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@NikiSm отрадно. теперь следующим шагом ожидается модлист и несколько логов с описанием ситуаций перед крашем. особо полезными могут стать логи вылетов при смене локаций, ибо лечить ситуацию "шёл-шёл и хрясь- вылет" по логу как правило бесполезно.

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1 минуту назад, elma сказал:

@NikiSm отрадно. теперь следующим шагом ожидается модлист и несколько логов с описанием ситуаций перед крашем. особо полезными могут стать логи вылетов при смене локаций, ибо лечить ситуацию "шёл-шёл и хрясь- вылет" по логу как правило бесполезно.

Ну я тупо снес весь скайрим и решил не мучится, буду ставить моды следуя полным инструкция и иметь запасной вариант папки Data

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[05/14/2019 - 04:10:55PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)
[05/14/2019 - 04:10:55PM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[05/14/2019 - 04:10:55PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[05/14/2019 - 04:10:55PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:07PM] Cannot open store for class "fnissmquestscript", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:07PM] Cannot open store for class "fnissmconfigmenu", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:07PM] Cannot open store for class "ZazOnTriggerEnterBindingsTMG", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_QuestTemplate", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] Error: Unable to link "daymoyl_QuestTemplate" - the parent of "Defeatdadefeated".
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script Defeatdadefeated to DefeatPADefeated (1D0C16D8) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defeatdatrigger to DefeatPlayerQST (1D000D62) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script DefeatDALeftForDead to DefeatPALeftForDead (1D0C1173) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] Cannot open store for class "xs2__prkf_xmapassivefingersmi_05112b24", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] Cannot open store for class "xxx_prkf_xxxpassivefingersmit_020a3756", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:09PM] Cannot open store for class "_snquestscript", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias to alias PlayerRef on quest DefeatPlayerQST (1D000D62) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityThreshold on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_baseShrinkFactor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_baseSwellFactor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColorMod on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityBuffer on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColorMod on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_useHairColors on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_useColors on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_useHairColors on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColorMod on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColorMod on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_useColors on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_enableNiNodeOverride on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColor on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColor on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityBuffer on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_baseShrinkFactor on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityThreshold on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_enableNiNodeOverride on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_baseSwellFactor on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property Unarmed on script SQM_MenuScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property count1 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] ERROR: Property Modes on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property count3 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property count4 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property count2 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] ERROR: Property thisQuest on script PF_bac_hunter_lookingForYouH_050156B9 attached to  (3E0156B9) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3E013623) is not the right type
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] VM is freezing...
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] VM is frozen
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] Reverting game...
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script DefeatDALeftForDead to DefeatPALeftForDead (1D0C1173) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defeatdatrigger to DefeatPlayerQST (1D000D62) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script Defeatdadefeated to DefeatPADefeated (1D0C16D8) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias to alias PlayerRef on quest DefeatPlayerQST (1D000D62) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityThreshold on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_baseShrinkFactor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_baseSwellFactor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColorMod on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityBuffer on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColorMod on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_useHairColors on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_useColors on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_useHairColors on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColorMod on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColorMod on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_useColors on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_enableNiNodeOverride on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColor on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColor on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityBuffer on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_baseShrinkFactor on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityThreshold on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_enableNiNodeOverride on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_baseSwellFactor on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property Unarmed on script SQM_MenuScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property count1 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] ERROR: Property Modes on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property count3 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property count4 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property count2 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] ERROR: Property thisQuest on script PF_bac_hunter_lookingForYouH_050156B9 attached to  (3E0156B9) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3E013623) is not the right type
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] Loading game...
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] VM is thawing...
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] SEXLAB - LOADED: Version 16200 / 16200
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] SexLab MCM Loaded CurrentVerison: 16200 / 16200
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] error: Native static function TESTScanCellNPCsByFaction could find no matching static function on linked type MiscUtil. Function will not be bound.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] MilkModEconomy OnPlayerLoadGame
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] FNIS AA started (load)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] FNIS PCEA2 Quest started (load)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: DevicesUnderneath::Maintenance()
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ==== LAL: DLC and Mod support check - Ignore errors about missing files. ====
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLAL: SLAL: OnLoad
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [SimplyKnock] Detected SKSE version 1.070300 (expected 1.070300 or newer, success!)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SOS Maintenance: loaded version is 300004
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SOS Maintenance: 300004 is update
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 29
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 33
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 37
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 41
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Struggle] Registered. Event #12
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Struggle] Loaded: 25%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Registered. Event #0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Harness] Registered. Event #10
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Harness] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Registered. Event #18
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Loaded: 50%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Belt Chafing] Registered. Event #24
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Belt Chafing] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Registered. Event #16
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Belted Empty] Registered. Event #19
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Belted Empty] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Drip] Registered. Event #21
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Drip] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Registered. Event #6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Loaded: 15%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Registered. Event #20
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Loaded: 55%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Registered. Event #7
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Loaded: 50%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Mystery] Registered. Event #5
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Mystery] Loaded: 1%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Registered. Event #4
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Loaded: 100%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Registered. Event #23
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Loaded: 15%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [horny] Registered. Event #8
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Registered. Event #17
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [horny] Loaded: 5%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Registered. Event #11
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Trip and Fall] Registered. Event #1
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Bra Chafing] Registered. Event #22
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Bra Chafing] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Soft dependency check begin =================================================================
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Devious Devices Installed: TRUE
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: Set Device Hider slot to 41.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Registered. Event #3
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Loaded: 25%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Trip] Registered. Event #9
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Trip] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [<NULL form> (0009165B)].masterambushscript.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
    [<NULL form> (0009165B)].masterambushscript.OnGetUp() - "masterAmbushScript.psc" Line ?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [<NULL form> (00091657)].masterambushscript.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
    [<NULL form> (00091657)].masterambushscript.OnGetUp() - "masterAmbushScript.psc" Line ?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Loaded: 25%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] Cannot open store for class "consoleutil", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: Unable to obtain function call information - returning None
    [zadQuest (0900F624)].zadbq00.checkBlindfoldDarkFog() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 133
    [zadQuest (0900F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 140
    [alias Player on quest zadQuest (0900F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 14
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Cursed Loot Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Skooma Whore Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Milk Mod Economy Installed: TRUE
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Sexlab Dialogs Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Rape Tattoos Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: TDF Aggressive Prostitution Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Milk Addict Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Paradise Halls Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Sexy Bandit Captives Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Sexlab Separate Orgasm Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Slaverun Reloaded Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy Registered events
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal: Compatibility checking
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal:                    SexLab version: 16200
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal:                 SlaveTats version: 
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Registered. Event #15
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: PaySexCrime Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal:                  RaceMenu version: 7
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Devious Followers Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal: Non SexLab Animation Pack version: 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal:                    SexLab support: TRUE
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal:                   Overlay support: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal:      Non SexLab Animation support: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Zaz Animation Pack Installed: TRUE
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Simple Slavery Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Sanguines Debauchery Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Frostfall Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Hunterborn Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Extensible Follower Framework Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Advanced Follower Tweaks Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: JKs Skyrim installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Soft dependency check end ==============================================================
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=4, Tags=Dog, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=3, Tags=Dog, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: DogGangbangAnims = 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=4, Tags=wolf, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=3, Tags=wolf, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: registered for maintenance
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Loaded: 7%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: WolfGangbangAnims = 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=4, Tags=Horse, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=3, Tags=Horse, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: HorseGangbangAnims = 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Registered. Event #13
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Loaded: 15%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ========== Auto Unequip Ammo: Scanning for supported plugins...
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: Starting update chain.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [AUA (2F00C6C2)].AUAQuestScript.GameLoaded() - "AUAQuestScript.psc" Line 40
    [AUA (2F00C6C2)].AUAQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "AUAQuestScript.psc" Line 73
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ========== Auto Unequip Ammo: Scan complete.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Trip and Fall] Loaded: 20%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy DLC check
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy HearthFires.esm found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy Dawnguard.esm found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy Dragonborn.esm found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy iNeed.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy SexLabSkoomaWhore.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy Schlongs of Skyrim.esp found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy Schlongs of Skyrim.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy SOS - B3lisario UNP Addon.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy SOS - SOS Female Schlongifier (No Schlong Addon by Erundil).esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] LAL: Dawnguard detected.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy SOS - SOS Female Schlongifier (No Schlong Addon by Erundil).esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy EstrusChaurus.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy EstrusSpider.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy EstrusDwemer.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy BeeingFemale.esm not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy FertilityMode.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy HentaiPregnancy.esm not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy SexLabProcreation.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy PlayerSuccubusQuest.esm not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy Devious Devices - Integration.esm found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy SexLab-StoriesDevious.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy SexLabAroused.esm found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy DCL check done
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy adding MME Leveled lists to base Leveled lists
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy iNeed options is not installed
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy breast strings array resetting
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy armor strings array resetting
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy armorslots array resetting
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy ECON market names array resetting
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: executing
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Bump Pumps] Registered. Event #14
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Bump Pumps] Loaded: 17%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Stamina Drain] Registered. Event #2
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Stamina Drain] Loaded: 50%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR:  (3E01E41C): cannot start scene because its parent quest was not running.
    [ (3E01E41C)].Scene.start() - "<native>" Line ?
    [bac_unowned (3E01DE47)].bac_unowned.reloadQuest() - "bac_unowned.psc" Line 280
    [alias PlayerRef on quest bac_main (3E001D90)].bac_alias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "bac_alias.psc" Line 17
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: registered for maintenance
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Registered. Event #25
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Loaded: 25%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating animations.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDBeltedSolo): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDArmbinderSolo): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDYokeSolo): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating bound animations.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbDoggy01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbDoggy01Both): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbMissionary01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbSkullFuck01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbLesbian01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbLesbian01Both): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbBoobjob01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbKissing01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary02): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary03): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeSkullFuck01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeLesbian01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeLesbian01Both): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeBlowjob01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeKissing01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeForeplay01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBYokeHolding): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBYokeDoggy): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBMolagStandingYoke): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapMixLesbian01ArmbYoke): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapMixLesbian01YokeArmb): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_armbBJ1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_bbyokeBJ1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_cuffsFrontBJ1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_elbBJ1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_yokeBJ1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_armbMiss1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_bbyokeMiss1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_cuffsFrontMiss1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_elbMiss1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_yokeMiss1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_armbCowg1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_elbCowg1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_YokeCowgirl): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_YokeDoggy): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_YokeMissionary): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_YokeStanding): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_YokeFaceFuck): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_Yoke69): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_YokeRevCowgirlAnal): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_YokeLayingAnal): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: EnableEventProcessing()
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: Rehooking Mod Events
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] LAL: Hearthfire detected.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] LAL: Dragonborn detected.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "Chesko_Frostfall.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 181
    [alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "Helgen Reborn.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 193
    [alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "teg_returntohelgen.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 201
    [alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "Keld-Nar.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 209
    [alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ==== LAL: DLC and Mod support check - Done. ====
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: RebuildSlotmask()
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR:  (3E01DE66): cannot start scene because its parent quest was not running.
    [ (3E01DE66)].Scene.start() - "<native>" Line ?
    [bac_unowned (3E01DE47)].bac_unowned.reloadQuest() - "bac_unowned.psc" Line 287
    [alias PlayerRef on quest bac_main (3E001D90)].bac_alias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "bac_alias.psc" Line 17
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: Cannot call regenerateAliases() on a None object, aborting function call
    [alias PlayerRef on quest bac_main (3E001D90)].bac_alias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "bac_alias.psc" Line 18
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy ECON milk names array resetting
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] [SLH_QST_HormoneGrowth] Hormones 20181201
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] [SLH_QST_HormoneGrowth]  Reset SexLab events
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] [SLH_QST_HormoneGrowth]  Add spells
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] ERROR: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] ERROR: Array index 2 is out of range (0-1)
    [bac_main (3E001D90)].bac_update.updateAlways() - "bac_update.psc" Line 939
    [bac_main (3E001D90)].bac_update.Update() - "bac_update.psc" Line 181
    [alias PlayerRef on quest bac_main (3E001D90)].bac_alias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "bac_alias.psc" Line 26
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAprefixList mod: XPMSE nMods: 5
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.431770)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] MilkModEconomy 3J Breastfeeding animations found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] MilkModEconomy status set to 1, should be 1
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] MilkModEconomy maintenance done
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Applying NiOverride
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] InitWidgetLoader()
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Reading color state from storage
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [DSerAGO] Maintenance has been run
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]:::: SexLab Hormones: Alter tint mask to color target - 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]  ColorMod - 0.125000
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Orig color - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Offsets - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Target color - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]  New color - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]          NumTintsByType: 1 - type: 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]          Layer to change: 0 - setAll: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]              Layer : 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor] Hair Color in storage: 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor] - Original Hair Color in storage: 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor] - Current Hair Color: -13686492
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:37PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Reading color state from storage
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:37PM] [Zad]: Set slot mask to [338165760]: 338165760
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:37PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Writing color state to storage
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:37PM] [SLH_QST_HormoneGrowth]    :: Writing Hormones state to storage
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:37PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Writing color state to storage
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:38PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Applying NiOverride
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:38PM] SLS: Compass flip
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:38PM] ERROR: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [Item 2 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
    [Item 2 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.OnContainerChanged() - "zadHiderScript.psc" Line 5
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:39PM] XPMSE MainQuest Initialization successful.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: ==========Begin Compatibility Checks==========
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: Please note that Errors related to missing files should be ignored.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: [ Dependency Checks ]
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: DDi version [10.000000]: OK
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: assets version [3.000000]: OK
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: Aroused version [20140124.000000]: OK
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: SexLab version [16200.000000]: OK
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: [ Third Party Mod Compatibility Checks ]
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: [ Sanity Checks ]
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: Verifying that installation is untainted by an unsupported upgrade: OK
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: ==========End Compatibility Checks==========
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: Events arrays already initialized - skipping.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: zadEventSlots::Maintenance()
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: Maintenance_ABC()
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: Monitoring Camera state.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:43PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:43PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:46PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]:Defered maintenance...
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:46PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: found Devious Devices - Assets.esm
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:46PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: Enabled Desire spell
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:46PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: Updated notification key to 49
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:46PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: finished maintenance
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:49PM] MilkModEconomy ActorCheck cycle
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:03PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:03PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:04PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:22PM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for Бандит got schlong index 1 size 9
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:23PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:23PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:24PM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for Бандит got schlong index 1 size 8
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:36PM] MilkModEconomy MME_Status: Scripts are running, Unsetting StorageUtil MME_ScriptsStarted, shutting down
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:37PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:39PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs() is already processing.
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:40PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs() is already processing.
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:40PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:40PM] [Zad]: Aborting repopulation of NPC slots: Hit throttle.
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:43PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:43PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:44PM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for Охотник got schlong index 2 size 4
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:46PM] Info: *Achievement 29 awarded - a winnar is you!*
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:55PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:57PM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for Бандит got schlong index 2 size 10
[05/14/2019 - 04:13:03PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[05/14/2019 - 04:13:03PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[05/14/2019 - 04:13:21PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[05/14/2019 - 04:13:31PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[05/14/2019 - 04:13:31PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done

Доброго времени суток, пожалуйста помогите разобраться в чем может быть проблема, сам уже все перепробывал что знал?!

Вылет к сожалению в стиле шел-шел и хрясь, вылет, но очень быстрый после загрузки.

Может кто сможет понять где та самая строка ) ?

Изменено пользователем Bloodray

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В 14.05.2019 в 16:23, Bloodray сказал:
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[05/14/2019 - 04:10:55PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)
[05/14/2019 - 04:10:55PM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[05/14/2019 - 04:10:55PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[05/14/2019 - 04:10:55PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:07PM] Cannot open store for class "fnissmquestscript", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:07PM] Cannot open store for class "fnissmconfigmenu", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:07PM] Cannot open store for class "ZazOnTriggerEnterBindingsTMG", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_QuestTemplate", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] Error: Unable to link "daymoyl_QuestTemplate" - the parent of "Defeatdadefeated".
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script Defeatdadefeated to DefeatPADefeated (1D0C16D8) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defeatdatrigger to DefeatPlayerQST (1D000D62) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script DefeatDALeftForDead to DefeatPALeftForDead (1D0C1173) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] Cannot open store for class "xs2__prkf_xmapassivefingersmi_05112b24", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:08PM] Cannot open store for class "xxx_prkf_xxxpassivefingersmit_020a3756", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:09PM] Cannot open store for class "_snquestscript", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias to alias PlayerRef on quest DefeatPlayerQST (1D000D62) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityThreshold on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_baseShrinkFactor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_baseSwellFactor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColorMod on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityBuffer on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColorMod on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_useHairColors on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_useColors on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_useHairColors on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColorMod on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColorMod on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_useColors on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_enableNiNodeOverride on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColor on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColor on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityBuffer on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_baseShrinkFactor on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityThreshold on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_enableNiNodeOverride on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property GV_baseSwellFactor on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property Unarmed on script SQM_MenuScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property count1 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] ERROR: Property Modes on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property count3 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property count4 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] warning: Property count2 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] ERROR: Property thisQuest on script PF_bac_hunter_lookingForYouH_050156B9 attached to  (3E0156B9) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3E013623) is not the right type
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] VM is freezing...
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:16PM] VM is frozen
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] Reverting game...
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script DefeatDALeftForDead to DefeatPALeftForDead (1D0C1173) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defeatdatrigger to DefeatPlayerQST (1D000D62) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script Defeatdadefeated to DefeatPADefeated (1D0C16D8) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias to alias PlayerRef on quest DefeatPlayerQST (1D000D62) because their base types do not match
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityThreshold on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_baseShrinkFactor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_baseSwellFactor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColorMod on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityBuffer on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColorMod on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_useHairColors on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_useColors on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColor on script SLH_QST_ConfigMenu attached to _SLH_Config (3F00489E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_useHairColors on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColorMod on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColorMod on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_useColors on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_enableNiNodeOverride on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_redShiftColor on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_blueShiftColor on script slh_fctcolor attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityBuffer on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_baseShrinkFactor on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_sexActivityThreshold on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_enableNiNodeOverride on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:17PM] warning: Property GV_baseSwellFactor on script slh_fctbodyshape attached to _SLH_Controller (3F0012C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property Unarmed on script SQM_MenuScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property count1 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] ERROR: Property Modes on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property count3 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property count4 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property count2 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (34000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to  (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:18PM] ERROR: Property thisQuest on script PF_bac_hunter_lookingForYouH_050156B9 attached to  (3E0156B9) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (3E013623) is not the right type
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] Loading game...
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] VM is thawing...
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] SEXLAB - LOADED: Version 16200 / 16200
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] SexLab MCM Loaded CurrentVerison: 16200 / 16200
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] error: Native static function TESTScanCellNPCsByFaction could find no matching static function on linked type MiscUtil. Function will not be bound.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] MilkModEconomy OnPlayerLoadGame
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] FNIS AA started (load)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:33PM] FNIS PCEA2 Quest started (load)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: DevicesUnderneath::Maintenance()
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ==== LAL: DLC and Mod support check - Ignore errors about missing files. ====
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLAL: SLAL: OnLoad
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [SimplyKnock] Detected SKSE version 1.070300 (expected 1.070300 or newer, success!)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SOS Maintenance: loaded version is 300004
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SOS Maintenance: 300004 is update
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 29
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 33
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 37
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 41
    [alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Struggle] Registered. Event #12
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Struggle] Loaded: 25%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Registered. Event #0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Harness] Registered. Event #10
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Harness] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Registered. Event #18
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Loaded: 50%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Belt Chafing] Registered. Event #24
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Belt Chafing] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Registered. Event #16
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Belted Empty] Registered. Event #19
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Belted Empty] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Drip] Registered. Event #21
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Drip] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Registered. Event #6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Loaded: 15%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Registered. Event #20
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Loaded: 55%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Registered. Event #7
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Loaded: 50%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Mystery] Registered. Event #5
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Mystery] Loaded: 1%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Registered. Event #4
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Loaded: 100%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Registered. Event #23
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Loaded: 15%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [horny] Registered. Event #8
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Registered. Event #17
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [horny] Loaded: 5%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Registered. Event #11
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Trip and Fall] Registered. Event #1
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Bra Chafing] Registered. Event #22
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Bra Chafing] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Soft dependency check begin =================================================================
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Devious Devices Installed: TRUE
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: Set Device Hider slot to 41.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Registered. Event #3
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Loaded: 25%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Trip] Registered. Event #9
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Blindfold Trip] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [<NULL form> (0009165B)].masterambushscript.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
    [<NULL form> (0009165B)].masterambushscript.OnGetUp() - "masterAmbushScript.psc" Line ?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [<NULL form> (00091657)].masterambushscript.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
    [<NULL form> (00091657)].masterambushscript.OnGetUp() - "masterAmbushScript.psc" Line ?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Loaded: 25%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] Cannot open store for class "consoleutil", missing file?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: Unable to obtain function call information - returning None
    [zadQuest (0900F624)].zadbq00.checkBlindfoldDarkFog() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 133
    [zadQuest (0900F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 140
    [alias Player on quest zadQuest (0900F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 14
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Cursed Loot Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Skooma Whore Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Milk Mod Economy Installed: TRUE
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Sexlab Dialogs Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Rape Tattoos Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: TDF Aggressive Prostitution Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Milk Addict Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Paradise Halls Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Sexy Bandit Captives Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Sexlab Separate Orgasm Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Slaverun Reloaded Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy Registered events
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal: Compatibility checking
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal:                    SexLab version: 16200
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal:                 SlaveTats version: 
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Registered. Event #15
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Loaded: 10%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: PaySexCrime Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal:                  RaceMenu version: 7
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Devious Followers Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal: Non SexLab Animation Pack version: 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal:                    SexLab support: TRUE
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal:                   Overlay support: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal:      Non SexLab Animation support: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Zaz Animation Pack Installed: TRUE
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Simple Slavery Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Sanguines Debauchery Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Frostfall Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Hunterborn Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Extensible Follower Framework Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Advanced Follower Tweaks Installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: JKs Skyrim installed: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: Soft dependency check end ==============================================================
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=4, Tags=Dog, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=3, Tags=Dog, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: DogGangbangAnims = 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=4, Tags=wolf, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=3, Tags=wolf, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: registered for maintenance
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Loaded: 7%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: WolfGangbangAnims = 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=4, Tags=Horse, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetByTags(ActorCount=3, Tags=Horse, TagsSuppressed=, RequireAll=TRUE)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: HorseGangbangAnims = 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Registered. Event #13
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Loaded: 15%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ========== Auto Unequip Ammo: Scanning for supported plugins...
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: Starting update chain.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [AUA (2F00C6C2)].AUAQuestScript.GameLoaded() - "AUAQuestScript.psc" Line 40
    [AUA (2F00C6C2)].AUAQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "AUAQuestScript.psc" Line 73
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ========== Auto Unequip Ammo: Scan complete.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Trip and Fall] Loaded: 20%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy DLC check
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy HearthFires.esm found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy Dawnguard.esm found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy Dragonborn.esm found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy iNeed.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy SexLabSkoomaWhore.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy Schlongs of Skyrim.esp found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy Schlongs of Skyrim.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy SOS - B3lisario UNP Addon.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy SOS - SOS Female Schlongifier (No Schlong Addon by Erundil).esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] LAL: Dawnguard detected.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy SOS - SOS Female Schlongifier (No Schlong Addon by Erundil).esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy EstrusChaurus.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy EstrusSpider.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy EstrusDwemer.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy BeeingFemale.esm not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy FertilityMode.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy HentaiPregnancy.esm not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy SexLabProcreation.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy PlayerSuccubusQuest.esm not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy Devious Devices - Integration.esm found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy SexLab-StoriesDevious.esp not found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy SexLabAroused.esm found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy DCL check done
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy adding MME Leveled lists to base Leveled lists
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy iNeed options is not installed
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy breast strings array resetting
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy armor strings array resetting
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy armorslots array resetting
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy ECON market names array resetting
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SLS_: executing
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Bump Pumps] Registered. Event #14
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Bump Pumps] Loaded: 17%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Stamina Drain] Registered. Event #2
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Stamina Drain] Loaded: 50%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR:  (3E01E41C): cannot start scene because its parent quest was not running.
    [ (3E01E41C)].Scene.start() - "<native>" Line ?
    [bac_unowned (3E01DE47)].bac_unowned.reloadQuest() - "bac_unowned.psc" Line 280
    [alias PlayerRef on quest bac_main (3E001D90)].bac_alias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "bac_alias.psc" Line 17
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: registered for maintenance
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Registered. Event #25
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Loaded: 25%
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating animations.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDBeltedSolo): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDArmbinderSolo): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDYokeSolo): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating bound animations.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbDoggy01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbDoggy01Both): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbMissionary01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbSkullFuck01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbLesbian01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbLesbian01Both): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbBoobjob01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapArmbKissing01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary02): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeMissionary03): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeSkullFuck01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeLesbian01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeLesbian01Both): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeBlowjob01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeKissing01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapYokeForeplay01): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBYokeHolding): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBYokeDoggy): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDFBMolagStandingYoke): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapMixLesbian01ArmbYoke): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDZapMixLesbian01YokeArmb): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_armbBJ1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_bbyokeBJ1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_cuffsFrontBJ1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_elbBJ1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_yokeBJ1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_armbMiss1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_bbyokeMiss1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_cuffsFrontMiss1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_elbMiss1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_yokeMiss1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_armbCowg1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_SH_elbCowg1): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_YokeCowgirl): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_YokeDoggy): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_YokeMissionary): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_YokeStanding): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_YokeFaceFuck): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_Yoke69): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_YokeRevCowgirlAnal): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DD_Billyy_YokeLayingAnal): Get
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: EnableEventProcessing()
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: Rehooking Mod Events
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] LAL: Hearthfire detected.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] LAL: Dragonborn detected.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "Chesko_Frostfall.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 181
    [alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "Helgen Reborn.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 193
    [alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "teg_returntohelgen.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 201
    [alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: File "Keld-Nar.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 209
    [alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (49049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ==== LAL: DLC and Mod support check - Done. ====
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] [Zad]: RebuildSlotmask()
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR:  (3E01DE66): cannot start scene because its parent quest was not running.
    [ (3E01DE66)].Scene.start() - "<native>" Line ?
    [bac_unowned (3E01DE47)].bac_unowned.reloadQuest() - "bac_unowned.psc" Line 287
    [alias PlayerRef on quest bac_main (3E001D90)].bac_alias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "bac_alias.psc" Line 17
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] ERROR: Cannot call regenerateAliases() on a None object, aborting function call
    [alias PlayerRef on quest bac_main (3E001D90)].bac_alias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "bac_alias.psc" Line 18
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:34PM] MilkModEconomy ECON milk names array resetting
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] [SLH_QST_HormoneGrowth] Hormones 20181201
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] [SLH_QST_HormoneGrowth]  Reset SexLab events
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] [SLH_QST_HormoneGrowth]  Add spells
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] ERROR: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [None].DualSheathReduxEffect.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
    [None].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] ERROR: Array index 2 is out of range (0-1)
    [bac_main (3E001D90)].bac_update.updateAlways() - "bac_update.psc" Line 939
    [bac_main (3E001D90)].bac_update.Update() - "bac_update.psc" Line 181
    [alias PlayerRef on quest bac_main (3E001D90)].bac_alias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "bac_alias.psc" Line 26
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAprefixList mod: XPMSE nMods: 5
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:35PM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 70
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.431770)
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] MilkModEconomy 3J Breastfeeding animations found
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] MilkModEconomy status set to 1, should be 1
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] MilkModEconomy maintenance done
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Applying NiOverride
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] InitWidgetLoader()
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Reading color state from storage
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [DSerAGO] Maintenance has been run
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]:::: SexLab Hormones: Alter tint mask to color target - 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]  ColorMod - 0.125000
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Orig color - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Offsets - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Target color - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]  New color - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]          NumTintsByType: 1 - type: 6
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]          Layer to change: 0 - setAll: False
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor]              Layer : 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor] Hair Color in storage: 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor] - Original Hair Color in storage: 0
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:36PM] [SLH_fctColor] - Current Hair Color: -13686492
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:37PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Reading color state from storage
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:37PM] [Zad]: Set slot mask to [338165760]: 338165760
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:37PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Writing color state to storage
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:37PM] [SLH_QST_HormoneGrowth]    :: Writing Hormones state to storage
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:37PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Writing color state to storage
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:38PM] [SLH_fctColor]  Applying NiOverride
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:38PM] SLS: Compass flip
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:38PM] ERROR: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [Item 2 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
    [Item 2 in container  (00000014)].zadHiderScript.OnContainerChanged() - "zadHiderScript.psc" Line 5
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:39PM] XPMSE MainQuest Initialization successful.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: ==========Begin Compatibility Checks==========
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: Please note that Errors related to missing files should be ignored.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: [ Dependency Checks ]
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: DDi version [10.000000]: OK
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: assets version [3.000000]: OK
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: Aroused version [20140124.000000]: OK
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: SexLab version [16200.000000]: OK
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: [ Third Party Mod Compatibility Checks ]
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: [ Sanity Checks ]
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: Verifying that installation is untainted by an unsupported upgrade: OK
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: ==========End Compatibility Checks==========
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: Events arrays already initialized - skipping.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: zadEventSlots::Maintenance()
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: Maintenance_ABC()
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:40PM] [Zad]: Monitoring Camera state.
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:43PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:43PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:46PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]:Defered maintenance...
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:46PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: found Devious Devices - Assets.esm
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:46PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: Enabled Desire spell
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:46PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: Updated notification key to 49
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:46PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (08042D62)>]: finished maintenance
[05/14/2019 - 04:11:49PM] MilkModEconomy ActorCheck cycle
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:03PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:03PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:04PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:22PM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for Бандит got schlong index 1 size 9
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:23PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:23PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:24PM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for Бандит got schlong index 1 size 8
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:36PM] MilkModEconomy MME_Status: Scripts are running, Unsetting StorageUtil MME_ScriptsStarted, shutting down
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:37PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:39PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs() is already processing.
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:40PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs() is already processing.
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:40PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:40PM] [Zad]: Aborting repopulation of NPC slots: Hit throttle.
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:43PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:43PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:44PM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for Охотник got schlong index 2 size 4
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:46PM] Info: *Achievement 29 awarded - a winnar is you!*
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:55PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[05/14/2019 - 04:12:57PM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for Бандит got schlong index 2 size 10
[05/14/2019 - 04:13:03PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[05/14/2019 - 04:13:03PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done
[05/14/2019 - 04:13:21PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[05/14/2019 - 04:13:31PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Begin
[05/14/2019 - 04:13:31PM] [SGO] UpdateLoop:Done

Доброго времени суток, пожалуйста помогите разобраться в чем может быть проблема, сам уже все перепробывал что знал?!

Вылет к сожалению в стиле шел-шел и хрясь, вылет, но очень быстрый после загрузки.

Может кто сможет понять где та самая строка ) ?

Судя по логу, банально идёт нехватка ресурсов. Игра спотыкается при нагрузке и как следствие вылетает. Во всяком случае, я не вижу в логе каких-то критических ошибок. Да и самих ошибок куда меньше, чем у меня, а у меня вылетов в принципе нет.


Возможно есть смысл настроить ини файлы, увеличить потребление игрой ОЗУ, отключить сильно нагружающие процессор моды, снизить настройки самих модов (увеличение времени циклических проверок, например). Это только вариант действий.

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Доброго утра/дня/вечера(а может и ночи) уважаемые знатоки 😃 У меня просьба о помощи с логом. Краш чаще всего происходит при обыске мертвых тел, при открытии инвентаря торговца (хотя иногда случается при подходе к городу)... Выкладываю лог(часть лога правда пришлось вырезать, но там большинство сообщений была такого типа "[06/20/2019 - 01:33:50AM] warning: Property DA15Wabbajack on script WeaponRackActivateSCRIPT attached to  (000F47EE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property"), если необходим список загрузки модов, то могу предоставить и его. Буду рад любой помощи и идеям...

Скрытое содержимое

    Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

Изменено пользователем stas2503

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Так народ!!! Логи выкладываем сюда только в виде текстового файла, залитого на файлообменник.... Иначе страницы зависают

Все последующие сообщения с открытыми логами будут удалены без возможности восстановления

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@CAHbI4  без модлиста- это к экстрасенсам. а если листануть страничку-другую этой темы назад, то можно прочитать, что я писал, что " cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property " вообще никому не интересный ВАРНИНГ (предупреждение), который судя по всему вылез изза неофпатча или мода, на который всем ****.

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@elma Отправился листать тему и искать пост про " cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property " ниже прикладываю модлист. Благодарность за ответы, советы и указание на нужное направление 😃


# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
SexLab - Sexual Fame [SLSF].esm
Devious Devices - Assets.esm
Devious Devices - Integration.esm
Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
Devious Attributes.esm
Heels Sound.esm
Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp
Complete Pack.esp
Precious style eyes.esp
Dual Sheath Redux.esp
SOS - Pubic Hair for Females Addon (AIO).esp
Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
Better Females - Eyebrows.esp
Deviously Cursed Loot.esp
SexLab Inflation Framework.esp
SLSO_F_VP_The Girl Next Door.esp
HN66 SLEEK Outfits.esp
Faction Crossbows.esp
Deviously Enslaved.esp
SexLab Pheromones.esp
SOS - Shop.esp
SLSW Addicted.esp
Remodeled Armor - Underwear.esp
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp
Merta Assassin Tattoos.esp
Brawl Bugs CE.esp
CL NettlebaneOrg.esp
Earrings Set1.esp
KS Jewelry.esp
KS Hairdos - HDT.esp
KS Hairdo's.esp
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
Deviously Cursed Loot LAL AddOn.esp
Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp


Изменено пользователем CAHbI4

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@CAHbI4  особого криминала по модлисту не видно, хотя есть ряд вопросов:

- смысл в WearAndTear , если это уже имеется в Apropos

- странноватый порядок модов, как будто тут поработал безумный loot... например текстурные паки низковато уехали...

- реплейсер тела/рассы, имхо, выбран странновато- на Litheria конверсий шмота почти нет, ну а в сборке виднеется ДД...


касательно лога- с первого взгляда криминала не видно, хотя подозреваю, что лог выложен не весь, либо причина вылета уж больно нехорошая... а так- несколько "общеукрепляющих" советов, для проверки/выявления:

- уменьшить количество наименований в инвентаре до 60-80

- сократить количество предметов в стаке до 500-600

- попробовать убрать из инвентаря модовый шмот

- поотрубать все события DCL .

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@elma Реплейсер (скорее чар чем реплейсер) выбрал для начала новой игры, а так... играю редко. Но и на ванильке та же история. Тело стоит UUNP. Кол-во предметов на вылет не влияет (в самом начале, когда практически голозадый приходишь в ривервуд, при попытке торга - краш ловил). Лог не весь, но вырезан только спам типа " cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property " . Остальной лог весь присутствует.  На DCL я и сам косился, но вроде жалоб не видел, но попробовать стоит. И вопрос/просьба, а как "сократить количество предметов в стаке до 500-600" ? И да, порядок модов распихал безумный лут 😃 У самого опыта по "распихиванию" не много, толковых гайдов не нашел, ну а лут более-менее(хотя скорее менее) распихивает моды...

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@CAHbI4  дело в том, что DCL (да и дд вроду) (насколько я помню) использует евенты навроде onitemremoved onitemadded, на которых могут висеть скрипты, которые подгаживают... под "сократить количество предметов в стаке" я имел ввиду то, что изначальный скаевский движок не особо переваривал количество вещей в стаке более 1000 (это примерно, точно не помню) в функции removeallitems, которая используется, скажем, при переносе к дядьке шеоге и соответственно это вызывало и баги и вылеты и подвисоны. так же это лабуда и давала вылеты при сотнях разных вещей в инвентаре.

ну а для выявления проблем в своей сборке желательно действовать так: отрубил 2-3-4 мода, новая игра через альтстарт, тестирование. повторять до тех пор, пока проблема не будет локализована.

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@elma Эх.... Надеялся избежать этого нудного процесса, но похоже никак (отключение 2-3-4 модов).... Пасиб за помощь, буду пробовать.

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не стартует игра, даже с отключенными модами и анимациями, кто в чем прикол отпишитесь, а то весь процесс встал


[07/02/2019 - 03:18:58PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)
[07/02/2019 - 03:18:58PM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[07/02/2019 - 03:18:58PM] warning: Replacing native function SetDisplayName on unlinked object WornObject.
[07/02/2019 - 03:18:58PM] warning: Replacing native function Notification on unlinked object Debug.
[07/02/2019 - 03:18:58PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[07/02/2019 - 03:18:58PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:01PM] Cannot open store for class "ZazOnTriggerEnterBindingsTMG", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:01PM] Cannot open store for class "fnissmquestscript", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:01PM] Cannot open store for class "fnissmconfigmenu", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:01PM] Cannot open store for class "effcore", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:01PM] Error: Unable to link types associated with function "DismissFamiliar" in state "" on object "succubusfamiliarquestscript".
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:01PM] Error: Unable to link types associated with function "CallFamiliar" in state "" on object "succubusfamiliarquestscript".
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:01PM] Error: Unable to link type of variable "::CFQ_var" on object "SuccubusFamiliarAliasScript"
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:01PM] Error: Unable to link type of property "CFQ" on object "SuccubusFamiliarAliasScript"
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GripTeleConfigMenuScript", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GripMarkandRecallMenuSpellScript", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:02PM] Cannot open store for class "_jsw_bb_storage", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:02PM] Cannot open store for class "_jsw_bb_utility", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:02PM] Cannot open store for class "CampPlacementIndicator", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:02PM] Cannot open store for class "CampPlaceableMiscItem", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:02PM] Cannot open store for class "CampPlaceableObject", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:02PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (2400C515) because their base types do not match
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:02PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (2400C515) because their base types do not match
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:02PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:02PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to  (24017201) because their base types do not match
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:02PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:02PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to  (24017788) because their base types do not match
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] Cannot open store for class "TIF__0503F29A", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script TIF__0503F29A to topic info 3103F29A on <NULL quest> because their base types do not match
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] Cannot open store for class "CLS_QuestBase", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] Error: Unable to link "CLS_QuestBase" - the parent of "cls_farmersbarnscript".
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] Error: Unable to link type of property "FarmersQuest" on object "cls_farmersreferencealias"
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] Error: Unable to link types associated with function "TeleportInit" in state "" on object "cls_farmersreferencealias".
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] Error: Unable to link types associated with function "HandleQuestRegistry" in state "" on object "cls_controllerscript".
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script cls_farmersreferencealias to CLS_FarmersBarn (3D0012C5) because their base types do not match
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script cls_farmersbarnscript to CLS_FarmersBarn (3D0012C5) because their base types do not match
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] Error: Unable to link types associated with function "OnPlayerLoadGame" in state "" on object "CLS_ControllerPlayerScript".
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] Error: Unable to link types associated with function "OnLocationChange" in state "" on object "CLS_ControllerPlayerScript".
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] DATA\SCRIPTS\gpistoldamage.pex : ERROR: Unable to find object "GPistolDamage"
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] Cannot open store for class "xazpescorttoprison", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_QuestTemplate", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] Error: Unable to link "daymoyl_QuestTemplate" - the parent of "_slsubmitdaintegration".
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _slsubmitdaintegration to _SLSubmitDA (5707C2B4) because their base types do not match
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_SLWG_WhoreFollowerScene_03045DEE", missing file?
[07/02/2019 - 03:19:03PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SF_SLWG_WhoreFollowerScene_03045DEE to  (5B045DEE) because their base types do not match


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@Sv9tosha  если это весь лог, то это очень хреново, т.к. не видно попытки старта движка, только стадия подтягивания данных. надо пробовать поубирать недавно добавленые/меняные esp/dll.

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14 минут назад, elma сказал:

@Sv9tosha  если это весь лог, то это очень хреново, т.к. не видно попытки старта движка, только стадия подтягивания данных. надо пробовать поубирать недавно добавленые/меняные esp/dll.

собственно убрал папку SKSE, и игра запустилась, но там столько всего

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@Sv9tosha  ну если не помнится, что за dll недавно подкидывались, то надо убирать/подкидывать по парочке dll и тестить...

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Только что, elma сказал:

@Sv9tosha  ну если не помнится, что за dll недавно подкидывались, то надо убирать/подкидывать по парочке dll и тестить...

да в том то и дело, что решил называется затестить утилиту по чистке пустых каталогов, и все.

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В 18.12.2018 в 11:01, elma сказал:

Cannot call EvaluatePackage() on a None object, aborting function call stack - относительно обычная ошибка при передаче пакета управления на непися. ошибка кроме спама ничего не дает с одной стороны, а с другой стороны накосячивший автор мода может "недоуправлять" неписем, соответственно никакого вылета, просто возможен тупняк непися, соответственно надо просто глянуть мод 65.

а что если подобные сообщения в логе относятся к оригинальным скриптам? пример: квест «Разговор с тишиной» - Мерсер показывает свой мастер-класс по открыванию нордских дверей без когтя, диалог проигрывается, но дверь ни в какую не хочет открываться.


лог папируса:


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ок, понятно все, на этот журнал надежды никакой, смотрим скрипт в сохранении: SF_TG05MercerUnlockScene02_000CED9F




373FB790                  pMercer_var                               ReferenceAlias

373FB790                  pTG05Door_var                          ReferenceAlias

00000000                 pTG05PuzzleDoor_var             ReferenceAlias



свойство pTG05PuzzleDoor почему-то равно 00000000, из-за чего Мерсер не смог "активировать" дверь, но почему так случилось, если со сценой открывания двери все в порядке - ссылка ведет на верный объект в игре (dunSnowVeilClawDoorActivator).

и что самое странное - подобная проблема не только с этим активатором.


есть у кого какие-нибудь соображения, почему эта дверь не была записана в сохранение?


UPD: добавил несколько строк в код, но игра продолжает ругаться именно на ReferenceAlias Мерсера.... интересно, если попытаться получить его из-под скрипта...



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В общем, Мерсер наконец перестал просто пялиться на дверь и таки смог открыть ее; даже не нужны были никакие правки в коде сцены, всего-то нужно удалить копий обоих скриптов SF_TG05MercerUnlockScene02_000CED9F и HallofStoriesKeyholeScript из сохранения - это заставило скрипты "перезагрузиться" и воссоздать необходимые свойства.


и кстати, мне так и не удалось узнать с чем связан этот баг с пропажей переменных в скриптах Беседки. «It just sucks», как сказал бы Тодд Говард.



Изменено пользователем AlezZ

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Играю нормально уже второй месяц, вылеты случаются очень редко в 90% из-за OSA. Вот сейчас вылеты стали очень частыми по PapyrusLog виноват OSA. Пробовал просто удалить мод не помогает, чистку сохранений не помогает. Кто в этой теме шарит помогите пожалуйста а то как то с начала начинать нет особого желания.

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Вы можете написать сейчас и зарегистрироваться позже. Если у вас есть аккаунт, авторизуйтесь, чтобы опубликовать от имени своего аккаунта.
Примечание: Ваш пост требует одобрения модератора, прежде чем станет видимым.

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    • От Koul999
      Тюремная альтернатива (LE/SE) | Prison Alternative
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      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      Автор мода: Pamatronic
        Версия мода: 2.0.3
      Альтернативная тюремная система, которая разнообразит ваше пребывание в тюрьме за счёт событий SexLab и ZaZ. Чтобы перейти к событию после попадания в тюрьму, поспите на кровати в камере.
      Мод имеет модульную структуру, основанная на событиях. Благодаря этому можно легко добавлять новые события. События и их вероятность можно настроить в МСМ. События делятся на ежедневные, события наказания (например, за побег) и события освобождения. Мод можно настроить так, чтобы ваши компаньоны также попадали в тюрьму.
      Также изменена система побега. Теперь вам нужно покинуть город. Если вы совершили тяжёлое преступление или уже пытались бежать, на вас наденут наручники, что усложнит побег.
      Есть поддержка SimpleSlavery. Если у вас установлен SimpleSlavery, после отбывания заключения в тюрьме вы можете попасть на рабский аукцион.
      Этот мод работает с любыми другими модами, которые обычно отправляют игрока в ванильную тюрьму. Совместимо с Open Cities, Skyrim Sewers и другими модами, изменяющими города. Совместимо с Sexlab Adventures. Мод не затрагивает шахту Сидна.
      Могут быть проблемы с модами на поражение в бою (нокдауны, зависящие от порога здоровья, должны быть отключены. Триггеры на поражение, основанные на кровотечении, работают без проблем). Не используйте Troubles of Heroine совместно с DCL. Got to bed необходимо отключить на время вашего пребывания в тюрьме. Для компаньонов, использующих системы, отличные от EFF, возможно потребуется отключить некоторые опции чтобы избежать проблем во время пребывания в тюрьме.
      Мод несовместим с Devious Devices и Devious Cursed Loot.
      Skyrim LE или Skyrim SE/AE
      Zap8/Zap8+ (Необязательно, есть версия без необходимости в этом моде)
      Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS
      Скачать мод и установить, используя любой менеджер модов.
      Подключить мод в используемом менеджере модов.
      После установки запустить в FNIS.
      Если вы установили дополнения для мода, зайдите в игру и в МСМ на вкладке Events сбросьте реестр событий, а затем зарегистрируйте их заново.
      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте. | Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      Дополнение для Prison Alternative:
      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте. (SE)
      Версия: 1.2
      Skyrim SE/AE
      -Prison Alternative
      -powerOfThrees papyrus extender
      -Pama´s Deadly Furniture Scripts
      Мод добавляет два новых события в Prison Alternative для Рифтена.
      Событие "Гильотина" включает в себя изнасилование до и во время казни. Вы и ваш компаньон можете пережить это событие.
      В событии "Повешение" есть поддержка казней только для NPC. В настоящее время в событии невозможно выжить, но эта функция планируется.
      О казнях NPC
      Для казни NPC требуется активация вручную с помощью цепи с левой стороны виселицы.
      Любого NPC можно пометить как компаньона, выбрав его в консоли и набрав "setplayerteammate 1". Это сделает его видимым для устройства и допустимым кандидатом на выполнение. Они также должны находиться где-то в Рифтене, чтобы скрипт мог их обнаружить.,
      После установки мода войдите в меню Prison Alternative и перерегистрируйте события.
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    • От Holy mushroom
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      Скрытое содержимое
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      Скачать 3.80 (@stas2503)
      SD Patches и его зависимости. 
      Это дополнение для SD+
      Когда-либо был порабощен и подумал про себя, Ну это не так уж плохо, я могу просто подождать до наступления ночи и украсть ключ моего хозяина, пока он/она спит, и я снова свободен. Ну не больше, этот мод добавляет клетки в некоторые из бандитских мест, так что теперь, когда вы порабощены хозяин помести вас в запертую клетку с 0: 00 до 8: 00 для предотвращения побега
      Хозхяева повсюду будут благодарны вам, потому что теперь они могут хорошо выспаться, чтобы набраться сил, которые им понадобятся, чтобы бить вас и делать с вами невыразимые вещи весь следующий день.
      Я проложил NavMesh в самых камерах, чтобы НПС не действовали  как дебилы и пытались идти прямо через них.
      Этот мод также добавляет несколько видов крутых NPC в различные места - настраивается в MCM.
    • От stas2503
      SkyTweak Ru v. 7.14

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      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте. Этот перевод единственный, который полностью на русском языке, включая МСМ
      Что такое SkyTweak?
      SkyTweak - это игровое меню с буквально сотнями вариантов балансировки игры.
      Когда вы объединяете кучу модов игрового процесса, конечный результат почти никогда не будет сбалансированным.
      SkyTweak исправляет это за вас и часто полностью заменяет множество более мелких модификаций.
      Перейдите на страницу со статьями, чтобы ознакомиться со списком функций. Обратите внимание, что скриншоты сделаны с опозданием на несколько лет.

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      Grimy's Plugin (Уже включен в архив)  
      FISS - это инструмент, который позволяет  сохранять данные в файл XML.
      Что, в свою очередь, дает вам возможность передавать настройки SkyTweak между файлами сохранения.
      Без него вам придется переделывать настройки SkyTweak при каждой новой игре, которую вы запускаете.
      SkyTweak использует модифицированную версию SkyUILib. Это предварительно упаковано.
      Моды меню MCM могут не появиться, если вы поместите их за пределы 127-го слота мода.
      Ни один из SkyTweak не запрограммирован жестко, поэтому у него практически нет проблем совместимости с другими модами.
      SkyTweak редактирует настройки через скрипт, когда вы загружаете файл сохранения.
      Это означает, что SkyTweak может и будет отменять настройки из других модов.
      Однако настройки SkyTweak будут идентичны настройкам вашего порядка загрузки, пока вы не внесете изменения.
      Кроме того, вы можете использовать опцию повторного импорта, чтобы сообщить SkyTweak о необходимости еще раз просканировать настройки вашего порядка загрузки.
      Если вы запускаете моды, которые динамически изменяют настройки игры в течение игры, вы захотите использовать параметры SkyTweak «Сохранить и выйти», чтобы выйти из игры, вместо выхода традиционным способом. Это даст SkyTweak время для записи обновленных настроек перед выходом.
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    • От Dogma
      В разработке.

       Что это - приключенческий квест для женского персонажа, с нелинейным прохождением, некоторой, авторской анимацией, и не требующий никаких дополнительных секс систем.
      Мод может вам показаться не совсем обычным, я использовал несколько... нестандартный подход при его создании. У персонажа есть скрытый параметр, который будет повышаться в зависимости от выбора, я называю его "КАРМА". Это должно отразиться на диалогах, их вариативности и в самих сценах тоже должны быть различия.
      В моде присутствуют сцены для взрослых, по этому он не рекомендован детям младше 18 лет.  
      Требования -
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      - Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.    - Расширение для скриптового языка.
      - Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.       - Для того чтобы диалоги не проскакивали.
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      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.              - Версии 6.3 и выше. Для работы анимации.
      -                     - SoS-совместимый скелет, для мужских персонажей.
      - Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.      - Нужен только для отображения румянца на лице персонажей. Не надо ставить если у вас установлен racemenu. -
      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте. - (необязательно) Для отображения времени в подземке.  
      Дополнительные требования для SE:

      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.
      Условия старта -
      - Ваш персонаж должен быть женского пола.
      - У вас не должно быть с собой спутников.
      - В кармане у вас должно быть больше ста монет.
      Квест начнется после того, как с вами заговорит незнакомец в таверне Рифтена.
      На данном этапе, вы можете пропустить события до версии 0.7 (Фолкрит начало), 0.8(Фолкрит - третий ингредиент), 0.9(Солитьюд начало), до 0.95(Подземка), 1.0(Освобождение Руны). Для этого зайдите в МСМ меню, и нажмите "Пропустить", затем покиньте меню, и пройдите опрос, который поможет настроить ваш выбор. Это доступно, до того момента, пока не начат основной квест.
      Пока мод находится в стадии разработки, советую сделать сохранение до установки мода, чтобы после прохождение, можно было к нему вернуться. Так как следующее обновление будет несовместимо с сохранением, на котором находятся данные прошлой версии мода.
      - Распаковать содержимое архива в папку Data.
      - Подключить DogmaEngine.esm и Dogma - Thief.esp в лаунчере или любом удобном менеджере плагинов.
      - Сгенерировать FNIS.
      - Играть.
      Удалить файлы, запустить FNIS.

      Распространенные проблемы
       - В МСМ меню вас просят подключить мод, но мод уже подключен. Обновите papyrusutil до последней версии.
       - Персонажи во время анимации имеют некорректное выравнивание. 1-  у вас не установлен скелет xpmse. 2) Пропорции вашего персонажа отличаются от стандартных, причиной может быть настройка пропорций костей в racemenu. 3) Вы используете расу которая использует свой собственный скелет, отличающийся от xpmse. Либо у вашей расы нестандартные пропорции.
      - Во время сцен вы наблюдаете двойной "шланг" у персонажей. Пока я не могу решить эту проблему. Если вам это сильно мешает, отключите мод мужских тел который вы используете, на время прохождения квеста.
      - Если у вас слишком много анимационных файлов, у вас могут быть проблемы с генерацией FNIS. Если вы с этим столкнулись попробуйте скачать новую версию Fnis xxl. Или попробуйте на время убрать некоторые большие наборы анимации, переместив их файлы из папки Data\Meshes\actors\character\behaviors в другое место, например можно создать в этой папке новую папку и бросить их на время туда, в этом случае Fnis будет просто игнорировать их при генерации.
      1- Будет ли продолжение?                 - Да, я не собираюсь прекращать работу над модом, до тех пор, пока он не будет полностью готов.
      2- Когда ждать продолжения?            - Это зависит от количества контента, который я собираюсь поместить в дополнение. 
      3- Могу ли я чем-то помочь?              - Если у вас есть желание и возможность, вы можете поддержать меня материально, подписавшись на мой
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      4- Можно ли будет поиграть за мужского персонажа? - Это исключено, так как идет в разрез с общим сюжетом. 
      5.- Мне это, и это не нравится!          - Значит этот мод не для вас.  
      Прохождение Маленький Негодник


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      Скрытое содержимое
      Для просмотра скрытого содержимого необходима РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ на сайте.

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