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Показан контент с высокой репутацией 30.08.2020 в Сообщения

  1. 1 балл
    В разработке. Что это - приключенческий квест для женского персонажа, с нелинейным прохождением, некоторой, авторской анимацией, и не требующий никаких дополнительных секс систем. Мод может вам показаться не совсем обычным, я использовал несколько... нестандартный подход при его создании. У персонажа есть скрытый параметр, который будет повышаться в зависимости от выбора, я называю его "КАРМА". Это должно отразиться на диалогах, их вариативности и в самих сценах тоже должны быть различия. В моде присутствуют сцены для взрослых, по этому он не рекомендован детям младше 18 лет. Требования - - SKSE 1.7.3 - Для правильной работы скриптов. - Papyrusutil - Расширение для скриптового языка. - FuzRoDa - Для того чтобы диалоги не проскакивали. - Fnis - Версии 6.3 и выше. Для работы анимации. - - SoS-совместимый скелет, для мужских персонажей. - Nioverride - Нужен только для отображения румянца на лице персонажей. Не надо ставить если у вас установлен racemenu. - A matter of time - (необязательно) Для отображения времени в подземке. Дополнительные требования для SE: mfg fix Address Library for SKSE Plugins Условия старта - - Ваш персонаж должен быть женского пола. - У вас не должно быть с собой спутников. - В кармане у вас должно быть больше ста монет. Квест начнется после того, как с вами заговорит незнакомец в таверне Рифтена. На данном этапе, вы можете пропустить события до версии 0.7 (Фолкрит начало), 0.8(Фолкрит - третий ингредиент), 0.9(Солитьюд начало), до 0.95(Подземка), 1.0(Освобождение Руны). Для этого зайдите в МСМ меню, и нажмите "Пропустить", затем покиньте меню, и пройдите опрос, который поможет настроить ваш выбор. Это доступно, до того момента, пока не начат основной квест. Пока мод находится в стадии разработки, советую сделать сохранение до установки мода, чтобы после прохождение, можно было к нему вернуться. Так как следующее обновление будет несовместимо с сохранением, на котором находятся данные прошлой версии мода. Установка. - Распаковать содержимое архива в папку Data. - Подключить DogmaEngine.esm и Dogma - Thief.esp в лаунчере или любом удобном менеджере плагинов. - Сгенерировать FNIS. - Играть. Удаление. Удалить файлы, запустить FNIS. Распространенные проблемы - В МСМ меню вас просят подключить мод, но мод уже подключен. Обновите papyrusutil до последней версии. - Персонажи во время анимации имеют некорректное выравнивание. 1- у вас не установлен скелет xpmse. 2) Пропорции вашего персонажа отличаются от стандартных, причиной может быть настройка пропорций костей в racemenu. 3) Вы используете расу которая использует свой собственный скелет, отличающийся от xpmse. Либо у вашей расы нестандартные пропорции. - Во время сцен вы наблюдаете двойной "шланг" у персонажей. Пока я не могу решить эту проблему. Если вам это сильно мешает, отключите мод мужских тел который вы используете, на время прохождения квеста. - Если у вас слишком много анимационных файлов, у вас могут быть проблемы с генерацией FNIS. Если вы с этим столкнулись попробуйте скачать новую версию Fnis xxl. Или попробуйте на время убрать некоторые большие наборы анимации, переместив их файлы из папки Data\Meshes\actors\character\behaviors в другое место, например можно создать в этой папке новую папку и бросить их на время туда, в этом случае Fnis будет просто игнорировать их при генерации. FAQ. 1- Будет ли продолжение? - Да, я не собираюсь прекращать работу над модом, до тех пор, пока он не будет полностью готов. 2- Когда ждать продолжения? - Это зависит от количества контента, который я собираюсь поместить в дополнение. 3- Могу ли я чем-то помочь? - Если у вас есть желание и возможность, вы можете поддержать меня материально, подписавшись на мой Patreon. 4- Можно ли будет поиграть за мужского персонажа? - Это исключено, так как идет в разрез с общим сюжетом. 5.- Мне это, и это не нравится! - Значит этот мод не для вас. Прохождение Маленький Негодник Изменения.
  2. 1 балл
    SexGS Pack CBBE HDT + UUNP HDT Минисборка сексмодов для "Ленивых" версия первая... В данный пак входят реплейсеры мужских и женских тел с поддержкой HDT физики а также реплейсеры брони Remodelled Armor и текстуры Demoniac(Default) с разрешением 2к для каждого варианта женских тел(CBBE и UUNP) текстуры в сборке пережаты специализированной утилитой без потери качества В сборку вшиты пресеты для Bodyslide с поддержкой физики половых органов CBBE - Clams of Skyrim 4.0 UUNP - Unfinied UNP Special Мужское тело - SOS - Shclong of Skyrim с аддонами Regular и Leito(также с поддержкой HDT физики) А также несколько Sexlab модов... Ниже будет приведено описание этих модов...(описание взято из SkyGS) Эта сборка предназначена для тех, кто хоть отдаленно понимает, как устанавливать и настраивать моды в Скайриме... В этой сборке не будет настроенных сохранений... Вам прийдется все настраивать самим... вы были предупреждены!!! Программы SKSE плагины Моды Установка Я-Диск Тема оставлена для информационных целей, создание и публикация новых версий в ближайшее время не планируется Данная солянка модов была собрана по просьбе
  3. 1 балл
    Попалось мне на просторах Ютуба видео про BodySlide, всё очень доступно и на простом РУССКОМ языке. Поскольку BodySlide программа универсальная и для F4 и для Скайрима, то думаю это тема многим будем полезна. [Скрытое содержимое]
  4. 1 балл
    Спасибо Кверти вам за теплые слова,они весьма Уместны ведь человеку стукнуло Полвека ,то бишь значит-ЮБИЛЕЙ!!! Да Дожить до 50 это не реку перейти все верно-Желаю и вам Кверти Долгих и счастливых лет жизни под Мирным небом а это самое -Главное
  5. 1 балл
    @Fallen MC С днем рождения! С наилучшими пожеланиями! 🎂
  6. 1 балл
    Из Patreon Kimy о дальнейшем развитии лута Jun 5, 2020 at 8:11 AM June Update As a small update to my last posting, I just wanted to share some good news with you today. The small update for DCL I was talking about last time, won't be so small after all. Its version number will be 9.0 and bring some rather significant changes to DCL. Over the last few months I have been looking at "pain points" players experience when using DCL. As in features that just aren't fun. Two of the bigger offenders has already been neutralized - the dreaded "surrender immediately after dropping your weapon" condition in Combat Surrender. And how males sometimes wanted sex when starting a dialogue with them, which was inconvenient even when working as intended, and sometimes even broke quests. But there are more. Another major habit of DCL some people really didn't like was how a cursed trap triggering in the wrong moment stops exploring a dungeon right there. Bound combat made wearing wrist restraints a bit less a showstopper, but in dungeons it usually still means having to leave, get out of the bindings and come back. Which can be frustrating. So there is now a new toggle in MCM called "Merciful Dungeons" that will take away the supply of wrist restraints from cursed traps in dungeons. Other devices can and will still get equipped, so it's not that traps lost their bite! Another pain point was working in prison. While the prison feature in DCL was widely received very well by players, the circumstance that every day in prison feels like Groundhog Day, was not. Which is why now the tasks get randomized. Every day past the first, a random subset of tasks will be given to the player in random order. No day should feel the same anymore, and longer sentences should be less tedious, for fewer tasks will have to be completed on average. Oh, and additional, new tasks have been added to the pool, just to make this even more interesting! You might wonder why Day 1 is still unchanged? That's to give the player a chance to complete necessary steps to prepare her escape. With a fully randomized system, there is a certain possibility that escape won't be possible until much later in a sentence and I wanted to keep it a viable way of playing the prison. Other than eliminating unfun features, there is more, though! DCL 9 will bring back furniture bondage! The new DD furniture component Devious Devices - Contraptions is now a hard requirement of DCL. Furniture devices have been restored to every DCL quest that previously had them while ZAP was still a requirement of DCL and DD. The prison got shipped new furniture devices, too. What's a prison without pillories anyway? And the maybe biggest change of them all I saved for last: As you all know, DCL has been adding bondage quest content for a while now. I want DCL to be more than "that mod that randomly ties you up when opening a container". I want it to be the mod that makes Skyrim kinky. All aspects of it. And that also means that you should be able to play kink content for many hours without even touching Skyrim's vanilla content. Several pieces of this are already in the mod. But 9.0 will bring them together for the first time, while adding more. Following the start-up quests "Delivery Refused" and "Chloe" (which already were linked), three more quests have already been strung together to form a new quest arc I call "Bound in Skyrim". Some of them are completely new, and some have been modified to fit into an quest arc. These five quests should already mean a significant number of hours you can play Skyrim the kinky way. And in the future there will be more! Jun 22, 2020 at 2:25 AM DCL Development - Update Today I am back with news about yet another new feature that's going to make it into DCL 9. Has it also bothered you how a seemingly significant part of Skyrim's good citizen seems to be kinky and yet there is no hangout for them where they can meet likeminded people and have some fun! Now there is! The Dollmaker's sister has just opened a new establishment in Riverwood called The Whip and Chain Inn! A place where whips and chains aren't considered out of place, but part of the experience! This inn is unlike any other in Skyrim, and other than ale and food offers other services for the kinky adventurer! For starters, there are several merchants licensed to do business in the Whip and Chain. If you are looking for some new toys, chances are that you're going to find what you're looking for there! You're more into games? You came to the right place! The inn features a parkour where you can play with a dozen different furniture devices. Want to try escaping one? The game master will be happy to lock you in! Don't worry, if you can't escape on your own, she will eventually release you. The best thing is that you will get rewarded for participating! Even if you don't actually escape. Prefer wearable restraints? There is an escape game for these, too! Try and escape that straitjacket dress and get rewarded! And if you are brave, you can allow staff to tie you up in random devices even they don't have a key for. If this all sounds too adventurous for you, why not relax in the playroom, where helpful attendants will cater to every need you might have, including a good spanking or playing when restrained. Both male and female entertainers are available, and if you think one playmate isn't enough, you can also play with more than one! If you have misplaced the key for your bindings and need some help, a skilled locksmith is on site and will be able to assist you. She can remove most generic devices you accidentally might have get stuck in. Her services are not cheap, though. Rumor has it that the proprietor of the establishment even has a secret stash of generic restraints keys she might be willing to sell you for traveling purposes. You never know when you might need one! Her prices are probably outrageous, but hey, at least she admits to it! State of development of this feature is feature-complete. Which means it's done and just needs fine-tweaking and testing. Stay safe and I will talk to you soon with another update! Jul 15, 2020 at 8:19 AM DCL Development update - July Last time I introduced what's possibly the biggest feature in upcoming DCL 9: The Whip and Chain Inn. In the meantime, I have added even more features to this kinky inn. First, another merchant has been added who will sell you...errr...home decoration items, namely furniture devices with extra features, such as locks and chains! You can purchase every single furniture device in DDC to tailor your player home more to your liking. How about a bondage chair for Lydia? Or a pillory for the front yard to discourage these Imperial tax collectors? Another big addition to the Whip and Chain is the game room. Because what would a kink inn be without some games? A newly hired entertainer offers games for your amusement, and staff has gone to great lengths to bring in some talent to play. A group of some of the best escape artists of Skyrim has been hired to show off their skill at escaping the tightest of bondage. The three girls compete for the title of Struggle Queen - and you get to bet on the winner! Place a bet and watch these girls struggle! If your pick wins, you will receive a reward. If she does not, the entertainer will put a restraint on YOU instead. What would a bondage game be without some chance to get tied up, anyway? Feel like being part of a game yourself? Why not play a round of Bondage High-Low against the beautiful game master? Roll the dice and win to tie her up, device by device. Or lose and have the same done to you! If you manage to fully tie your opponent you win a big prize. If you lose, there is a good chance that you get to keep the devices for your collection, so you still win! In a way. Nobody was talking about a key, right? If you managed to get hopelessly tied during your visit to the inn (or came in tied up already), you can also give the Escape Room a try! Search for the keys to your restraints in room full of surprises that might add to the fun if you look in the wrong places! Other than the inn, I am still looking for more pain points to tackle and get rid of. I want DCL to be fun, and not annoying! And one of the things I know wasn't popular with players was the circumstance that I placed a main quest hub for DCL in a remote northern town with no carriage service, but many of the very quests you picked up there disallowed fast travel. Rejoice! On a constant quest to improve customer satisfaction, the Dollmaker has hired a carriage driver to operate out of Dawnstar. He will take her valued customers to all major Skyrim cities after their shopping stop. For free, because the Dollmaker wants her customers to be happy! If you can think of any other really painful features you'd love to see changed or gone - by all means, mention them and I will see what I can do! Aug 16, 2020 at 10:15 PM DCL 9 and Furniture Devices Today I want to talk a bit about furniture devices, and how they will become a part of DCL in 9.0. Furniture devices offer many new and exciting opportunities for bondage fun, and you can count on DCL making good use of all the new features DD Contraptions offers. In the past, furniture devices have been used mostly for decoration or in scenes. DDC's framework comes with a full featured escape system, timed devices, dynamically spawned devices and DCL is going to make use of all of that. On top of the decoration! In the past, DCL made only casual use of furniture devices (such as for locking up Chloe at the start of her quest, or for a bit of eye-candy in the Delivery Refused LAL quest), and even those were removed when the DD framework split away from ZAP. Well, they will obviously be back! And this is only the beginning! The owner of the Whip and Chain Inn seems to be a true furniture lover. Her establishment features a good dozen devices, and while some of them are occupied by...errrm...models, the rest of them you can play with! I briefly mentioned a little escape game run by a WnC employee who will let you try to escape a variety of devices for fun and profit. In the Escape Room, you will also find a few devices. No, they are NOT just for decoration. You will find out! But if you thought that the game was just about clicking containers until you found all the required keys, you forgot that DCL started as that mod that trapped containers! *cough* Talking about traps: DCL wouldn't be DCL without these. And since DDC can spawn furniture devices dynamically...well...you probably guessed the newest peril of Skyrim: Furniture traps! A new kind of devious magic can spawn them wherever, so you have to be even more careful when looting these boxes. Otherwise you might spend some time trying to struggle out of these nasty devices you suddenly got stuck in! And last, but not least: Criminally inclined adventuresses, beware! City guards in all major Skyrim cities have ordered furniture devices to be built where criminal girls can be put on display to publicly humiliate them. Or punish them in more direct ways. Because random passersby might decide to take advantage of your locked-up situation and have some additional fun with you. No, don't count on the city guard to help you. On the plus side, these devices are a bit less inescapable than the city guard would have preferred. They also saved money on the locks and fitted all the devices with standard locks! Perhaps you managed to hide a key on you somewhere? If yes, you can always try to shorten your sentence a bit but trying to unlock yourself or struggling out of your confinement. At least if you can reach the lock. If not, you can always endure your punishment until you get released. Oh, in case I didn't mention, but the furniture punishment feature is very easily extensible, to the degree that 3rd party mods could easily place more DDC furniture in the world and register the device to the feature to make it use them. Personally I think bondage furniture is one of the most exciting things added to DCL in a while. The new features should add a lot more fun to your bound life in Skyrim. And yes, I will probably find more use for these devices in the future!
  7. 1 балл
    Арт от друзей. Персонажи с модами, к соданию которых пришлось приложить руку. Обливион:
  8. 1 балл
    Версия 1.53 Ссылка в шапке
  9. 1 балл
    Придумал 2 перка. Заодно и проблему с прокачкой ветки решил.
  10. 1 балл
    Devious Devices - Equip 452 Ru.7z
  11. 1 балл
    xazPrisonOverhaul_-_Patched_452_Ru.7z обновил перевод - забыл перевести текстовики МСМ. Исправил.
  12. 1 балл
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