для каждой фракции. Требуется предустановка мода POC color randomizer mod.
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      Разархивировать в папку Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\PocColor  
      Anno Domini 1259 continued - RBM patch v1.2.10.1 (от 02.08.2024) :
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      (для Bannerlord 1.2.10)
      Необязательное дополнение, патч совместимости с Realistic Battle Mod.
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      Разархивировать в папку Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\AD1259\ModuleData\annoItems  
                                                                                            ПРЕДЫДУЩИЕ ВЕРСИИ :

                                                                                                            Описание :
      Это новый вариант исторического мода Anno Domini 1259
      создаваемый обновленной командой разработчиков.

      На данный момент имеем:
      31 культуру
      32 королевства
      185 кланов
      1057 юнитов
      Новые загрузочные экраны
      Новая музыка
      Деревья войск из дополнения ANNO DOMINI 1259 - Armies of Europe (Troop Tree Overhaul) от Arcaen

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      Порядок загрузки модов в лаунчере :

                                                                                                            Установка :
      Распаковать содержимое архива в папку Modules, находящуюся в главной директории игры, активировать мод в загрузчике.
      Требуется предустановка модов :

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      Europe Campaign Map

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      Open Source Armory - только модули Saddlery и Weaponry
      Swadian armoury
    • От Alisacat007
      Eastern Europe 1259

      Автор : Litauen
      Сайты разработки :

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      Версия мода : v1.0.0 (от 19.04.2024)
      Игра : Mount & Blade II Bannerlord  
                                                                                                   НОВАЯ ВЕРСИЯ :
      Eastern Europe 1259 v3.1.0 (от 17.10.2024) :
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      (для Bannerlord 1.2.10 - 1.2.11)
      Сохранения с v1.x.x /v2.x.x не совместимы.  Но совместимы для v3.0.x  
      Eastern Europe 1259 Patch v3.1.0 (от 17.10.2024) :
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      (для Bannerlord 1.2.9)
      Патч адаптации последней версии мода под игру 1.2.9 . Ставить поверх полной версии мода, перезаписав папку EE1259_Core.
      Сохранения с v1.x.x /v2.x.x не совместимы.  Но совместимы для v3.0.x  
                                                                                            ПРЕДЫДУЩИЕ ВЕРСИИ :

                                                                                                            Описание :
      Новый исторический мод, действие которого происходит в небольшой части Восточной Европы середины 13 века на специально созданной карте Прибалтики и смежных областей. Разработчики стремились к исторической точности, но что в итоге получилось судить игрокам.
      Культуры :
      • Северные крестоносцы (немцы)
      • Прибалтика
      • Русь
      Фракции :
      • Тевтонский орден
      • Королевство Литва
      • Балтийские племена
      • Пруссы
      Особенности мода :
      • Географически и исторически (насколько это возможно) точные поселения, реки, леса, болота.
      • Исторические личности с лицами, созданными вручную по их портретам.
      • Оригинальные деревья войск со своим вооружением.
      • Пока два замка с новыми сценами: Ворута и Грод Яздов.
      • Новые загрузочные экраны созданные искусственным интеллектом.
      • Индивидуальная система набора добровольцев (например, тевтонские рыцари нанимаются только в городах, управляемых Тевтонским орденом).
      • Система борьбы со ''снежным комом'' (Anti-snowballing system), позволяющая проводить кампании в течение длительного времени.
      • Фильтр по возрасту персонажей в энциклопедии.


      Встроенные моды :
      • Swadian Armory (некоторые ресурсы)
      • True Noble Opinion
      • NoBigSmiles
      • KillFeed Location change
      Настоятельно рекомендуемые моды :
      • Realistic Battle Mod
      • AutoResolveRebalanced
      • Highlight Better Items Fix
      • MBSuperSpeed
      • Server As Soldie
      Проверенные на совместимость моды :
      • BetterTime
      • Character Reload
      • Hot Butter
      • LT_TradeAgent
      • Rename Companions
      • RTS Camera
      • Useful Skips
      Несовместимые моды :
      • AdonnaysTroopChanger
      • Любой другой мод для полной конверсии игры.
      Порядок загрузки модов :

                                                                                                           Установка :
      Распаковать содержимое архива в папку Modules, находящуюся в главной директории игры, активировать мод в загрузчике.
      Требуется предустановка модов:

      Скрытое содержимое
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      Скрытое содержимое
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